Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #18

Hello all!

Happy Friday!
December is flying by and I hope you are enjoying the holiday season in the midst of all the holiday to-dos! This week has been filled with Christmas spirit, Christmas shopping (both in store and online) and making plans with friends for the holidays.

A sweet treat by the fire.

Today’s Friday Favorites are a mix of things to watch and eat! I have been watching different movies and shows as I order and wrap gifts, so if you are looking for some fun things to watch, here’s some suggestions as I link up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites.

The Noel Diary-I’ve been watching lots of holiday movies, new and old. I was excited to see The Noel Diary with Justin Hartley from This is Us and Barrett Doss from Station 19. The movie follows the story of a famous author who is forced to confront his past when a family member passes away. He uncovers secrets from his family and goes on a journey of self discovery. He also meets a young woman on his journey and they quickly learn how they are connected. This definitely has Hallmark vibes, but a bit more substance to it.

Spirited– Speaking of Christmas. I watched Spirited with Will Ferrrell and Ryan Reynolds and loved it. The movie is a modern day take on a Christmas Carol. There’s singing, dancing, drama and a little romance to this new movie. The characters were interesting, the one-liners were funny and the music is so catchy! Definitely a Christmas move to add to your watch list.

Christmas movie and hot cocoa!

Firefly Lane– The new season of Firefly Lane came out last week and I’m hooked. The series follows the friendship between two girls through the decades. It bounces back and forth between the 1970s, 1990s, and early 2000s. It’s based off a three book series and season two is broken up into two parts. I’ve been watching an episode or two at night. I’m looking forward to the second part of season two especially after the cliff hanger in the finale.

Harry and Meghan trailer for Netflix-Last week, Netflix dropped the trailer for the Harry and Meghan docuseries and it came out yesterday. I already started watched and am really enjoying it. I’m looking forward to learning more about the couple and seeing some behind the scenes photos and videos. It’s been interesting to hear their side of the story about everything that’s happened over the past few years.

Chocolate covered Graham crackers-I whipped up this quick snack the other night as I was trying out new recipes. This recipe just requires Graham crackers, melted chocolate and any toppings you like. I made some plain, some with nuts, a few with marshmallows, and others with sprinkles. Everyone really enjoyed this quick snack that took less than 10 minutes to put together. I’ll definitely be keeping it in mind for future snacks.

That’s just a look into life lately! I hope you get to enjoy this weekend do something festive! Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #17

Hey guys! Happy Friday! Today’s Friday Favorites is holiday themed! I have been full-on Christmas spirit over here and I can’t wait to share some of my favorite things! As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for today’s Friday Favorites. Here we go!

Holiday Decor– Per tradition, we always decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, it’s a lot of work, but the end result is worth it. I love bringing out seasonal throw blankets, pillows and lights and using festive mugs and cups. I picked up my free red cup from Starbucks a few weeks ago, I waited until after Thanksgiving to start using it. There’s nothing better than watching tv, visiting with family and friends or reading, than with all the holiday decorations up. 

Peppermint Brownie Brittle– I always love to see what seasonal products stores roll out. It can be tempting to buy everything, whether it’s food or decor, but I try to only purchase my favorites. When I saw this Peppermint Brownie Brittle, I knew I had to try it. It’s the perfect mix of chocolate and mint and it satisfies your sweet tooth with a few pieces. This would make a great hostess gift or a fun stocking stuffer too. This would even make a great addition to add to your dessert or snack menu.

New Winter Scent– I was due for a new lotion and made sure I got a winter scent for the month of December. Winter Candy Apple is my favorite holiday scent from Bath and Body Works. It reminds me of Christmas in a bottle. I love the sweet and peppermint mixture and it’s just another subtle nod to the holidays.

Christmas Books– I told myself I would only be reading Christmas books in the month of December and I’m doing well so far. I picked up a few from my local library and can’t wait to read more. I’m currently working on A Shopalcohlic Christmas and have A Nantucket Christmas on deck. If you are a big reader, let me know what your favorite Christmas reads are.

Pinterest Christmas Finds– I have been scouring Pinterest for different holiday inspiration and ideas for the month of December. I have date ideas, recipes, even different places all decked out for Christmas saved. Pinterest is such a fun place to get ideas and try new things out. It’s definitely a fun way to pass the time too.

That’s just a look into some of my favorite holiday things this week. Let me know in the comments below on how your Christmas prep is coming. Happy December!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #16

Hello hello and happy Black Friday!

I hope you had a great day yesterday with family, friends or loved ones. I had a wonderful day with family, visiting, eating, relaxing and watching the parade.  Our family always decorates the day after Thanksgiving, so that’s what I have on my agenda for today along with some fun treats and appetizers for dinner.

As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for a weekly edition of Friday Favorites where I share some of my favorite things from this week. 

Here’s a round up of some of my favorite things. 

First Snow-We had our first big snowfall last week/weekend. Although it was not pretty to drive and work in, it was beautiful to sit inside and read, watch a movie or turn on a fire and look at. Some of it has already melted due to warmer temperatures but I know it will be back soon. Seeing all the big, white, snow flakes gets me in the holiday spirit even more.

New Wall Flower Scent- Speaking of the holiday season, I swapped out my wallflower scent this weekend for this festive scent. I had been using eucalyptus and mint and swapped it out for fresh balsam. It smells like Christmas. Between the snow, decorating and new scents, I am ready for December 25…well I still need to do some shopping but I’m almost there. 

Pretzel Bites-I mentioned last week I picked up some fun snacks from Target and wanted to share another snack with you today. I got these chocolate covered peanut butter pretzel bites from Target and they are the perfect sweet and salty treat. You only need to enjoy a few to be satisfied. These would be great to enjoy on their own or a fun addition to a charcuterie board. 

One True Loves– I’ve been reading a lot of Taylor Jenkins Reid, I’m just finished the Seven Husbands of Elena Hugo and will be sharing my thoughts on it soon, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to talk about One True Loves. It follows the story of a young woman who loves her husband when his flight goes missing, it takes her a while, but she moves on and meets someone else, she’s happy and engaged until her husband is found and returns home. It’s up to her to figure out who her one true love is. This story is about love, loss, growth and finding yourself. I breezed through this book in four days. In fact, I finished the last hundred pages in one sitting. A cute, love story with a twist.

The Santa Clauses on Disney Plus– And because I can’t stop talking about the holiday season…have you seen The Santa Clauses series on Disney Plus? I loved the original movies and I couldn’t wait for the series to come out. I love the Easter eggs to the original movies tucked throughout the series. This is a great family-friendly way to kick off the holiday season.

That’s just a look into some of my favorite things this past week. I hope you have a relaxing weekend and wonderful kick off to the holiday season. Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #15

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! Can you believe we are less than a week away from Thanksgiving and Black Friday? I can feel the holiday spirit creeping in. I haven’t started watching any holiday movies yet, but I have done some holiday browsing, it’s hard to resist the temptation when so many stores have their displays up and gifts out. As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites. Here’s some things I’m loving this week.

The Crown-Although I started season 5 last week, I didn’t want to list it as a favorite until I finished the season. Wow, this season was so good, It felt different than past seasons since it was getting closer and closer to current times. I loved the fashion, the plot lines and the casting. I think they were spot on with the casting, especially when it comes to the mannerisms. It also felt a bit different watching this season compared to ones in the past since Queen Elizabeth is no longer here. Now the waiting begins for season six, the final season of The Crown. If you are craving more Royal or Crown insight, be sure to follow Elizabeth Holmes on Instagram. I’ve mentioned her on here before but she is great for fashion insight and royal background.

The Younger Wife– Another week, another book. I have been doing all the reading this fall. The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth is my latest read. I saw other bloggers write about it a few months back and decided to give it a try. It follows the story of a heart surgeon who decides to remarry even though his wife is still alive and has dementia. His grown daughters aren’t on board at first, but come around to the idea, that is, until they uncover some secrets about their parents. From the father and mother, to the young bride to be, and the grown daughters, it turns out, everyone is keeping secrets. I enjoyed this book thoroughly; I only wish it didn’t end. It was definitely worth the read and will have you wanting more once you finish.

Chocolate Covered Ritz Crackers-I mentioned that I haven’t been watching any Christmas movies or shows yet, doesn’t mean I haven’t been getting into the holiday spirit in other ways. I was at Target and saw some festive treats and had to try them. My first purchase was these chocolate covered holiday Ritz crackers. They are the perfect mix of sweet and salty. You don’t need to have many until your craving is satisfied. I know I will definitely be buying them again ahead of the holidays. These would be perfect for an appetizer night.


Leather sneakers– We have been experiencing very fall like weather with chilly but dry days, that was up until this week when we saw snow. When it hasn’t been snowing, I have been putting on these sneakers to wear out and about, whether it’s to the store, a quick walk or out to dinner. I got this pair by Steve Madden from DSW, but I have seen similar styles at Target, Marshall’s and T.J. Maxx. I love how they can dress up or down an outfit, they are sporty and comfortable. Definitely a good fall shoe and can be worn to transition between seasons.

Banana Recipe Help!- I’ve been doing a lot of baking lately, from cookies to breads and muffins. Baking, reading and walking have been my fall hobbies. Bananas are such an easy thing to eat and bake with, but I’m looking for more recipes to try besides just breads and muffins. If you have a favorite banana muffin, would you mind sharing? I’ve been searching on Pinterest but am always looking for new things to try especially with the holiday and baking season approaching.

That’s just a look into some of the things I’m loving this week. Tell me how are you getting into the holiday spirit? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #13

Hello everyone and Happy Friday! It’s been a week! From Halloween on a Monday, to starting a new month on Tuesday and then a mix of weather. I was very happy to see the weekend. I like the beginning of November since there’s time to rest a bit before the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the end of the year. 

I have a fun roundup of favorites for you today as I link up with  Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites ,it’s a good mix of movies, books, activities and food!

The Weekend Away– I know it’s not a new release but it’s new to me. I recently watched The Weekend Away on Netflix, and it was the perfect mystery and scary movie for me. I’m not big into scary movies, but I do love a good mystery and plot twist. The movie follows a young mom who spends a weekend away with her best friend. After the first night, her best friend ends up dead and everyone including the main character becomes a suspect. There’s lots of intrigue and a few plot twists you won’t see coming even up to the last few minutes of the movie. Definitely a good movie to watch if you want a scare, but nothing too scary.

Book Lovers– If you are in the mood to curl up with a good book on a chilly November day, then consider reading Book Lovers. It follows the story of a book agent from New York City who takes a trip in a Hallmark-esque town in North Carolina. This type-A young women is perfectly content with her life in the city but quickly learns that life’s not so bad in a rural town, that is until she learns her rival is visiting the same town. Will they stay competitors, or will a new chapter be written? You will have to turn each page to find out. This book is written by Emily Henry, and I have loved reading her books over the past few years and this one was no different. A great book that you will finish in a breeze.

Spare-Speaking of new books, Prince Harry’s new book cover and synopsis was released last week. Spare is set to hit shelves on January 10. I already have my copy pre-ordered. I can’t wait to read about Harry’s life from his perspective. From my past posts, you have probably picked up that I enjoy following the Royal Family so I’m very eager to read his thoughts. Plus, this gives me something to look forward to in the new year after the holidays are over.

Old Navy Sales– I stopped into Old Navy last week and they had so many sales going on. From jeans to blouses, coats and graphic tee-shirts. There was something for everyone. Plus, they already have some of their Christmas gear out and I may have picked up a holiday shirt and some Christmas pajamas. There’s so many different prints and patterns, you can go crazy! Plus, this is a great time to stock up on things while they are on sale as they switch their seasonal clothes out. 

Elk Watching– This is a different kind of favorite, but I went Elk watching last week and had such a fun time and it was a really unique experience. I had to get up extra early and travel to southeastern Pennsylvania to see the elk in their natural habitat. I got the chance to see them in the field and then up close by the road. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things this week. Tell me, what are you looking forward to this weekend?

Friday Favorites

Currently #12

Hello All!

Happy Friday! I hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend and have something spooky planned for Halloween. I know this weekend I will be enjoying some fall trail mix (I like to add candy corn to mine for some extra fall fun) and maybe a Halloween movie or two.

Such a tasty and easy trail mix.

I’m linking up with with Erika and Andrea for today’s Friday Favorites. Here’s some things I’ve been loving this week.

Nora Goes Off Script-I know this was a big summer book, but I just got around to reading Nora Goes Off Script and it was worth the wait. It follows the story of a screen writer for Hallmark-esque movies and one of them gets picked up for the big screen and the crew comes to shoot some scenes at her home. This newly divorced mom is thrown through a loop when the lead actor asks her to stay at her house for a week once they wrap. Will he just stay in the guest house to clear his mind or will the two of them have their own Hallmark movie ending? You will have to read to find out. P.S. the curveball at the end caught me totally off guard, if you’ve read it already-let’s chat!

The Empress– Besides watching Gilmore Girls this fall, I’ve been watching a few mini series and have found a few that I’ve really enjoyed. I finished The Empress on Netflix last week. It takes place in Austria in the 1700’s and it tells the story of a young girl who is chosen to marry the emperor and become the next empress. The costumes, setting and cinematography are to die for! It is originally in German, but you can watch it in English. There’s only six episodes so you can finish it in a weekend or week depending on how fast you are at binge watching. There was definitely a few cliff hangers which has me wondering if there will be a season 2?!

The Crown Season 5 Trailer Released– Speaking of Netflix, the trailer for season 5 of the Crown dropped this past week and it has me so excited for November 9th. From the new cast to the storylines and the drama that we know unfolds with it. I can’t wait! I’m curious to see how this season will play out and where it will leave for season 6, the final season. Once the series is done, I’m looking forward to going back and rewatching it from the beginning in one consecutive take. 

Meghan Markle in Variety– Sticking with the Royal Family, Variety released the cover and story with Meghan Markle last week. It was delayed due to the Queen’s death in September, so I was excited to finally read it. I loved all the photos of Megahn in the spread, I think they did a beautiful job capturing Meghan and her story. I really liked how the article was a Q and A format and found so many of her responses to be genuine and real.  She touched on everything from the Queen’s passing to her current projects and favorite snacks! I’m looking forward to seeing what she works on next. 

Midnights-Taylor Swift dropped her new album Midnights on October 21 and wow, what an album. I wasn’t sure what to expect since her recent albums have been so different from one another but I have really been enjoying it. I’ve been playing it in the car going to and from work and running errands. I think Taylor’s vocal range and talent was showcased in this album, if you are a Taylor Swift fan, what’s been your favorite songs from it?

That’s a look into some things I’ve been loving this week! Tell me, what’s been a favorite of yours this past week? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #11

Happy Friday! Last week has been filled with so much fall fun! I’m looking forward to more of it this weekend! I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for today’s Friday Favorites to share five favorite things I’m loving this week.

Hocus Pocus 2– I finally watched the new Hocus Pocus movie and loved it. I always look forward to watching the first one every year and didn’t know what to expect with the new movie. There were so many Easter eggs tucked throughout the movie. The best thing about the movie was seeing all the original cast members. Definitely a fun, family movie to add to the holiday lineup.

Family movie night this spooky season!

Apple Nachos– I’ve been enjoying so many apple recipes over the past few weeks. From breads to muffins and pies. This past week, I made a fun snack that was certainly a crowd pleaser. I saw a recipe for apple nachos on Pinterest and had to try it. It’s super easy to make, simply slice an apple, or two or three, drizzle caramel sauce and then your favorite toppings. I added some nuts and m&m’s. It was so easy to make and tasty too.

A delicious fall treat!

Cover Story– I finished another book that I couldn’t put down. Cover Story tells the story of a young college girl, named Lora who meets a young heiress, named Cat during a summer internship. The two become friends and Lora ends up becoming Cat’s ghost writer. However, Cat has some secrets that Lora looks to uncover. This has some of the Inventing Anna vibes if you watched the Netflix series last year. Between the plot twists and bombshell ending, I couldn’t put it down. 

Cuyahoga Valley National Park– Last week I went to Cuyahoga Valley National Park for a fall walk and picnic. I walked eight miles and saw so many beautiful sights and waterfalls. It was the perfect fall day and loved getting fresh air and lots of exercise. It was so fun to try a new place and enjoy the autumn season!

A gorgeous fall walk!

Gilmore Girls-As I type this post, I’m enjoying my newest favorite, Gilmore Girls. I just started it and have fallen in love with it. I love the relationship between mother and daughter, the sweet town and all the fall vibes. It’s been on my watch list for the longest time and I’m so glad I finally started it.

That’s a look into some of the things I’ve been loving. What’s something that brought you joy this week? Let me know below!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #10

 Hi everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend! I’ve been enjoying all the fall fun between getting outdoors and staying cozy inside on the weekends. I’m linking up with  Erika and Andrea for today’s Friday Favorites. Here’s some things I’m loving this week.

  • Guacamole Chips– I always love trying new things that I see at the store. I was at Marshall’s a few weeks back and was looking through their food aisle and came across these guacamole chips. I always enjoy chips and guac but was excited and intrigued to see the pairing together. I picked up a bag and tried it with Taco Tuesday last week and it was a hit. I personally think you can eat them on their own without dips or sauces. 10/10 recommend!
  • Apple Picking-I checked apple picking off my fall bucket list and had so much fun doing it. I collected three different kinds of apples and have already enjoyed eating them on their own and in apple pie, yum!
  • Calvin Klein Dress– I got this new Calvin Klein dress from Marshall’s and wore it out this past week to a fundraiser. I love the cut and style of it, but I really like how it’s the perfect transitional dress. It works great as we go from summer to fall with the short sleeves but leather look. Calvin Klein is always my go-to for dresses and they never disappoint.
  • Changing Leaves– It may sound silly, but I went on a fall drive last week and I loved seeing all the changing leaves. It seemed like fall snuck up on us, but now that it’s here, I’ve been loving it. From hot apple cider to turning on the fireplace to leaning into the coziness. I’m here for it!
  • All We Ever Wanted I’ve been on an Emily Griffin kick recently and loved her book, “All We Ever Wanted”. It’s new to me, but a few years old. I’ve read Baby Proof and didn’t know what to expect with this book. Although, the topic was definitely heavier, I found the book to be thought provoking. The story follows two families who are brought together over a night that changes everyone’s lives. The theme’s of finding yourself, morals, values, realizing what’s truly important stick out to me. I really enjoyed the book and couldn’t put it down once I started it. I’m looking forward to reading more of her books.

That’s a look at what I’m loving this week. Tell me: what are looking forward to this weekend?

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #8

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and have some fun weekend plans, maybe even something fall-hello pumpkin patches and corn mazes? This week really felt like autumn was setting in, from the cooler weather to the changing leaves, it’s been giving me all the fall vibes.

I’m linking up with linking up with Erika and Andrea for today’s Friday Favorites! Here’s five things I’m loving this week. 

Apple Muffins– In true fall spirit, I have been spending a lot of time indoors and that includes doing lots of baking. From muffins to cookies, it’s been so fun and cozy to enjoy a warm treat inside.  Apples have been my go-to for baking. I made apple muffins this past week and they were a hit. I made them last year and couldn’t wait to make them again this year. They are so easy to make and require little prep and ingredients. I have plans to do some apple picking soon and I know I will be making more recipes with them. Here’s some more apple recipes I enjoy!

Old Navy Shirts– I did some shopping at Old Navy and one of the things I love are their t-shirts. I always get them in white or black in short and long sleeve to have some neutral colors, but they had cute colors for fall and I grabbed a few on sale. I love the color green and I love how it breaks up neutral colors. The fabric is also super soft too. Perfect for fall and winter.

Malibu Rising– I’ve also been doing a lot of reading. I’ve been on a Taylor Jenkins Reid kick. I read Daisy Jones and the Six in the summer and I just finished Malibu Rising this past week. It follows the story of one unforgettable party in Malibu that a family throws every year. However, at this one party, secrets come out, decisions are made and things are forever changed. I personally liked Daisy Jones and the Six better but this was still very good. For any Taylor Jenkins Reid fans out there, what book should I read next?

Snack Lunches– I’ve been eating a lot of lunches at home lately and as a way to clean out my fridge and use what I have, I’ve been enjoying snack plates. I’ll load up fresh cut fruits, veggies, cheese and crackers and enjoy. It’s healthy, filling and it uses what I have in my house. 

Operation Mincemeat– I’ve been enjoying some movies and shows on Netflix recently including Operation Mincemeat. It’s based on a true story about a mission during World War II involved Great Britain, Germany and Italy. I really enjoyed the plot, the mystery aspect and the casting too. It is a longer movie but keeps you on the edge of your seat. 

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week. Tell me, what’s a favorite thing or two you are loving this week! Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #7

Hello all!

Happy Friday! I hope you all had a great week and have something fun planned for this weekend. Like every Friday, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for a new edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s five things that I’m loving this week.

New Scent: Yesterday was the start of the fall season and it happened to coincide with it being time to get a new scent of body spray/lotion. Bath and Body Works is my go-to for lotion, sprays, wall flowers, etc. I always look forward to changing scents when an old scent runs out. I tried this new scented Butterfly and loved it, it’s a fresh but warm smell if that makes sense. It would go perfect for the spring or summer season, but even would work for fall too. I liked the scent so much, I purchased a mini spray for work too. I can’t wait to use it every day.

Eyeshadow Brushes: I am always on the search for new makeup products and things that make getting ready faster and efficient. This next favorite is my no means a new invention. I found a great deal on Amazon for lots of eyeshadow brushes. This pack came in a clear case to keep them all together and in one spot. These brushes will last me a few days since there’s essentially four sponges per stick. I don’t have to worry about washing these brushes, I can just toss them when I’m done with them. I really like that the sponges don’t fall off when applying eye shadow, they provide great coverage on my lids, and they make blending easier. If you are searching for some new brushes, give these a try!

House of Gucci– Again not a new movie, but a new to me movie. I watched House of Gucci last week and loved it. I thought the acting was so well done, from Lady Gaga to Adam Driver and even Jared Leto. Leto was unrecognizable to me. I really enjoyed the fashion, the plot and the build up to the tragic ending. I learned a lot about the Gucci family that I didn’t know before while watching the film too. If you are a fan of the fashion industry, definitely give it a try. There are a few adult scenes and it is a longer movie, so just a few things to consider when planning your next movie night.

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies– If you are looking for a movie snack, this might be it. I picked up these mini cookies from Target and loved them. They have the perfect balance of caramel and chocolate chip. They are bite sized cookies so you can eat one or two and your sweet tooth will be satisfied. These would be a great afternoon pick-me-up, lunch snack or movie treat. I loved popping into Target for everything, but seeing their new snacks and trying them out are always a favorite for me!

Sweet Corn– Sticking with food, I’ve been on a sweet corn kick. My family and I have been enjoying a lot of corn while grilling. We’ve enjoyed it with burgers and hot dogs, chicken, even steak. We recently tried putting corn on the grill and I’ve found that I enjoy it even more over the fire compared to boiling them inside on the stove. If you are looking to have one more cookout before the weather turns, consider some sweet corn.

That’s a look at some of my favorite things today. What are you loving today?