Fabulous living

Seven Years of Blogging

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week, we made it halfway to the weekend!

I am celebrating my blog anniversary this month.

I started to create this little corner on the internet seven years ago as I was finishing up my first year of college. I had just gone through one of the biggest years of growth and change. I moved out of my home, met all new people and went through all the growing pains of being a freshman in college. I started this blog as a creative hobby and outlet and it has grown so much since I wrote my first post. 

One of my first posts

I shared looks of the days, packing tips, my fitness journey, things to organize, and personal topics like eating alone.

Becoming a runner

Now, I share more about my weekly favorites, recipes, and adventures.

Trips to NYC for a day adventure

Over the last seven years, I have gone through college, started my first job, made new friends, lost friends, gone on trips, moved back home, found new hobbies and met my boyfriend.

Time with friends

I’ve shared a lot about myself through my blog, from homesickness, to landing my dream job, and staying true to myself.

So many fashion posts

I’ve also been able to share my favorite things; from beauty products, to fashion trends, travel, books and entertainment. 

A few books from my collection at home.

Every year, I like to look back and see what posts stood out to me the most. This year, the biggest moments come in the form of 24 hour day trips, starting new hobbies in the form of running, playing piano and growing a garden, and being more sure of myself. 

The fruits of my labor

Your 20s can be a challenging time of figuring out your career, being an adult, staying in touch with friends, being involved with family, navigating a relationship and discovering yourself. I really feel like I have found who I am and how I want to live my life over the past year. 

I always say I will blog until it doesn’t bring me joy, but every day I still get excited about writing what I’m feeling and sharing my life with you all. I keep a running list of topics to write about, or favorite things to share, or even stories that I hope can help others who may feel how I feel.

I always learn so much from other bloggers and women and they inspire me every day and make my day a bit brighter. 

I hope I can do that for at least one person. Whether this is the first post of mine you are reading or you have read over 500 of them, thank you for being here and reading what’s on my mind and heart. I so appreciate every read, follow, and comment. 

Thank you for being on this journey with me and I can’t wait to see what the next year holds. Cheers to seven years!!!!


Currently #44

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week! Remember how I felt like July went by in a blink of an eye? Well August went by even faster. This month has been a whirlwind between traveling, big work projects, back to school, and wrapping up summer fun! 

As one month end and another one begins, I’m recapping this past month and all the memories and adventures that came with it.

Here’s a look at this month’s Currently.

What I’m Up To: This past month has been all about soaking up the final days of summer, from hiking in new places, completing bucket list items, and traveling to new places, I have been busy but in the best way possible.

It’s local festival season!
And local farm show season!
Plus, no summer event isn’t complete without a funnel cake!

I’ve attended community fairs and festivals, been spending lots of time outside and have been reading lots of fun, summer books. 

My trip to Toronto was a highlight for sure!

What I’m Wearing: I have been continuing the trend of shorts and graphic tees.When my family and I went on vacation to San Diego, California, I wore a lot of neutrals to mix and match and keep it simple for travel. Here’s some of my favorite summer outfits. My shorts are from Old Navy and so are some of my shirts too.

A few of my looks from vacation.
Lots of color coordinated outfits.
And some bright colors too!

I have also been doing my best to wear all the bright colors for my dresses for work. I only have a small window to wear in the warm months, so I’m doing my best to wear them all. 

Bright blue for work!

What I’m Reading: This past month has been such a good month for reading for me 

 Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch follows the story of a young girl who loses her mom and her mom’s dying wish is for her daughter to go to Florence and reconnect with people from her mother’s time when she lived there. This book checks all the boxes for a cute rom com book. Dreamy city, beautiful description, incredible Italian food and desserts, and a little romance too. I blitzed through this book and was so sad when it came to an end. 

The sweetest summer book!

Meet Me at the Lake by Carley Fortune tells the story a young woman who takes over her mother’s resort on the lake. She plans on making some changes when she gets some unexpected help from someone from her past that she always wanted to forgot. I really enjoyed the story and finished it within a week. I’m also excited that it’s going to be making its way to the screen as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be working with Netflix to turn it into a movie.


Better than Fiction by Alexa Martin and it combined two of my favorite hobbies, reading and hiking! This book follows the story of a young woman who inherits her grandmother’s book store. As she tries to manage this new project, enter a fan-favorite author. He’s visiting her small town for inspiration for his new book and they make a deal. She shows him around the area and he teaches her how to love books. 

Mrs. Nash’s Ashes by Sarah Adler follows the story of a young woman who makes it her mission to deliver her neighbor turned best friend’s ashes to her long lost lover. However, the journey to get the ashes delivered does not go smooth. She ends up traveling with someone from her past and they endure all sorts of detours. The book goes back and forth between the past and present and there’s so many twists and turns, you will question if they will ever make it to their final destination.

What I’m Watching: As summer winds down, I’m finishing up my summer shows. I finished season two of the Summer I Turned Pretty. Overall, I thought the season was pretty good. I definitely enjoyed the first season more but I thought the second season had some great storylines and the finale left a lot of questions for season 3! If you watched, what did you think of the finale and Belly’s choice?

I also finished the first part of Outlander. This was another show that had a lot of ups and downs this season. There were some major plot twists with characters that I did not see coming. I’m anxious to see where it picks up and how things get wrapped up when it returns. 

I also finished season two of “And Just Like That”, it was such a good season. I loved the callbacks to earlier seasons of the show, the fashion and the friendships. The finale was really good, especially with the surprise appearance by Samantha! I was also excited to see that the show was renewed for season 3! I already can’t wait for next season!

And last but not least, I finished the new season of Sweet Magnolias. Although, there was some drama this season including some fights, fallouts and relationship shakeups between characters, I really enjoyed seeing the characters come together in the end.

What Inspires Me: I have been enjoying all the summer salads with fresh fruits and vegetables. I hate wasting food, so I have been enjoying salads and bowls with lots of food that I already have in the fridge. Here’s been some of my favorite salads. 

A spinach and strawberry and pecan salad. This is the perfect blend of fruits, veggies and some crunch too. 

Strawberry and spinach salad

A steak salad on top a bed of veggies keeps you full and gives you lots of flavor.

A steak salad
A peach and chicken salad

Speaking of fresh vegetables, I have been so inspired and proud of my garden. Although, I have lost some plants, I’m so happy with the ones that have grown and flourished. I’ll be doing a bigger blog post on this later in the season, but seeing seeds turn into bright, red tomatoes is certainly inspiring. 

My baby tomatoes
The fruits of my labor
Four fresh tomatoes

What I Accomplished: August was a busy month. I kicked it off by attending our local National Night Out. 

My boyfriend and I did a day trip to Toronto, you can read about our adventure here. 

The iconic Toronto sign

My boyfriend and I also went blueberry picking for the first time which was so much fun and I made some tasty muffins too!

Our haul
The best way to use blueberries!
Soaking up the end of summer with nighttime concerts.
Summer S’mores!

My family and I took our family vacation to San Diego which was so fun! We packed a lot in and made a ton of memories. It was the best way to spend time together before we all went our separate ways from school to work.

From the palm trees
The hikes and ocean
Enjoying some iconic West Coast food.
The San Diego Zoo
Balboa Park

Goals from Last Month: I accomplished my goal of running my first 5K, you can read about my journey here. 

Finishing my first 5K!

I accomplished almost everything from my summer bucket list. There were a few things that I didn’t get done, but I plan to do them in the fall.

The best part of this past month was all the family time. The older I get, the more, I realize how important family time is and how much I try to treasure every moment I have with my family and siblings. This summer has been so special that we have all been home under one roof.

End of summer Lobster rolls!

Goals for Next Month: Even though it’s September, I still plan on enjoying the warm weather and soaking up the sunshine. I’m not ready to think about fall yet, but I know I will have to eventually, right now, I’m all about savoring every last bit of summer. I will also be sharing my fall bucket next week!

Enjoying evening walks after work can continue in the fall.

There you have it, another Currently in the books. Tell me, what were some of your favorite parts of August?

Let me know in the comments below! Have a great rest of your week and end of August! See you back here on Friday!

Fabulous living

Six Years Later

Over 400 posts, almost 50 Currently’s and counting, new link ups, like Friday Favorites and Let’s Look, outfits for all the seasons, home decor and favorite things from books, shows, and movies, I have covered a lot of ground over the past six years. 

I started this blog as a way to start a hobby in college, a creative outlet that let me work on my writing, document my feelings and memories of day to day college life and stay in touch with family and friends. It’s been six years and this blog has become so much more than just a creative outlet. Here’s one of my first posts.

A lot has changed since I first blogging.

Since I began this blog, I learned a lot in the classroom, took life changing trips, graduated college, moved home, landed my dream job, got promoted, made new friends and reconnected with old friends, have an incredible boyfriend and grown as a better daughter, girlfriend and friend.

Happy Graduation Day
Heading out for a job interview
Getting ready for work.

I’ve learned to take risks, go with my gut, say yes, but also be okay with saying no, be flexible and make self care a priority.

Skating in the city!

When I reflect on this last year, the word stable keeps coming to mind. I’m stable with my career and friends, I have a good routine, I have been prioritizing my health and hobbies and I have been having fun too. 

My mom and I after a candle making course.
A show in the city at night!

Some of the past highlights of this past year for me and my blog include launching my Friday Favorites as I link up with other bloggers every Friday.

Traveling to new places in the summer to visit friends, spending quality time with family and embracing my community by taking advantage of places and events in my backyard.

 I read so many different genres of books and shared many of them with you on here.

Some of my books that I’ve read and still need to read.

I tried new beauty products and changed up my wardrobe.

The final look using all my products!

I also tried lots of recipes.

I feel like this past year, I have really found my groove in who I am and what I want in life. College was a time of constant change and growth and then I started my job and the pandemic hit and we spent years navigating that and now it feels like the dust has settled and I’m content and SO happy.

At the beginning of this year, I said my quote was to embrace change and so far, I haven’t had to embrace too much change and I’m okay with that. I don’t know what the second half of the year will hold, but I know I will be taking you all along with me. 

Whether you have been following along since my first post all those years ago or you found my blog through a link up, I’m so happy you are here and I’m so honored you took the time to spend some time reading my words. 

I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

Here’s to another year of writing, learning, growth, change and blogging.

As always, we are taking it day by day.


Fabulous living

Inexpensive Date Ideas

Hello all! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all staying warm and cozy as we make our way through January. Many people may make New Year’s Resolutions and goals and for some it may be to save money. I know after the holiday and shopping season, I’m looking to stay in and save more. 

Today, I’m sharing some fun and inexpensive date ideas. I still enjoy having fun and doing things with my boyfriend or best friends without breaking the bank. It can also be hard to find things to do in the dead of winter, so I hope these give you some inspiration for fun. So, without further ado, here’s some fun and inexpensive date ideas.

Walks: Head out to your favorite park or try a new destination for a walk. This FREE activity gets you outside and moving, it also shows you the beauty in your own backyard, and it lets you focus on conversations when you are getting to know someone or when you are catching up with friends. I love finding new parks and trails to try out with friends. It may seem daunting to do a winter walk if you aren’t a fan of the cold, but as long as you dress appropriately, you will be set.

No matter the season, walks are always a good idea

Movie and Board Game Day: This can be done at any point of the day, a Sunday morning, Saturday afternoon, or even a Wednesday night. Pick out some of your favorite board games or buy a new one to test out with your friends. If games aren’t up your alley, pick out a new movie that’s been on your list of things to watch, pop some popcorn and buy some candy and enjoy a movie night at home. This is a fun way to unwind and relax at home without breaking the bank.

Snacks and a movie are always a good idea.

Use the Gift Cards: Did you get gift cards for Christmas that are still sitting in your wallet? Use them! Whether it’s for a dinner out, a coffee, or even an activity, like a movie. Plan an event using that gift from someone else. Although, it’s fun to go to a favorite spot, if you got a gift card to someplace new, give it a try, who knows it may become a new favorite spot.

One of the times when we used a gift card to a favorite restaurant.

Take a Drive: This is a great idea for mild, winter days. Cue up a playlist, grab some fun snacks and hit the road, you can have a place in mind or just choose a direction and drive. In times like these, it’s more about the journey as opposed to the destination. Sometimes, there’s nothing better than the open road and having some good conversations. 

A beautiful day for a drive.

Spend Some Time in the Kitchen: Whether you love to cook or bake or it intimidates you, try out a new recipe, you may discover that you have found a new hobby. I have been testing out some new recipes and I have been loving the results. Here’s a pro-tip, besides looking up recipes online or on Pinterest, head to your local library and check out some cookbooks and try out some recipes from there. It can be scary to test out some recipes in the kitchen, but you may find that the results are better than you thought.

I spent a morning looking through some cookbooks to pick out new recipes and I can’t wait to try them.

That’s just a look into some inexpensive date ideas that can keep you busy and entertained without worrying about blowing your budget. Tell me: what are some of your favorite inexpensive date ideas.

Fabulous living

2021 Resolution Recap and Year in Review

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and loved ones. I always love the time between Christmas and New Year’s, whether you are off for a break or working, it’s always a nice time to relax, catch your breath and take some extra time to reflect on the year. 

I wanted to take some time to reflect on the past year and my resolutions. For a quick recap, you can read my post here about my 2021 Resolutions. My word of the year was intentional. I wanted to be more intentional with my time with friends and family and more intentional with the things I put time and energy in. I wrote it on a post-it note in my planner and moved it from month to month as a reminder for myself. Overall, I think I did pretty well with focusing on family and friends when I spent time with them. I also prioritized what things I did during my free time too.

My first of three resolutions for this year was to be more intentional with family and friends. I found myself doing a lot of multi-tasking and wanted to be more focused on one thing at a time. I did well with spending time with family and a lot of this had to do with my new work schedule. I now get to spend a lot more time with family and do my best to put the phone down and be present, but there’s always room for improvement. 

My second resolution was less screen time. I did well by setting up times on my phone to have my phone shut off to focus on work or housework. But there were times that I was tired by the end of the day and just aimlessly scrolled, not the best use of time, but sometimes you need a brain break. That will continue to be something I work on in the new year. 

My third resolution was to be more consistent with friends. I definitely made more time for friends by setting up times to do things with friends. The pandemic put a halt to a lot of social activities so by really setting aside time for friends, I was able to maintain my friendships I hold dear to my heart. For example, I started the year out with my virtual book club with my high school friends, Maddie and Ryan. I also set up time for monthly facetime dates with friends (more on that on a post in the new year).

Stay tuned for my goals for 2022 next week!

Now, for a quick year in review. I had a lot of high hopes for 2021 and a lot of them came to fruition. 

I was able to spend lots of time with friends, either in person or via facetime or zoom.

Seeing my best friend Danielle was a highlight of the year.

I also got in a lots of day trips to new places for hiking and walking, from State Parks, to National Parks, new trails and old spots.

Going on walks makes the winter more manageable.
Fall weeks are good for the soul.

I also tried new things like ice skating and have loved it. I went three times in the past three weeks. 

Skating on the bay was such a fun experience.
Skating in Buffalo.

I got to travel with my family and get some great one on one time with loved ones.

Family time with my brothers on vacation.

I got a chance to stand by one of my best friend’s side as she got married.

Getting wedding ready!

I got lots of fall walks in and got to celebrate the start of the holiday season.

Apple picking was one of the fall walks and adventures I embarked on.

The best part of the year was getting my Covid-19 vaccine.

Work has been busy this year, but I’m so lucky with all the opportunties I’ve been given and all the things I’ve learned along the way.

Covering different stories every day makes my job so fulfilling.

I’m so lucky to have a loving family and supportive friends along for the ride too.

What a year 2021 was….2022…let’s do this!


Currently #19

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! If I had to describe this month in one word it would be rain. We had so much rain, when we finally got our first day of sunshine, I couldn’t be happier. I’m all for a rainy day here or there but not for a month of summer. But the good news is we have had plenty of sunny days since then. Here’s a look into my life this past month.

What I’m up to: I’ve been doing a lot of indoor activities and seeing lots of family and friends. I saw family over the Fourth of July which was great. I also went to my high school reunion with some friends that I’m still close with. I also saw some college friends too. It was a busy month, but I was so happy to do so many things and see so many people. I also took on a new role at work, it’s been fun to learn new things!

Behind the scene at work

What I’m wearing: I got some new work dresses from Amazon. I can’t wait to show you them soon in. post in a few weeks! For days off, I have been wearing lots of shorts and tee shirt sets and of course a few easy throw on dresses. Here’s my past posts on summer looks and vacation looks.

One of my Amazon purchases!

What I’m reading: I finished The Bookstore on the Beach. It was definitely a fun and summer read. It was a lot deeper than I thought, there was a lot of challenging issues that were tackled. I really liked how there was a lot about the relationships between mothers and their daughters. Speaking of women, our book club book for this month was called The Secret Lives of the First Ladies. It was a fun historical read. The writing was very modern and light. It almost felt as if you were having conversations with them. I learned a lot about the wives of the men who helped run our country. It also was interesting to see how much these women endured through their lives. I’m currently reading One Summer in Paris, I just started but it’s already looking to be a great read. 

What I’m Watching: Before you ask, yes, I am still watching Offspring, butttttt I’m on the final season! So hopefully this is the last time you read about it. But in all seriousness, it’s been a wonderful show. I’m so glad it was recommended to me. It’s a great show all about family dynamics and all the things they go through. It’s been a perfect show to watch in the spring and summer. Season 2 of Lupin was so good! I loved the ending. It felt like the first episode. It’s a must watch if you haven’t seen it yet. I also am catching up on Virgin River. It’s such a cute and classic Hallmark-y show on Netflix. It’s been such a light summer show. Definitely recommend if you are looking for a summer show. 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving the simple things. With all the rain these past few weeks, I’ve loved taking time to read more, curl up and light a candle or watch movies or tv shows. But when the rain breaks, I love getting out for a walk or just sitting outside. Plus, nothing says summer like some fresh flowers or an ice cream cone! Taking summer adventures have been fun too!

Heading to the Botanical Gardens in Cleveland has been a fun summer adventure
Another shot of the botanical gardens

What Inspires Me: I’m inspired by all the green after the rain. Everything looks so much more alive after a storm. I’ve also been inspired by supporting more local spots for meals and treats. It’s been so nice to see the community out and about more this summer and enjoying food at home!

Enjoying a summer brunch outside

What I accomplished: I’ve loved being able to see so many friends and family this past month. That has been a huge accomplishment. I’ve also gotten adjusted to my new routine and schedule which has made life much easier. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I got to celebrate the Fourth of July after work with family and friends. From yummy food, to fireworks, and seeing people. It was one of my favorite days of the year. I’m also getting lots of things done on my summer to do list.

Fireworks on the Fourth
My little pup getting in the Independence Day spirit!

Goals for the New Month: Enjoy the last month of summer! Luckily, I don’t have to go back to school but my siblings will. It’s been so nice to have another summer home with them. I can’t wait for more time outside and in the sun and continuing to see family and friends

A tasty meal outside supporting a local spot is my idea of a perfect time!

That’s a look into my life this month. What things have you been doing this past month. Let me know!


Spring Break Trip to Rome, Italy Part 2

Hello All! 

Happy Tuesday! I hope your week is off to a great start. This past weekend was so nice to catch up on school work and sleep from coming back from my time in Rome! Today, I’m recapping part 2 of my trip to Rome, Italy during Spring Break! To read my recap of the first half of the week, you can find it here. 

We are picking up ‪on Wednesday morning. It was Ash Wednesday so we were up bright and early for mass. During our time in Rome, we had mass in English, Italian, and Latin. It was interesting to hear all the variations. We went to mass at San Clemente. The church was a 20 minute walk from our hotel so it was a great way to start the day. After mass we were able to tour the Church, San Clemente is unique because it is three churches built on top of one another, the first a secret Church, the next one from several hundreds years later and the last one is the one still used today. It was so cool to be in a Church with so much history. Due to the history of the Church, we couldn’t take any photos. After we left San Clemente, we headed to St. Mary’s Major, one of the four major basilicas in the world, all of which in Rome. They include Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, St Peter’s Basilica, St Paul Outside the Walls, and Papal Basilica of St Mary Major. This one was by far my favorite, from the details, to the artwork, and all the history. Something else that was special about this Church, because myself along with others had the opportunity to go to Reconciliation in Rome on Ash Wednesday to start off Lent. How cool is that?! It was a highlight of my trip. I felt so connected to my faith even more on this day.

After we finished at St. Mary’s, myself along with a few friends went to do some shopping and see some other sites. We first went to the Trevi fountain to make a wish, three years ago, I made a wish to return to Rome and it came true, so let’s hope this next wish comes true.

The Trevi Fountain
Making a wish at the Trevi Fountain
Making wishes at the fountain

We then got lunch at a small Italian restaurant, after eating pasta for the past few days, we all opted for something lighter. I got a Caprese salad, which was perfect to snack on. I also got the most divine chocolate mousse.

After we had a nice lunch we went to see the Spanish steps and do some shopping. We then headed back to our hotel. The Pope was supposed to be saying mass at the Church right next to our hotel, we waiting outside to see if we could see him. We saw him arrive but didn’t get a look at him saying mass. We then went to discussion for the night and then went to dinner.

We had a delicious dinner with pasta and fish. Yum! We then called it a night to get some sleep before a day trip the next day. 

On Thursday morning we were up early and ate a quick breakfast before getting on a bus to head to Monte Cassino for the day. It was an hour and a half bus ride away. We had been going non-stop for the week so everyone slept on the ride down. We were all pretty tired. When we arrived in Monte Cassino, the view was incredible. It sits on top of a mountain so the drive up was beautiful. Monte Cassino is one of the places were St. Benedict lived and died and where he is buried. Since, I come from a Benedictine college, this was simply incredible to be here. The whole time we were in Rome, the weather was warm and in the 60’s, but being so high up in the mountains, the temperature dropped to the 40’s, it was such a drastic change. We were able to celebrate mass with a few monks and seminaries that travelled with us from school to Rome, which was incredible. We were also given a tour and then able to spend some time taking it all in. After spending the morning there, we boarded the bus back to Rome.

The view from Monte Cassino
The view of Monte Cassino
Monte Cassino
In Monte Cassino, there are plaques of all the schools associated with St. Benedict and my school was up there
The original floor at Monte Cassino from when St. Benedict lived there
St. Benedict’s tomb at Monte Cassino

We stopped for lunch on the way back and had a delicious lunch of light appetizers, pasta, and a light fruit cake.

Once we came back to Rome we made a stop to see a third major bascilica, St. John’s. It was more simple compared to St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s, but still beautiful.

We made our way back to the hotel where we were able to have some downtime to relax before we had an earlier dinner at 7:30 instead of 8:00. For dinner we had appetizers of different pizzas, a simple cheese pizza and an everything pizza. We then had a stuffed ravoili and pasta for our main dishes. For dessert we had a lemon sorbet shake. It was so light and perfect to finish off a big meal. We made it back to our hotels to get some rest for out last full day in Rome. 

Roof top views from our hotel at night

On Friday, we woke up and ate breakfast before making our way to the fourth and final major bascilica, St. Paul’s outside the Walls. I loved the gorgeous ceiling and how they have all the Popes in history’s displayed. I loved how this Church was quieter since it was outside the downtown of Rome.

St. Paul’s Outside the Walls
St. Paul’s…stunning

After we spent some time here, we boarded a bus to drive to Ostia Antica, about 45 minutes outside of Rome. Ostia Antica used to be a major port thousands of years ago. Ostia Antica was also the place that St. Augustine spent some of his time and it is where his mother, Monica died. This brought back lots of memories from reading Augustine’s Confessions in my First Philosophy class. We had about two hours to walk around and take it all in, it was huge and amazing to see all the ruins and how most are still standing.

Ostia Antica
Another view of Osta Antica
We LOVED Ostia Antica

After out morning there, we headed back to Rome. We stopped for lunch and shopping at Eataly. I had been to Eataly when I traveled to Chicago last spring, but it was so cool to be in the original one in Italy. For those you don’t know or haven’t been to Eataly, it is basically a four-story grocery store/market/shopping center with many small places to get a bite to eat or get drinks. It was incredible. We were able to get, shop, and hang out for the afternoon on our own just as long as we were back for discussion. It was so nice to have free time on our last day. My friend Olivia and I got some gelato and browsed before getting pizza for lunch, yes we both ordered full pizzas and ate the whole thing…when in Rome, right?! After we picked up some gifts and food to bring home we made our way back to our hotel. Now, comes story time, Eataly is located outside of the Roman ruins, so we were a little out of our element. Olivia and I had a GPS to make sure we got back to the hotel, we knew that once we were inside the walls of Rome, we would be good.

I may or may not have eaten the whole pizza
These desserts were to die for
Look at all the foods covered in chocolate

After a slow and steady walk, we made it back inside the walls and did some window shopping and one last stop for gelato before we went back to our hotel room to freshen up before our last discussion and dinner. It was bittersweet knowing this would be our last time together in Rome. After a great last discussion and a few toasts we made our way to dinner. We had a large fish dinner about 30 minutes from our hotel. We had great appetizers, pasta with seafood, salmon and vegetables and a delicious cake for dessert. It was so fun to be all together and celebrate our last night in Rome. After a fun dinner we made our way back to our hotel to pack since we had an early flight the next day. 

On Saturday we woke up bright and early, grabbed breakfast and headed to the airport. It was a bit stressful getting everyone from the hotel, to the airport, through TSA and security and ironically we weren’t all together until we were at the gate boarding our plane back to Newark. We took off at 10:00 am and had a 10 hour flight home. I kept myself occupied by journaling about my fantastic trip, getting some work done for school, and watching lots of movies, my friends and I sat near each other so we kept each other company and watched the same movies together. I watched A Star is Born, Book Club, Mamma Mia 2, and some episodes of Friends. The flight was long but we made it through.

A view of the Alps from the plane

Once we landed in Newark, we had to go through Customs, TSA, recheck our bags and security. It took a while but we made it. When all was said and done, our group knew we needed to eat, we all were craving some super unhealthy American food, so Wendy’s it was. Haha! Nothing says welcome back to America than fried food. Haha! We then boarded our plane from Newark to Pittsburgh, an hour and 10 minute flight was nothing compared to our last one. We grabbed our luggage drove back to campus, we got back around 9:30 and I was exhausted, I guess that’s what happens when you have been traveling for 22 hours! I went straight to bed when I got back to school.

Wow, that was a lot. For those of you who stuck with me, congratulations. I wish I could have taken you all with me to explore Rome and see all the sights, sounds, and tastes of the beautiful Italian lifestyle. This was by far one of the best trips I have ever been on, it was the perfect balance of academics, religion, leisure, fun and fellowship. I am forever connected to the people I travelled with. No matter where life takes us, “All Roads Lead to Rome”. Ciao Roma! You will always hold a special place in my heart!