Fabulous living

What I Learned From Two Years of Gardening

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday! We are in full on cozy season here, but I am still trying to get outdoors as much as I can even if it’s just for a walk with my dogs. 

A crisp morning where you can truly see all the signs of changing seasons.

Speaking of the outdoors, I am just wrapping my second summer of growing a garden and year two went very differently than year one.

Here’s my post from the start of the season when I had high hopes for this summer.

This year I had a mix of seeds and plants for vegetables. I had plans to harvest pumpkins, squash, strawberries, onions, peas, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers (yes, I know, I had a lot of expectations).

I kept my plants in a mix of soil and pots in different areas. I checked on them every day and watered them consistently and made sure they had lots of sun.

Unfortunately, this year’s harvest was not as plentiful as my first year. I found that the plants that I purchased did better than the seeds. 

Halfway through the summer

Some of my seeds did not even produce vegetables, which was a bit disappointing. 

The end of the season

I did get some vegetables like a tomato, a cucumber, and some strawberries and they were delicious and so flavorful!

Some of the tomatoes I grew
My cucumber!
More veggies

Once again, it was a fun experience, but a bit frustrating when I didn’t get the results I was hoping for.

Enjoying some of the fruits of my labor

My plan is to try and grow more vegetables next year and I goal is to buy plants instead of seeds.

Some of my fruits
Even more fruits, small, but mighty!

If you are an avid gardener, what advice would you give and did you have a successful harvest? 

The last of my harvest

I would love to hear about your experience so I can better prepare for next year.

Happy Gardening!

Fabulous living

Entertaining Tips and Tricks

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a fulfilling and fun week. The weather has been gorgeous as of late and I have been taking full advantage of it at nights and on the weekends.

From fairs to festivals, I have been busy!

One of my favorite things to do year round, but especially in the summer is entertaining. I love hosting friends and family, whether it’s for a barbecue, dinner party, girl’s night, or just a cup of coffee. 

I have learned everything I know about hosting from my mom. She makes it look easy and I have gotten my love of welcoming people in my home from her. We just finished hosting family and friends for the Fourth of July. While this is our big party of the year, we also enjoy having friends over for casual dinners and grilling nights. Whether you enjoy entertaining or are a novice, I have some advice for you to make your next event, no matter big or small, a success!

  • Make a List and Plan of Action– Whether its having another couple over or twenty people over, make a list of what you need and what you need to accomplish before the event. I like to write down all the dishes I need to make and do an inventory of what I already have, before I go shopping. Then I make a list of what things I need to do to prepare. This list includes everything from grocery shopping, to cleaning the house, making dishes, and buying any extra things to have on hand. This helps me stay organized and gives me a list to refer back to leading up to the day.
  • Stick with What You Know– When it comes to choosing what to make, stick with what you know and what are crowd pleasers. I love trying new recipes and dishes, but trying them for the first time when you are having company over is not the time for it, nor the place. Do you need the extra stress? No! No matter what you are preparing, make it a point to cook things you feel comfortable with and are easy dishes that others enjoy too. Don’t forget to ask your guests if there are any allergies you need to be aware of. When it comes to making the food, always make more than you think you will need. It’s better to have leftovers than not enough food.
You can never go wrong with crowd pleasers, like burgers, fruit and chips!
  • Accept the Help– If you are planning on having a lot of people over and people offer to bring an item, accept the help. You can easily assign them something to bring if they insist on bringing something, or if you are open to anything, let them choose what they want to make, but ask them what it is so you can prepare. There’s nothing worse than having all desserts and no sides. This makes people feel like they are helping and it helps make your meal easier. 
  • Have Takeout Containers on Hand- Speaking of leftovers, if you are planning a big party with lots of people, buy takeout containers to send your guests home with leftovers if you have them. You can find inexpensive containers at the store and you are sending your guests home with good food and you aren’t wasting them. Plus, you doesn’t love some extra food the day after a party.
  • Buy Neutral Paper Products and Take Advantage of Sales– No matter the season, always have extra, neutral paper products on hand. I always like to have plastic silverware, paper plates, bowls and napkins on hand. I have a mix of white products and some colorful and seasonal products too. It’s always good to have some basic products for spontaneous entertainment and easy cleanup. Take advantage of sales after major holidays for deals on festive paper products to have on hand for when you are looking for something fun to pull out.
  • Always Have Boxed Mixes on Hand- I always like to keep a box (or two) or brownie mix on hand for spontaneous entertainment. The same goes for having extra trail mix, or crackers, or chips to serve people if they show up unexpectedly. If you have a neighbor, family member or friend drop by, it’s always good to have a little snack to graze on. Brownie and cookie mixes are affordable and easy things to have in the pantry if you need to make a quick dessert to either entertain or to bring someplace. 

There you have it. Some of the best advice passed down from my mom to me. These are things that she has taught me and I have picked up on through hosting friends and family. If you enjoy hosting, what are some of your favorite hosting tips and tricks!? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Summer Hosting!

Fabulous living

Kitchen Aid Review

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope you had a great first weekend of March. 

I have been doing a lot of experimenting in the kitchen with different recipes. For example, this is one of my latest recipes I made; chicken, sausage, peppers, onions and potatoes in a one pan skillet. It was DELICIOUS and the best part? So many leftovers!

I love the art of baking and cooking and love trying new things. It’s also a skill that I want to continue to get better at as I get older. I have been starting to invest in different pieces of kitchen equipment. 

Another recipe I tried, open faced quesadilla! Healthy and tasty!

I got a Kitchen Aid for Christmas and couldn’t wait to try it out. 

I recently used it to make cookies and cupcakes and wanted to share with you my thoughts on it. I’m still getting comfortable with it, so this is just a starter review.

First, I love the bright, red color of a red kitchen aid. It has been my dream color, so I was already on cloud nine.

I found the mixer super easy to figure out and navigate, I referenced the manual just to get a feel for it, but everything was pretty self explanatory, especially when it comes to the switches, knobs and attachments.

You can get dozens of different attachments to help make different recipes. I got two different mixers that you can attach for various recipes. 

For example, this attachment works better with thicker batter or butter based recipes.

On the other hand, this attachment works better for a liquid based batter or oil based.

It’s super easy to clean and put on and take off the different attachments. 

The only issue has been that the on and off switch took a second to work, but once it did, it was working flawless.

I‘ve only made a few recipes so far, but I have been pleased with how it’s worked. 

The finished product!

I can’t wait to try new recipes and use it for more dishes besides cookies and cupcakes. 

The Kitchen Aid made baking them so much easier!

If you have any recipes that I enjoy using your Kitchen Aid for let me know in the comments below! 

Happy cooking and baking!