Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #116

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a wonderful week! I have a packed full weekend around the corner with family time, activities, and some fall fun thrown in there too! It will be a busy, but fun weekend. 

Pumpkin patches and farmer’s market stands bring me so much JOY!

Before I hit the ground running today, I wanted to share some things that I have been loving (hint-most of them are fall and entertainment favorites) as I link up with with Erika and Andrea.

Light a candle, curl up with a blanket and let’s dive in!

The Simple Sophisticate– Shay Shull of Mix and Match Mama recommended this podcast on her blog and I finally got around to listening to it. Shannon Ables started the podcast after her blog back in 2014 and still continues with episodes to this day. The theme of the podcast is all about living a simpler, calmer, and French way of life. Ables has such a soothing voice and attitude that you will find yourself relaxing and feeling peaceful no matter what she is talking about. I started at the beginning of the podcast and I have been loving all the different themes and topics. Episodes vary from 30-60 mins. Definitely worth giving it a listen to over the next few weeks.

The Home Edit– I love following The Home Edit on Instagram and love their show on Netflix too. I decided to check out Clea and Joanna’s book during my latest library haul and learned a lot from it. They give practical advice and ways to organize your spaces. Not only do they write about ways to organize areas, but they have great photos to demonstrate it too. After reading their book, I wanted to do a massive purge and organization.

Fall Harvest Mix-If you have been following along for a while, you know I love a good festival or seasonal food. My local grocery store had this seasonal harvest mix and I had to give it a try. It’s a delicious combo of sweet and salty. There’s peanuts, M&M, cereal, and peanut butter cups. It’s by no means a healthy trail mix, but it certainly satisfies the sweet and salty tooth. 

Gilmore Girls- Watching Gilmore Girls was on my fall bucket list and I’m slowing making my way through it. I started the show last year, but then life happened and I never finished it. Well, now I am back on the Gilmore Girls bandwagon and I have been loving it. It’s the perfect fall show to cozy up and enjoy. I know this will also help me get through the cold winter months as well too.

Nobody Wants This- This new Netflix mini-series is what everyone is talking about. Nobody Wants This stars Kristen Bell and Adam Brody and it’s all about a couple who starts dating later in life after not having luck in the dating department. There are so many funny one-liners and relationship connections besides the romance between the two main characters. I really loved the message how you can have a relationship after you have worked hard in your career. There are only ten episodes and they last between 20-30 mins, perfect to binge watch in a weekend. 

If the weather is getting cooler by you, I hope these favorites gave you something new to try or enjoy this weekend. What have been some things you have been loving this week? Let me know in the comments below! 

Happy Fall Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #115

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and have something fun planned for the weekend. I am excited for all things fall this weekend as it will be a busy few days with lots going on. Needless to say, I am counting down to the weekend. 

Hint, this weekend will involve lots of festive, fall fun!

Before we get to all the fall fun this weekend, I wanted to share some favorite things of mine from this past week. Without realizing it, there’s a bit of a theme to today’s post, books and fall food, so if you are fans of either of those, you are in for a treat.

Speaking of treats, one of my most recent treats…snickerdoodles!

Let’s get to it as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

The Plan– Kendra Adachi’s third book The Plan is finally out. I got a chance to read it ahead of time and loved it. I plan on re-reading it now that it’s out in the world. Like Adachi’s other books, this one is very conversational and easy to follow. Not only does she talk about planning and organizing, but she gives real life examples and ways to get your life in order. She touches on her Lazy Genius principles and introduces some new ideas too! I will have a full post about the Lazy Genius way of thinking coming soon, but until then, go out and read The Plan today!

Fall Shows– With fall, comes the return of fall tv shows. Besides binge watching some of my favorite tv shows, I have been enjoying weekly shows like Grey’s Anatomy and The Masked Singer. I have watched these shows for years and always look forward to the weekly episodes. Even though I do love a good binge watch, it’s nice to look forward to a show every week to see what happens next.

Cook Books from the Library– I had a great library book haul a few weeks ago and that included some cookbooks. I love cooking, baking, and trying new recipes and often get ideas and inspiration from Pinterest. There’s nothing quite like flipping through a cookbook for new tastes and flavors. I recently checked out the second Magnolia cookbook by Joanna Gaines and have found so many great recipes that I can’t wait to try. 

Maple Granola– Speaking of food, I love seasonal foods and treats and can’t resist when I see something seasonal at the grocery store. I have been on a granola kick with yogurt and berries and decided to add some maple flavored granola to my rotation. It has been a delicious success. I enjoy granola on its own, but there’s something extra sweet with the maple flavor that screams fall. It’s a nice, subtle nod to the season. 

The Summer Pact– I have had The Summer Pact on my to-be-read list for the longest time and finally got around to reading it. It’s by Emily Giffin and I have read several of her books. She was recently on Books, Beach and Beyond to talk about her latest book and after hearing her talk about it, I knew I had to read it. It’s about three friends who go on a trip together in honor of their fourth friend who died while they were all in college. The three current friends are all at different crossroads in their lives and are all looking for clarity in their own ways. I really liked the book, but felt that it wrapped up a little too quickly. Just a warning, there is talks of mental health and suicide in the book. But, overall, well worth the read!

That’s a look into life lately and what I’m loving! I hope you have a wonderful fall-like weekend! See you back here on Wednesday!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: How We Prep for the Holidays

Hello all! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week as we made it to hump day! I don’t know about you, but it is full on fall here, we have had rainy days, leaves falling and some sunshine peaking through, but the changing weather is getting me excited for the next few months.

Cool crisp fall mornings

This year has been flying by, I can’t believe we are already at the second week of October. It’s time for another Let’s Look, where we share different parts of our lives. Each month, I link up with  Shay and Erika to share my thoughts on different topics. 

Here’s what we have covered so far this year:

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.

In August, we learned about our Pantry Staples

In September, we shared Easy Weeknight Meals

This month, the topic is how we prep for the holidays. I love all the seasons, summer is by far my favorite, but I do enjoy the “Ber” months…September, October, November and December. There is so much to look forward to, from the holidays, traditions, extra family time, and festivities. 

Fall, one of my favorite times of the year

As we get closer to the holiday months, I’m sharing how I prep for all the fun and I hope you will share some of your holiday prep hacks too! I don’t have my own home or family yet, so how I prepare may look a little different.

I always like to prep for the holiday seasons, by creating bucket lists, by writing a bucket or goal list, this ensures that things that I want or hope to get done, get accomplished. Some are big activities and others are little outings or things I want to cook or bake. For example, my fall bucket list includes celebrating Halloween, Thanksgiving, watching festive movies, enjoying holiday treats and Halloween activities.

I don’t know how I will celebrate Halloween on the actual holiday, but I do plan on making some festive treats, decorating and enjoying some Halloween movies. 

Some fall treats from last year

As far as Thanksgiving goes, we typically enjoy the holiday with family and then we have our own Thanksgiving dinner the weekend after. Preparations for Thanksgiving looks like figuring out what traditional dishes will be made, baking pies, and doing some decorating around the house. These are subtle ways to celebrate the holiday. There’s so much cooking and baking that goes into Thanksgiving that it is nice to just enjoy the time with family. 

A delicious, Thanksgiving spread!

Christmas always comes with the most prep. Once again, I make a Christmas bucket list of things I want to do around the Christmas season, from ice skating, baking cookies, shopping, looking at lights, and decorating. I like to make the most out of the Christmas season.

Prep for Christmas starts with decorating the day after Thanksgiving, it’s a tradition we have been doing for years and it’s always one of my favorite things.

I will also make a master list of people I want to buy for and set a budget. I keep a running list in my phone of who I need to buy for, what the gift is, the status of it, and how much I spent. Once all the gifts have arrived, I take time to wrap them all and watch a holiday movie. This method always keeps me organized.

I love to bake cookies around the holidays and one of the ways that I prep is by making one or two types of cookies a week leading up to Christmas. I will share some with family after I bake them and then store the rest for the holidays. This method ensures that I get all my baking done, but I’m not stressed getting it done.

After all the prep is done, it’s time to enjoy the holidays and relax. There’s only so much prep you can do, what matters is the end result and spending time with family and loved one around the holidays. They will be here before we know it, so I want to know what hacks you have to make the holidays smoother? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Holiday Prepping!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #114

Hello all! 

Happy Friday! 

I hope you had a wonderful week and are ready for the weekend. It’s the first weekend of October and it certainly feels like October. Fall is settling in which means several weekends of pumpkin patches, apple picking, leaves falling and cooler temperatures.

First signs of fall with the changing leaves

I’m excited to start crossing things off my fall bucket list. 

Before we get to a weekend of fall fun, I wanted to share some things that I have been loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea 

Midnight at the Pera Palace– The second season of Midnight at the Pera Palace came out towards the end of September and I have been slowly making my way through the season. It picks up right where season one end as storyline goes back and forth between the past and present. Although it can be hard to follow since it’s in a different language, the English dialogue does help, so do the subtitles.

Dot Pretzels-I was influenced by Erika and Shay to try these Dot pretzels and they are so good! I have only tried the original flavor, but I love the extra bite and zest they have. Definitely more flavorful than your average pretzel, but so delicious. I plan on trying on the other flavors too!

Large Lavender Lotion– I love lavender lotion and use it every night. I had been getting small bottles of lavender hand cream and lotion, but kept having to purchase refills more often than I would have liked. I decided to buy a large bottle of lavender lotion from Bath and Body Works. I love using a pump every night, it not only is softens my skin but soothes me as well. Definitely worth paying more for more product.

A Family Affair– Have you seen A Family Affair on Netflix? It stars Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron. It’s all about a widowed mom who falls for her daughter’s boss and let’s say things become quite the family affair. Although the storyline is for mature audiences, I really enjoyed watching it and I think the casting and chemistry was well done. Definitely a movie with adding to your watch list for your next movie night.

People We Meet on Vacation Casting– I’m a big fan of Emily Henry and I have read all of her books. Some are currently in the works to be made into movies or mini series, including People We Meet on Vacation! This is one of my favorite books by Henry and I can’t wait to see the adaptation. I’m familiar with some of the actors and actresses but I can’t wait to see them bring these characters to life. 

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week! As we fully embrace fall, tell me what’s on your bucket list for this month?! Let me know in the comments below! Happy Fall Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #113

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a wonderful week and it feels like fall wherever you may be. September started out with summer still holding now, but now as we get closer to a new month, fall is really starting to settle in. 

A crisp, fall morning by the water.

I hope you have something fun or relaxing planned for this weekend. Before you jump into the weekend vibes, I wanted to share some things I have been loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea 

New Hand Lotion– As fall has settled in more, I have slowly been transitioning more of my scents to match the season and that includes my hand lotion. I tend to get dry hands, no matter the season, so I always have lotion with me. Gingham Glow has been my new scent for the fall months. I got it from Bath and Body Works and I love the subtle and warm scent it gives off. In the spring and summer, I prefer floral scents, winter I like pine or minty, but in the fall I like subtle scents and this fits the bill. I also love how the lotions come in different sizes, so if you buy a scent and don’t love it, you don’t have to commit to it long term.

New Mascara- I am always trying different makeup products and brands and decided to try Super Goop mascara. I love SuperGoop for suntan lotion and wanted to test out more of their beauty products. I have been pleased with it so far. This mascara doesn’t necessarily give full and voluminous lashes, but it does a great job of separating the lashes (if that makes sense), plus I have found the more you put on, the fuller they get. I also really love that it’s clean makeup with not as many chemicals in it. I will be using the mascara, but I’m not sure if I will reorder it. 

Swan Song– I know I mentioned this book in Wednesday’s Currently post, but I loved it so much, I had to re-share. I ended summer by reading Swan Song by Elin Hilderbrand. This was her final beach read set on Nantucket as she decided to retire and I really enjoyed it. There were a lot of references to past characters from other books, and I loved the description of Nantucket and all the restaurants and hot spots. Those are always my favorite parts of her books. The book follows a couple who moves to the island and immediately makes themselves a part of the community, but there is a bit of a mystery to them especially when they hire a girl who has no connection to Nantucket either. I like how there is more substance to Hilderbrand’s books, they aren’t just light and fluffy. This was not my favorite Hilderbrand book, but it was definitely worth reading and I loved that I have really gotten into more of her books this year. Now, I just need to go and visit Nantucket after reading all about it. Add it to the bucket list!

Grey’s Anatomy Trailer and New Season– Grey’s Anatomy’s new season returned last night on ABC. After a shorter season last year due to the writer’s strike, I’m looking forward to more episodes this year. If you didn’t watch last night, you can check out the trailer here. This season looks like it will be a good one with more drama, romance and interesting patients. If you watch, what are you looking forward to most this season?

Selling Sunset– I’m not a big reality show person, but I do love Selling Sunset. I have been watching the show on Netflix for years and always look forward to when a new season drops. This season was filled with more girl drama in the office, bigger homes to sell and of course lots of drama and crazy fashion. This show is always a good thing to put on in the background for some mindless tv. 

That’s a look into what I’ve been loving this week. Tell me, what are some things that have caught your attention? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great last weekend of September!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #111

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week as we make our way through September and transition from one season to the next. Life is starting to calm down and my fall routine is finally taking shape. Although the fall season is only a few weeks away, the weather is still gorgeous and I’m trying to soak up as much of it as I can. 

Beautiful days as we transition from summer to fall

Today, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea  for another weekly roundup of Friday Favorites. Here’s some things I have been loving this week.

Emily in Paris Season Four Part Two– The second half of Emily in Paris dropped yesterday. Depending on when you are reading this, chances are I have already started it. I really enjoyed the first half of the season and the second half takes Emily to ROME! I was giddy when I saw the trailer and Emily was at so many iconic spots I had just visited myself. I do have to say, after watching the trailer, I was a little jealous that Emily didn’t have to deal with any tourists. Haha! I’m looking forward to the season and where it takes Emily. 

Outer Banks Season Four Trailer– Are you a fan of Outer Banks? I started the series during Covid and have stuck with it since. Even though it is more on the tween and teen side of things when it comes to the plot lines, I enjoy the mystery behind the storylines and the hunt for the treasure. I felt like last season really wrapped things up nicely and was surprised when it got renewed. The trailer looks good and I’m excited to see what adventures are in store for the group.

Atomic Habits– I have heard about this book, Atomic Habits for ages and I have had it on hold at the library for weeks. When it was my turn to check it out, I couldn’t wait to start reading. James Clear discusses the importance of building habits, creating routines, and starting small. He goes in-depth about the science and psychology of habits. He also gives real life examples of how to start small and build up to making life changes. I love and thrive off a good routine and rhythm and found this book fascinating. I learned so much and it really helped me better understand some of my habits and how I can build off them. Whether you are looking to create better habits or work on your current ones, I would highly recommend this book. 

New Room Scent and Plug-In– My current wallflower ran out, so it was time for an upgrade. I decided to go with one of the scents from the Bridgerton collection from Bath and Body Works. The scent I chose was Queen Charlotte’s Tea. The best way to describe it is a floral scent that’s very feminine, but not too strong or overpowering. This would be a great scent to use in a bedroom or bathroom, but not a living, room, family room or kitchen where a lot of people could be in and out and may not care for the scent. I also swapped out my plug-in with a bee from the Bridgerton collection too! Too cute, just a small change for the upcoming season. 

The Perfect Couple– I have been on an Elin Hilderbrand kick lately. Without planning it, I’m currently reading one of her books, listening to different one in an audiobook, and watching the third as a series. Plus, I listen to her podcast, Books, Beach and Beyond…can you say I’m hooked?!  Reviews on those will be coming soon, but I have been loving the Netflix series, The Perfect Couple, based on her book. I read the book when it came out and couldn’t wait to watch the series when it was announced. I really think the series was fairly close to the book. It was interesting to see how characters were portrayed. I LOVED the setting and costumes and appreciated seeing the plot unfold on the big screen. I binged my way through the series and was sad when it ended. I love when movies or series stay true to the books.

There you have it, a fun roundup of favorites from this past week, some books, life hacks, and shows I’m loving! Tell me, what’s bringing you joy this week? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday! Enjoy the weekend!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Easy Weeknight Meals

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with  Shay and Erika.

Each month, we share different parts of our lives with different life hacks too!  Here’s a look at some of the things we have covered so far this year.

n January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.

In August, we learned about our Pantry Staples

This month’s topic is Easy Weeknight Dinners, this is a great topic for working parents who may be running around a lot this time of year with sports and activities for their children. However, this is also a great topic for people who may work evenings and late nights and are looking for easy meals after a long day (that’s me! I fall into that category!) Sometimes, I don’t come home until later at night and the last thing I want to do is cook a big meal that could take a while to prepare. Enter easy weeknight meals. These are some of my favorite easy meals that you can make for yourself or your family.

Grain Bowls– Such an easy and filling meal that can typically be done in one pot. Just grab a grain (I like to go with rice), a protein (beef, chicken, shrimp, sausage), and a vegetable (can be fresh, frozen or steamed)  and cook them all together. You are getting a filling meal, easy cleanup and something that is fairly easy to put together.

Sandwich Bar– A fun spin to a not so exciting meal. If you are a fan of cold cut sandwiches or any sandwiches, consider upping your game with a sandwich bar. Layout all your favorite fixings, from meats, cheeses, spreads etc. and have everyone build their own sandwich. You can buy some fun breads, even toast your bread, get some chips and fruit and make it an experience, rather than just eating a sandwich.

Chef Salad– A fun and healthy dinner option is a chef salad. If you are looking to clear out your fridge or make a hearty meal, consider a chef salad. Add all your favorite salad ingredients and then add in some extras. I like to add protein, like ham or chicken, some hard boiled eggs, cheese, even black beans or avocadoes, depending on what other veggies I have in there. This is a hearty and healthy meal that everyone can tailor to their own liking. 

Soup– This is perfect for the fall and winter months, whether you like them homemade where you can make them earlier in the week and pull them out from the freezer or you enjoy them from the can or even pre-made. This is another hearty meal that’s easy to make. You can add a sandwich or salad for a little something extra too!

Snack dinners-Another easy meal especially if you are looking to clean out the fridge. Grab any fruits, veggies, cold cuts, cheeses, chips or crackers and have a snack dinner. You are using what you have, everyone can find something they enjoy and you have a fun meal. Make it even easier and just use paper plates for easy clean up. I love meals that I can use what I have and not waste.

These are five easy meals that I enjoy making on late or hectic weeknights. I am always looking for suggestions for new recipes to try. Let me know in the comments below some of your favorite weeknight meals. 

Happy Wednesday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #110

Hello All! Happy September. It feels so weird to be writing that…the summer months truly flew by. By now, you are probably back into a back to school routine or getting there. I know these past few weeks have been an adjustment for me. But, we are slowly finding a new groove and routine.

These past few weeks have included lots of walks

As we kick of a new month and new season in the next few weeks, I wanted to share some things I have been loving and have been favorites of mine as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another round of Friday Favorites!

This week it’s a mix of entertainment and beauty products with some treats too.

Wonka– I know this movie came out last year, but I just got around to watching Wonka and it was such a cute movie. I have seen previous versions of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Willa Wonka, but this one had some unexpected twists to it. It could definitely be viewed as a family movie or you can watch it on your own. I loved the creativity, new characters and all the different kinds of chocolate and candy. Add this to your next family movie list.

Homemade Vinaigrette– I am always looking for new recipes and things to try in the kitchen. I came across this video about how to make your own homemade vinaigrette and I tried it for myself and it turned out great. It was a great way to use things I already had in my kitchen and enjoy something homemade. I know I will be using this trick in the future too.

The Second Chance Hotel– I loved the Second Chance Hotel by Sierra Godfrey! I read it on vacation and it was the perfect travel read. It’s all about a young woman escaping her life and traveling across Europe, she’s about to end her trip in a small town in Greece, that is until the hotel she is staying at falls into her and another guest’s lap. They decide to run it for the season, but when her old life is calling her back, she must decide if she wants to stay in Greece or return to America. It was such a fun, travel read and so good to enjoy in the summer! 

Bliss sunscreen– I am a big advocate for sunscreen. I always wear it in the summer and Super Goop is my go-to brand. Without sounding like a broken record, I tried this bliss sunscreen on my recent trip and really loved the consistency and how smooth it went on. It was mineral based, so it really blended well on my skin. I may not invest in a full bottle, but I will be using it the next time I travel. 

Dressed in White Body Spray– I promise this is the last beauty favorite for a while. But I’ve been using this travel body mist, Dressed in White from Bath and Body Works, all summer on the go. Whether, I’m traveling for a long trip, a day trip or just have a long day, I have been throwing it in my purse for a refresher. I love how light the scent is. Not too overpowering but feminine and refreshing, two things I always look for in body spray. This has been the best travel companion over the last few weeks.

There you have it, some of my favorite things from this week, some entertainment, beauty products and kitchen hacks. As we get ready to welcome in a new season, what are some things you are loving this week? Let me know in the comments below! 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #109

Happy Friday Friends! 

I hope you are had a fulfilling and successful week and are ready for the weekend, I know I am! This week has been different as I am slowly getting back into a new routine after a busy summer and past few weeks. I am still soaking up the warm weather while finding a new normal.

Endings summer with all the fun activities, like baseball games

Here’s a look at some of my favorite things from this past week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another round of Friday Favorites!

Emily in Paris– Although, it made its return to Netflix a few weeks ago, I have been so busy, I just got around to watching Emily in Paris. Season Four began with five episodes, each about 30 minutes each. You can binge them all at once or spread them out like I did to make them last longer. The fashion, storylines and drama was upped this season and it didn’t disappoint. Emily had some incredible outfits this season and after traveling to Italy myself this year, this season has me itching to go to Paris, France next. 

This season was so good!

It Ends with Us– I have talked about this book and movie a few times and I finally went to see it. One of my best friend’s and I both read the book and we decided to make it a girls date and see the movie, It Ends with Us. There were definitely some changes between the book and movie, but I’m glad I read and saw them both. I think the casting was well done and it was cool to see the characters come to life on the big screen. If you read or saw it, what did you think of it?

Simplified Launch– This past week was the fall launch for Simplified. They unveiled their collection back in the spring, but because I buy the yearly planner, I don’t purchase mine until the fall. I couldn’t wait to place my order for the upcoming year. I decided to go with the 2025 Weekly Planner in Blush Block. The story behind the planner resonated with me as did the pattern. I can’t wait until the new year to start using it.

My planner pick

Touchless Hand Sanitizer– I got this as a gift from a friend and it came in super handy on our trip. Between different modes of transportation, the heat and sweat, I was constantly using hand sanitizer and so was my family. Everyone asked to borrow it through the trip. I loved how compact it was, it’s slim, so it can be put in a clutch or purse. The scent was a melon/lemon scent which was so refreshing, but not too over powering.

Wicked Little Letters– I watched the movie, Wicked Little Letters after it kept coming up on my recommendations on Netflix. It’s all about a woman who receives nasty and vulgar letters from someone. Everyone suspects it’s a former friend of the recipient of the letters and she gets put in jail for writing the letters. That is, until they question if someone else is behind the letters. This was a cute, British movie with many well-known British actors and actresses and it was a fun watch, but I must warn you the language made it R rated, just as a heads up.

That’s a look into what I’ve been loving this past week! Lots of beauty samples and some entertainment. If you are planning one last summer hurrah, consider giving one of these a try! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
See you back here on Wednesday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #108

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you all have had a great week and are excited to do something fun as we start to say goodbye to summer! This has been such a fulfilling summer filled with checking off bucket list items, continuing summer traditions, and new adventures. I’m not ready to say goodbye to summer, but all good things must come to an end.

I’ve been capitalizing on lots of walks over the past few weeks.

As we get ready for the weekend, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for another round of Friday Favorites! Here’s a list of things I’ve been loving!

Yoga– I’ve tried yoga a few times over the past month. I am used to more high intensity workouts with strength training, lifting and cardio, so this was a change in pace for me, but I’ve enjoyed it the past few times. I did a yoga on the beach which was a slow and gentle flow yoga for beginners. Then a week later, I did a sunrise yoga which was gentle, but more intense yoga. Both lasted an hour and I felt relaxed, refreshed, and stretched out. I don’t know if I’ll be incorporating yoga into my weekly workout sessions, but it was fun to change it up for a few weeks. 

Yoga to start the day

It Ends with Us– The movie, It Ends with Us starting Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni is now out. I haven’t seen it yet, but I am anxious to see it. I read the book and the sequel by Colleen Hoover and I really loved it. I’m anxious to see how the movie compares to the book. I have read some reviews, but no spoilers. I did hear that Hoover makes an appearance. I’m hoping to see it in the theaters soon! I’ll report back with a review once I see it.

New Bridgerton Scent– As we say goodbye to one season of life and say hello to another, my body lotion and sprays are changing. I got some of the new scents from the Bridgerton collection from Bath and Body Works for my birthday and I’m finally getting around to using them. I really love this scent and the design on the bottle. The scent is called Diamond of the Season and it’s a subtle, vanilla scent with some hints of floral. The perfect smell to use when at the end of summer and start of fall!

Packing Cubes-I’m officially on the packing cube train. I have read about packing cubes for years from Mix and Match Mama and before my family trip, I purchased a set for my mom and I to share and they were a huge help. I used two cubes and they fit nine days worth of clothes tight and compact. On the way home, I used one for clean and one for dirty clothes. They gave me so much more space in my carry-on. I would definitely recommend getting them if you are a big traveler. I would even consider using them if you are using a tote bag if you don’t plan on using a suitcase to keep everything organized and neat. I know I will be using them for future travels. I got mine off Amazon!

Satin Lips Scrub and Balm– I’ve mentioned this numerous times, but whenever I go on vacation or go away, I always like to try new beauty samples to see if I want to invest in them. When I went on my trip, I tried Mary Kay’s Satin Lips Scrub and Balm. I used the scrub every night after I washed my face and used them balm through the day. The scrub felt good after a day of lip balm and glass. I found myself having to reapply the balm a lot through the day, but that also could have been due to the heat and drinking lots of water. I will definitely be using the samples on my next trip, but I think I will be sticking to my Sara Happ Lip scrub and balm at home every night.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this past week! What are some things that have caught your eye this past week? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday!