Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #42

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you have something fun planned for this weekend. I have been loving this spring weather. I have been trying to spend as much time as possible outside to soak up the sun! I’ve even been grilling and enjoying reading outdoors. Some of my favorite summer activities.

Summer grilling has begun!

I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea! for another edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s a roundup of some things I’ve been loving this week. 

Running– I can’t believe this is on my Friday Favorites list, but here we are. As the weather has been getting warmer, I’ve been running outside more. I’ve never been a runner, but one of my goals this summer is to run a 5K, so I’ve been preparing for it. I try to get longer runs on the weekends, and shorter runs on the weekdays. Slowly but surely, I’m getting there and I’m proud of myself for how far I’ve come.

Getting my runs in!

Coronation Behind the Scenes Video: Even though it’s been a few weeks, I’m still reading and following things about the Coronation of King Charles III. Last week, Will and Kate released a behind the scenes of Coronation weekend. You can watch it here. I loved seeing them getting ready for the big day and getting into the community for all the events. The video was so well produced, such a great recap of the weekend!

Such a good recap!

Jury Duty– Have you seen Jury Duty yet? It’s on Freevee through Amazon Prime and without giving too much away it’s about a group of people seated on a jury for a trial in Los Angeles, they are all actors who know the case is fake except for one of the jurors. There’s so many great one-liners and scenes, definitely worth the watch. 

Such a fun show!

Cuffed Jeans– As we are making our way through Spring, I have been wearing lots of transitional pieces of clothing that work for cooler mornings and hotter afternoons. Cuffed jeans and graphic t-shirts have been my go-to for the spring. Old Navy is a one stop shop for jeans, I love all the cuts and styles, but their regular cuts are my favorite. I have been wearing cuffed jeans non-stop this Spring.

A weekend look!

New Outlander Trailer- I am a big fan of the show, Outlander on Starz and the new trailer for Season 7 which airs this June dropped last week. This season brings us to the American Revolution. The trailer looks dramatic, intense and has some pretty big cliffhangers sprinkled throughout. I can’t wait to watch the new season. 

June can’t come soon enough!

So many favorite things this week, from shows to clothes and outdoor fun! I know I’ll be planning to soak up some sunshine this weekend and get some family time in too! How do you plan to spend your weekend? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great weekend and a fantastic Friday!!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #41

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week! This one was a fun week, filled with friends, activities, and a good work week. 

Someone is happy for the weekend!

We are inching closer and closer to warmer and summer-like weather and I can’t wait for it.

As we get ready for the weekend, here’s some things I’m loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Firefly Lane– The second part of season two of Firefly Lane came out at the end of April and I slowly made my way through it. I watched an episode or two a night and really enjoyed seeing how the series wrapped up. It was based on a book, so if you read the book series, you know how it ends. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to the characters that I grew to enjoy. Overall, I was satisfied with how it wrapped up. If you watched, what were your thoughts on the series?

New Scent– It’s been a few months, so it was time for a new body lotion and spray. I am currently using Coco Paradise by Bath and Body Works. I got it for free with a purchase and couldn’t wait to try it. It’s the perfect scent to get you ready and excited for summer. It’s the perfect mix of ocean and coconut. This will be the best thing for a beach trip this summer!

Barrington and Simplified Collaboration– Simplified announced a collaboration with Barrington, a purse brand and the patterns and colors are so fun! There’s so many different styles and bags you can choose from with Simplified patterns or colors. Plus, you can get them monogrammed too! I may have to add a few of these to my Wish List.

Just a look at some of the bags!

Ed Sheeran New Album– Ed Sheeran’s new album, Subtract, came out last week and it’s what I’ve been listening to it non-stop. I love the variety of music, from slow and soft to fast and upbeat. I’ve loved listening to Sheeran’s music over the years and I couldn’t wait for this new album. I’ll be seeing Ed Sheeran in July and I can’t wait. This will be the second time I’ll be seeing him in concert and I’m going to do my best to have most of these songs memorized.

Elizabeth Holmes on the Simplified podcast– Another Simplified favorite (sorry, I can’t help myself!) Last week was the Coronation of King Charles III, I caught parts of it on Saturday and actually got to do some stories on it too, more on that next week! But ahead of the Coronation, Elizabeth Holmes, my favorite Royal expert, shared thoughts about Royal fashion and the Coronation and more on Emily Ley’s Simplified podcast. It was so fun to hear two of my favorite people talk about Royalty. Such a special treat.

Such a fun listen!

There you have it! A look into some of my favorite things from the past week. Some collaborations, new scents and hobbies. Certainly a little bit of everything! Tell me: what are you looking forward to this weekend? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday friends!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Morning Routines

Hey friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far as we make our way through MAY! This is one of my favorite months of the year, I love the warmer weather, transitioning from spring to summer, fresh plants and flowers, the start of grilling season and my birthday is this month-so many great things happening!

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for a Let’s Look with Erika and Shay for Let’s Look!! Once a month, they share different parts of their lives and I’ve linked up along with them too. Here’s some of the past prompts, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases in February it was about our medicine cabinets. This month the theme is Let’s Look at our morning routines!

I LOVE a good morning routine, so I couldn’t wait to share mine.

I have two morning routines to share. The first, an early morning routine and a second-regular morning routine.

On weekends, I work an early morning shift, so my mornings look a bit different compared to Monday through Friday, so I decided to share them both with you today!

Up first, a weekend morning.

Alarm goes off at 3:45, I spend some time checking my phone for emails, texts, social media, news feeds for a few minutes and then it’s reflection time. I read a daily reflection from Laudate, a religious app and then doing journaling and reflection.

This is my current journal, there’s a prompt for every day which I’ll answer and then I’ll journal anything that’s on my mind. Then I do some reading of this meditation, Sure as the Sunrise by Emily Ley. I have been loving it this year. This takes about 10 minutes from start to finish and then this is where the time starts ticking.

I get up before 4:00, make up bed, brush teeth and wash my face and then start makeup. If all goes according to plan, it takes about twenty minutes for my makeup.

Then it’s hair time, I typically curl my hair and while I do that I do some reading and a word search. I know it sounds crazy, but rather than watch tv or listen to music, I will read a few chapters and complete a word search while I do my hair.

Once all is said and done it’s about 4:40, I finish getting ready, grab my lunch and it’s out the door by 4:50 to get to work by 5:00.

Out the door on time.

On weekends, mornings go by fast and there’s no chance of hitting the snooze.

At work on time!

On weekdays, it’s a bit of a different story. I get a lot more done and it’s not as rushed.

Alarm goes off at 6:15, I go about my morning routine of checking my phone, having my reflection time, getting up and getting ready to leave for the gym by 6:40.

Workout done!

Then it’s workout time for about an hour. I get home around 7:50ish.

It’s time to start getting ready for the work day, that includes makeup, hair-similar to my weekend routine. I’ll see what I have going on for the day with my Simplified Planner.

A glance at my planner for this week

I’ll grab my lunch do any picking up that needs done and then it’s out the door, on this particular day, I had to run to the bank before heading to work, but made it in my 9:15 ahead of my start time.


Time for work!

My days off look fairly similar to a weekday morning, same wakeup time, reflection, gym time and then after that every day is different depending on if I have appointments, errands to run or I just come home and relax.

That’s a look at two different by similar morning routines. I always love getting a peak into other people’s routines and rhythms. Let me know in the comments below about yours!

Have a great rest of your week and I will see you back here on Friday for a new edition of Friday Favorites!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #40

Hey hey! Happy Friday! We made it through the first week of MAY! I hope you guys are all having a great week. This was a busy work week for me, but so fun, so this weekend is much needed for some R and R.

I hope you have something fun planned for the weekend whether it’s family time, doing something with friends, watching the Coronation of King Charles II or enjoying the Kentucky Derby. There’s a lot going on this first weekend in May.

Today’s roundup of Friday Favorites is a bit of a mix bag, so I hope you find something that speaks to you in this post as I link up with Erika and Andrea

Guacamole Chips– In honor of Cinco de Mayo, I have you covered! We picked these up on a whim for our Taco Tuesday a few weeks ago and they were a hit. They complemented salsa, queso and guac so well. There was a little bit of a kick to them which really added to the chips. If you are a chips and guac fan, consider these for your next Taco night.

Brunch with Babs– I know I am late to the game on this Instagram account, but I found Brunch with Babs a few months ago and I have been loving it. Babs has great tips and advice from cooking and cleaning to housewarming. I have been really enjoying her spring cleaning tips and have been using them a lot lately. If you don’t follow her, definitely consider checking her out.

The Diplomat– Have you seen The Diplomat on Netflix? I started watching it last week and have really gotten hooked. It’s all about a government official who gets a new gig as an Ambassador and how she adjusts to her new role with some twists. I loved the casting, the plot, and the storylines. It’s been a fun show to watch to unwind at the end of the day.

Emergency Key- I got this emergency key/tool for Easter and immediately put it on my keychain. It has so many uses and tools if you are ever in an emergency. This is definitely a handy tool to key in your wallet, purse or on your key chain. Take a look at all the uses below. Genius!

And Just Like That Season 2 Trailer– Calling all Sex and the City Fans! The trailer for season 2 is out and it looks good. From the fashion, to the friendship, the one-liners and surprise appearance at the end of the trailer, wow…June can’t come soon enough. I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens.

An extra bonus, the series finale of A Million Little Things aired this week, I watched the show from the beginning and although sad, I though the show wrapped up beautifully. If you watched, what did you think? Let me know in the comments below!

There you have it, a fun roundup of favorite things from this week. I hope you have a wonderful first weekend of MAY! 

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #39

Hi all! Happy Friday and happy end of April! What a month it’s been, filled with the start of spring and sunshine! That being said, I can’t wait for May, lots of good things in store for the next month.

My pup enjoying the sweet sunshine!

As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea! for another edition of Friday Favorites, a collection of things that have caught my eye and maybe will catch yours too!

Here’s what I’m loving this week.

Small Gold Hoops– I have been on the hunt for a small gold hoop earrings for a while and got a perfect pair for Easter. I have large loops in different colors, but was looking for something a bit more dainty and these fit the build. They are classy and professional and can be worn in the office, out to dinner or even with jeans and a t-shirt, definitely a favorite worth sharing.

New candle– Out with the old and in with the new! It was time for a fresh candle for my room. This scent is divine. I love the sweet and subtle smell it brings to my room. It’s perfect for sunny mornings and quiet evenings. The orange is perfect for spring. I’ll be enjoying this candle all spring long!

Outdoor walks– We have been having the best weather here lately (minus a day of snow!) and I have been taking advantage of all the outdoor walks, from walks on my own with my dogs and a good podcast, to long walks, catching up with friends. I have been doing everything I can to get outdoors and in the sunshine and getting some good exercise doesn’t hurt either!

A great walk with one of my friends!

So Many Thoughts Coronation podcast– If you have been following on here for a while, you have heard me talk about Elizabeth Holmes’ and her coverage of the Royal Family, from her book, to her newsletter and podcast, she is a wealth of information. She has a new series of podcasts on Substack about the coronation of King Charles II. It’s been fascinating to learn about what to expect for the big day next month.

Murder Mystery 2- I watched the first Murder Mystery with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston a few years back and was excited to learn there was going to be a second movie. I recently watched Murder Mystery 2 on Netflix with my family and really enjoyed it. It was a bit different than the first, but had the classic “who done it” element. The second movie takes them to a different destination with characters old and new. I highly recommend it for a fun, family movie.

There you have it, a fun mix of favorites this week. This weekend has family time and a few activities lined up. Tell me: what do you have in store for the last weekend of April? Let me know in the comments below!

Fitness Let's Look

Let’s Look and Apple Fitness Review

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday! I hope your weeks are going well. It’s starting to feel more and more like springtime which I can’t get enough of. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter!

I had the best Easter with family, savoring traditions and having fun!

I have an extra-long post for you today!

First, I’m linking up with Erika and Shay for their monthly “Let’s Look”, every month, they choose different topics to discuss, last month we talked about about favorite Amazon purchases and in February we shared about our medicine cabinets and today’s topic is pet peeves. 

I’m sure if I thought about it for hours, I could give you a list of pet peeves, but to save both your and my sanity, here’s a few of my pet peeves.

I’m a neat-freak, so I can’t stand messes. If there’s clutter, I try to clean it up, a load of laundry in the dryer? I fold it. (Whether it’s a 10 pm or 6 am). Dishes sitting in the sink? I clean them. I love the feeling of going to bed or leaving the house in order, so I always try to have everything picked up and tidied up. It sometimes drives the people in my life crazy, when I spend time suggesting they tidy up a space, I’m a work in progress, so I’m trying to let go of things being tidy and organized all the time.

Another pet peeve I have is I hate wasting, whether it’s food or items or time. It pains me to throw away food that I don’t eat. I always try to eat leftovers and use things I have in my fridge or freezer or pantry instead of buying food when I have things at home. I also hate wasting items, I like to use samples that I get or I will use cosmetics until the last drop. And time, i hate wasting time and not being productive.

My last big pet peeve is low batteries on phones or low gas in cars. I get stressed with gas gets below a quarter tank or when my phone battery hits 40%, I always like to be prepared with full tanks of gas or a full battery.

I’m sure I can think of plenty of more pet peeves, but those are some of my top pet peeves.

For part two of today’s post, I’m reviewing Apple Fitness. I got a new phone back in January and when I got it, I got three months free with Apple Fitness. I was excited to try it and have used it a lot over the past three months.

Some of my favorite features include the dozens of different workouts, intensity levels and lengths of workouts. There’s a mix of at-home workouts videos and guided workouts on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical.

I tried yoga, strength and conditioning, core, stretching, walking and running, just to name a few. Some workouts were 10-minute yoga sessions which were perfect for a quick stretch and other core workouts were 45 minutes that got you sweating. 

I loved the variety of workouts and the different instructors; some were upbeat and fast paced and others were more calming and chill. There were always new classes to try and I loved that you could see how you were doing to try and close your rings.

I used the guided walks the most, you could choose from a variety of people from singers to activists, actors, or political figures and they would narrate while you walked. They would share personal stories, their favorite songs and life lessons. I “went on a walk” with Prince William, Dolly Parton and Gabrielle Union to name a few. I learned a lot from them while getting a good walk in. 

Apple Fitness is $9.99 a month which in my opinion isn’t a horrible option for access to hundreds of at home workouts and guided workouts. However, I belong to a gym that I go to every day, so I was using Apple Fitness in addition to what I was doing at the gym. Ultimately, I decided to not renew my Apple Fitness subscription. I really enjoyed it and found it super helpful and useful, but I wasn’t using it enough to pay $10 when I was already going to a gym. If I decide to not to a gym and just rely on home workouts, then I will definitely be renewing my Apple Fitness Subscrpition.

Whew, that was a long one. Major props if you made it through the whole post, but I had a lot on my mind. I have two questions to pose to you today!

1) What are your biggest pet peeves?

2) Are you and Apple Fitness fan? Have you tried it? Are you more into hitting the gym or doing an at-home workout? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a wonderful rest of your week! See you here on Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #32

Hey all! Happy Friday and Happy St. Patrick’s Day! If you choose to celebrate, I hope you have an enjoyable and safe holiday!

Last weekend we had another burst of snow, so I’m hoping this weekend it’s just clear skies and sunshine and more spring weather. 

One more burst of snow this season!

Here’s a look at some things I’ve been watching, eating and reading as I link up with with Erika and Andrea!

The Law According to Lidia Poet- I found this mini series on Netflix and really enjoyed it. It is in another language but there are English subtitles and dubbed in English so you can follow along. It follows the story of a young female lawyer who’s looking to make in the courts but keeps facing roadblocks in the late 1700’s to early 1800’s. I love the costumes, the casting and the murder-mystery storylines. Did I mention, while she’s trying to become a lawyer, she’s also solving murders?! So clever! Definitely an intriguing show you can watch in a weekend or over the course of the week. 

Lemonade Packets– My go-to drink is always water but sometimes, on long days, I like to change it up. These lemonade packets are the perfect fix for the afternoon slumps. They are low in calories, there are lots of flavors and it’s the perfect pick me up for long days. I always have them in my pantry or lunch box for work. They also get you in the spring and summer season. Yum!

Behind the Scenes of Daisy Jones and the Six– Each week, I’ve been enjoying Daisy Jones and the Six. It’s been so fun to follow along after reading the book. I’ve also been doing lots of reading on the making of the series. This article gave a great inside look at the relationship between the characters. I love learning about what happens when the cameras aren’t rolling. So fun to hear about their friendships off screen. 

Murdaugh Murders Documentary-Like so many others, I was following the trial of Alex Murdaugh, however, I didn’t realize the whole scope of this family until I was watching the three episode documentary on Netflix. I planned on watching the first episode, but quickly got hooked and finished the whole series in one night (mind you-the episodes are only 45 minutes). The series shows how this one family was tied to a series of deaths, leading up to the most recent murders. It was fascinating to learn so much about the power that one family had in South Carolina. Definitely worth watching if you are interested in current events and true crime.

Fairytale Scent– New season, new scent! I recently started using Bath and Body Works Fairytale Scent. It’s a perfect mix of warm and fresh wrapped up into one. I also go for a body spray and lotion combo from Bath and Body Works and they last me for about three months. I always like switching out scents and trying what’s new. What’s your current favorite scent?!

As we make our way through March, this is just a look at some things I’m loving right now, certainly a mix of reading, watching, tasting and wearing. Tell me, as we gear up for spring, what are you looking forward to? Let me know in the comments below! 

Have a great weekend!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Amazon Purchases

Hi all! Happy Wednesday! I hope your March is going smoothly and you start to see the beginnings of SPRING! We’ve had a mild winter so far, but I’m already craving the sunshine and 50 degree temperatures. 

Today I’m linking up with Erika and Shay for this month’s edition of Let’s Look. Every month, whoever links up gives you a look into a different aspect of their lives.

This month it’s about all time favorite Amazon purchases! I have to be honest, I use Amazon, but I do prefer to shop in stores. Amazon definitely makes it easier to order things you need in a pinch, but sometimes it’s fun to browse stores and the aisles. 

Here’s some fun things I’ve bought from Amazon recently. 

Photo Frame-Not a super fun purchase, but I needed it for a gift and rather than going to multiple craft stores to find this large frame, I went on my Amazon app, ordered the it and had it shipped to my house in two days. I could choose the color and size and it was inexpensive too. Just what I was looking for.

Jeep Key Fob Cover- One of my co-workers had this cover for her key fob and I loved how it looked (so sleek and sophisticated) so I wanted to get one for myself. This soft rubber key fob slips right over your key fob. A larger key ring also comes with it, so you can slip it right over onto your wallet or key ring. When I was looking on Amazon for it, I came across other covers for different cars and their keys. My mom loved how mine looked, so she ordered a cover for her key fob, (a different make and model than mine)! It wasn’t too expensive, but it was more of a fun purchase than a practical one. But every time I see it, does it bring me joy? You bet!

Charging Station for iPhone– I talked about this purchase in my Friday Favorites at the beginning of the year, but I wanted to bring it back again. I got this three in one charging station for my phone and apple watch. You can charge your AirPods too, but I don’t have AirPods, so I don’t use that feature. I love how I don’t have to worry about multiple cords and chargers anymore. it’s one plug and everything gets charged. I also have a pop socket/ring on the back of my phone, and you can still charge it with it on. The only catch is to make sure when you order it, it’s compatible for your version of your watch, phone and AirPods. It comes in multiple colors and it affordable and it saves you time and energy from searching for multiple cords.

Spare-No surprise here that I pre-ordered Spare and it arrived on the day it came out. The library is typically my go-to for books, but I do order books if I know I will want to re-read it or hold onto them. Amazon made it easy for me start reading right away!

Heatless Curling Rod Headband-This will be getting its own post soon enough, but like many others, I purchased this curling rod headband that gives your curls without using heat. I’ve tried it a handful of times and have been pleased with it, but still need to try it out different ways to really get the hang of it. But Amazon made it so easy to order it and try it within a few days.

That’s a look into some of the things I’ve ordered from Amazon, some fun, some basic, a little bit of everything. What are some of your favorite Amazon purchases? Let me know in the comments below!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #31

Hey guys! Happy Friday or Fri-YAY! I hope you had a great first full week of March! This week was filled with work, doctor’s appointments and getting outside as much as I could.

The second part of YOU season 4 came out yesterday, so I’ve been making my way through that and plan to watch more of it this weekend.

Even though, I’m working this weekend, I have some fun activities planned which I’m excited for. Today, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites. Here’s some things I’m loving this week!

Where the Crawdads Live– I’m so late to the party on this movie, but I watched Where the Crawdads Live a few weeks back and really enjoyed the movie. I heard about the book, but never got around to reading it. The movie kept showing up on my recommended watch list on Netflix and decided to give it a try. I’m so glad I did! Without giving too much away, it tells the story of a young girl accused of murder in a small town. The girl is an outcast to the town, so many people have already set their minds on if she committed the crime or not. The movie goes back and forth between the past and present. I was worried it would be a little dark, but found the story to be enlightening, beautiful and a story about life and death. Now, I want to read the book!

Etsy Finds– I am a huge fan of Etsy and have purchased some recent gifts from small businesses. I love how unique every item is, how you can talk to the shop owners and the best part is that you are supporting local businesses. If you are looking for unique and timeless gifts, I would highly recommend Etsy! I’ve had such great luck for anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, just because gifts and Christmas gifts! Definitely recommend checking them out.

Blueberry Muffin Recipe-I’ve been on a baking and cooking streak and have been trying new recipes left and right. I tried this new blueberry recipe and loved it! The muffins were full of flavor and so moist. I made them for my family and they were a big hit. I have Pinterest to thank for this recipe.

The best blueberry muffins I’ve made!

Daisy Jones and the SixDaisy Jones and the Six came out on Amazon Prime last week and I have been devouring this mini series. I couldn’t wait to watch the series after reading the book last summer. It’s been so cool to see the characters I fell in love with come to life on the screen. From the music to the costumes and casting, this has been such a fun show to watch. You don’t have to read the book to enjoy the show, but it’s been fun to compare the two. 

One True Loves trailer– Sticking with Taylor Jenkins Reid, the movie, One True Loves, based on her book is coming out soon and I’m so excited to see it. I really like the casting so far and the trailer looks really good and promising for a great movie. You know it’s a good Friday when you have two TJR favorites!

Whew, that was a jam-packed Friday Favorites and a good mix of things I’ve been loving. Tell me, what are some things you have been loving recently or looking forward to? Let me know in the comments below! Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #30

Happy Friday and happy first Friday of March! This week, we said goodbye to February and hello to March! I know it may not feel like spring yet, it certainly doesn’t feel that way to me, but this new month brings the promise that we are closer to spring than winter and that’s a major win! 

I have a fun roundup of favorite things this week. Let’s jump right in as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Disenchanted– I watched this movie a few weeks ago and kept forgetting to share it until now. Growing up, I loved the movie Enchanted with Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey and was so excited as an adult to learn they were making a sequel. I’m glad I saw Disenchanted, I thought it was cute and liked how they brought the same characters and had little Easter eggs from other Disney movies, but didn’t think they needed a sequel. But if you are looking to enjoy some childhood nostalgia, this movie wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Fun movie for the whole family!

Everything Seasoned Crackers– I was on the hunt for some different crackers to enjoy with lunch and tried these crackers from Walmart and loved them. They have so much flavor and seasoning and go great with cheese, fruit, even dips or spreads. Definitely worth picking them up the next time you are on the hunt for a new cracker. 

My new favorite cracker-so much flavor!

The Fableman’s– In honor of award season, I watched The Fableman’s and loved it. It’s based on the story of Steven Spielberg and how he fell in love with movies and directing. I’ve enjoyed so many of Spielberg’s movies and loved learning more about his backstory and childhood. Michelle Williams did a fantastic job and the cinematography was incredible. It may have been a long movie but it didn’t feel long at all, you totally get caught up in it. I loved every second and can’t wait to see how it does for the Academy Awards.

Apple Fitness Time to Walk– I have talked about some of Apple Fitness’ different workout courses and have really been enjoying their Time to Walk series, different actors, actresses, athletes and world leaders narrate different stories or share personal experiences while walking, it’s very similar to a podcast. I really love listening to different people’s stories and it makes walking in colder weather so much better.

Outerbanks Season 3- Anyone else finish Outerbanks season 3 yet?! It came out last Thursday and I’ve spent most of the past week catching up on it. There were definitely some surprises, cliffhangers and reunions this season but it was so good to catch up on this show. Not going to lie, seeing all the exterior scenes had me craving some warmer weather. If you have caught up on the new season, what did you think?!

What I’ve been watching this week.

That’s just a recap on some of my favorite things from this week. This weekend, I’m looking forward to watching Daisy Jones and the Six. I’ve been talking about it a lot from the book, to trailer and now the series. I have a feeling it will be one of my favorites next week.

Hello weekend plans!

I hope you enjoy this first weekend of March! Have a great weekend!