
Currently #7

Hey gang!!  Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week. I can’t believe we are almost to the end of July! Summer is going by so fast but it has been so good to me. Being outside every day has been the best. It’s time for a currently update.

What I’m up to: July has been getting back to normalish, I’ve been able to see some family and friends, all socially distant, but it has been nice to see familiar faces. I have been able to spend a lot of time outside which has been so nice, from walks, to hiking, and swimming, it has been so nice to soak up sunshine. 

Morning out kayaking

What I’m wearing: I have been loving summer dresses, and short sets. I’ve been  wearing more dresses for work since they are easier to wear in the heat. But on days off I love a good matching short set. 

What I’m reading: I have not been the best at reading, but that is mostly because I am spending more times outside or doing things and spending time with family. This summer has been great for extra family time.  

What I’m Watching: I’m still watching 30 Rock as a do work or get ready for the day. I also just started watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It is soooo good, its fun and light with a bit of drama too. Plus I can’t get enough of the set design and the costumes. It’s the perfect summer show. 

What I’m Loving: I have been so happy with making the most of summer on my days off and before or after work. I am also in a great routine where I’m working out consistently, eating better, being outside and feeling accomplished. Not every day is like this but I love a finished to do list after a long day.  

What Inspires Me: I have been loving everything fresh, I have been cutting fresh flowers every week during my walk. I also have been eating more fruits and veggies outside, there is just something peaceful about being outside, I have also been inspired about just finding happiness in the little things. 

Fresh flowers to start the day

What I accomplished: I’ve been really happy with working out five days a week, I was doing great in the winter and then the pandemic hit and everything was put on hold, but since things have reopened, I am back to the gym and feeling better and stronger. I have also started to read more and learn more about finances and budgeting. Budgeting is something that I want to learn more about and get better at it following graduation and working full time.   

Obviously Im not 30 but I thought this was funny since this is how I spend my days off

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I have done a really good job at seeing friends and also making the most out of every day, whether it’s my day off or a work day. I also feel better after being productive while also relaxing too. I am really happy that July felt like a true summer month.   

Goals for the New Month: I want to still see some more friends and continue to get outside and soak up as much summer whether it’s time in the pool, ice cream stops, or more hikes. Hiking has become one of my favorite new hobbies and I am trying to get out as much as I can.

That’s just a look into this past month, a mix of work and getting outside and making summer memories. This has been a different summer but I am really enjoying it and making the most out of it. I hope you are having the best week. 


Fit Bit Versa Lite Review

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you had a great weekend and start for your week. Last week, I shared that I had to bite the bullet and buy a new fit bit. I got my first one three and a half years ago, I wrote a blog post about my experience with the Alta HR here. Their life expectancy is a year so I was more than happy that it lasted this long.

I decided to go with the Fit Bit Vera Lite Edition. I knew what I wanted with a the fit bit, I wanted something that would track my steps, calories burned, exercise, sleep, and receive notifications. 

I have been happy with how the Versa Lite has worked out so far. The battery is long lasting, I typically charge it when I’m relaxing and I don’t need to wear it to track my fitness or steps. 

The alarm clock on it super helpful for when I’m sleeping, I still have an alarm on my phone, but having an alarm right on your wrist works great.

The bigger screen face is one of my favorite parts, when I get a call or text I can read them full message and not just a preview, like my old one. I love how my phone and my watch can sync up. I can see more notifications on my watch such as remidners or calendar. 

The exercise feature is my absolute favorite, but it’s something I need to always remind myself about. The fit bit tracks your exercise, whether it’s a work out, walk, run, bike, or training. But, the key is remembering to start the work out so it tracks it. 

I have found my fit bit to be very accurate when it comes to logging my steps and heart rate. 

I’m a competitive person, therefore, I always try to hit 10,000 steps a day, it was much easier in college when I was walking to and from my dorm to campus, but this summer I have been trying to get in a morning work out and a walk in, sometimes both happen, other times it’s one or another, my fit bit helps holds me accountable to my fitness goals. 

I’ve always been a fan of fit bit and their products and I have been happy with my new Versa Lite so far. What are your favorite fitness products and if you have the Versa Lite, what are your favorite features? 

Enjoy the warm weather this week and spend some time outside!


Fit Bit Review

Calling all work out enthusiasts!! This post is for you! Today, I am reviewing my Fit Bit, I got it for Christmas about 6 months ago and have been loving it, so I thought I would take some time to tell you what I love about my Fit Bit and how I use it.

***Please note, this post is not sponsored by Fit Bit and all opinions are my own.  😊 ***

I am always on the go and try to be active for as much as possible. For years, I had always used the Health app on my iPhone in order to track my exercise, but I didn’t like how I always had to have my phone on me to track my steps, calories, and movement. For example, when I would go on runs, I didn’t like having to hold a phone just to track my steps and miles.

A look at the Health app from my phone.

I got the Fit Bit Ulta HR for Christmas and have been very pleased with it. The fit bit tells me the day and time and tracks my steps, miles walked, heart rate, calories burned and active minutes. It is a bit pricey but it is worth it, especially if you love to be active.

Loving my fit bit!!

I personally aim for 10,000 steps, 30 active minutes, 5 miles and burning 2,000 calories a day. Some days I EXCEED my goals, other days I only meet SOME of my goals, and most days I JUST MEET my goals, it depends on my agenda. The Fit Bit has an app that works on your phone where it tracks all these features along with your food and water intake as well as steps per hour and exercise. I use the app every day and find it very helpful. I also love that I can take a run without my phone and still have all my steps logged and synced with my phone. The Fit Bit also tracks your sleep when you wear it at night. The battery is long lasting, I can go a few days without charging it but I try to charge it every night.

I use this app all the time, one of my most used phone apps.

I got my Fit Bit at Target where they have many other styles and series of Fit Bits, but the things I was most focused on were features on the Ulta HR. I like how it is small and slender and not too bulky.

I wear my Fit Bit with every outfit.

If you are a workout enthusiast, always on the go, or love to be active, I would definitely recommend getting a Fit Bit either this style or another one that better suits your needs. If you are not a fitness Guru, I would strongly suggest using the Health app on your phone, I used it for almost four years and got a lot of use out of it until I decided to upgrade it to a Fit Bit with their free app.

If you are on the fence about getting a Fit Bit or just sticking to the Health or workout app, I hope this provides you with some guidance. I have been very pleased with my Fit Bit, if you have a Fit Bit or fitness watch (i.e. Apple Watch) and love it, let me know why.

Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!


2018 Fitness Goals

This year, besides my new years resolutions, I came up with some things I want to work on when it comes to my personal development. One of these goals deals with fitness. Last year, I made a point to go to the gym five days a week. I successfully accomplished that goal with the exception of summer when I didn’t go as frequently.

This year, I want to challenge myself more when it comes to my work outs. For example, instead of just running on the treadmill for 30 minutes, I want to change it up with jogging, walking, and adding an incline to challenge myself more.  I want to make my workouts more meaningful. I want to have a purpose of what I’m doing. Here are a few other things I want to improve with my work outs.

  • Walk 10,000 steps a day. This may seem like a lot but with all the walking I do at school to get from building to building, it shouldn’t be too hard. This will also encourage me to take more walks when I have down time. I’m also looking forward to using my Fit Bit Alta HR to keep track of my steps. After just using my phone to track my steps for years, I have finally got a Fit Bit, be on the lookout in the future for why I love my Fit Bit. But, for now, I recommend getting one.

    I always wear my fit bit wherever I go.
  • Work on my Weight Training. When I go to the gym, I tend to focus on Cardio, however, this year I want to work on weights training to add tone muscle to my body. I’ve been searching online and on Pinterest for ideas, but I would love to know your favorite workouts. Let me know in the comments below.
  • Get my time down for running a mile. As much as I love to work out, I hate running! Typically I jog or walk on the treadmill with an incline. This year, I want to work on my speed when it comes to running. I plan to spend one day a week just focusing on running as part of my workout.

My latest fit bit stats.

Whether you are a workout enthusiast, or you have never stepped foot in a gym, don’t feel intimidated.  I try to set realistic goals when it comes to fitness, I KNOW I’m not gonna run a marathon anytime soon. I set these goals to motivate myself. What areas do you want to improve in your life? Organizing? Fitness? Eating? Let’s all work together to achieve our goals of 2018 together!