Fabulous living

2022 Year in Review

Here we are at the end of another year. At the beginning of this year, my motto or phrase of the year was “Building the Best Version of Me”. I really wanted to lean into my routines and rhythms that I established at the beginning of the year and stick to them and I was happy I did that.

It’s been said before that the older you get, the faster the years go by and that is certainly the truth.

This year has been busy with growing in my job, time with family both at home and away, building friends, enjoying hobbies.  

I’m using today’s entry as a both a recap of the past year and a favorite things of 2022 post.

So, let’s begin with a recap:

The beginning winter months of 2022 brought me out in snow and soaking up with outdoors with ice skating, winter walks and trying cross country skiing, something I haven’t tried in years.

Starting the year off with time outside, like skiing.
Time spent ice skating.
And cross country skiing…
Seeing the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit.
I also took in some local theater.

It also brought day trips to Pittsburgh for a trip to museums and time with family. As the weather got warmer, it meant more time outdoors with walks, picnics and trips to the local zoo and different parks. 

Time in Pittsburgh in the spring
I love taking in all the architecture.
First zoo trip of the year.
Celebrating Easter traditions.

Both of my brothers graduated in the Spring, one from college and one from high school, so it was fun to celebrate their milestones as a family. I also celebrated my 24th year around the sun. 

First signs of spring.
Cheers to 24!

I tried to spend as much time outdoors as possible in the summer months, from walks, to reading outdoors, picnics, and countless meals outside, our winters are long, so I tred to take advantage of the summer as much as I can.

I went to the National Comedy Center this year.
Summer picnics outdoors.
Drive-in dates.

I met up with friends through the summer months for dinners, or coffee or walks. I also did some traveling with day trips with family and my boyfriend and then some meet ups with friends too. My family and I got away for a few days with and went to the ocean which was such a fun escape.

Beach days in the summer
One of the many places I went for hikes for in the summer.
It felt so good to relax for a few days at the beach!
More zoo trips!
Fair fun!
I spent so much time reading outdoors.
I enjoyed sunrises and sunsets.

The summer was also filled with baseball games, strawberry picking, zoos, bonfires, beach days, and grilling. I tried to head outside as much as I could when the seasons changed from summer to fall.

Day trips to Pittsburgh
Lots of burgers on the grill.
Beautiful night for baseball
Strawberry picking summer fun!
Bonfire nights.
In my happy place!
I went to my first MLB game this summer.
And ice cream nights!
I fell in love with avocado toast this summer too.
I enjoyed farmer’s markets this summer too.

But as the winds changed, I had to layer up for fall walks, leaf peeping and apple picking. I tried to do as much baking as possible when I was cooped up indoors.

Fall drives.
Lots of fall baking
Enjoying Beautiful Fall Walks
Apple picking fun!
First time seeing this majestic waterfall.
Making Halloween treats too.

The last chunk of the year was filled with all things holidays. From Halloween movies to family at Thanksgiving and all the Christmas and holiday cheer. The last few months are always my favorite time of the year.

Family movie night for Halloween.
More fall baking.
Hello holiday cheer!
All the Christmas spirit, from movies to decor, to hot cocoa.
Holiday fun!

That was a bit of a recap, now here’s some of my favorite things from the past 12 months:

Favorite Show: This is Us: the Final Season

Favorite Binge Watch: Downton Abbey (both the series and the movies)

Favorite New Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid (new to me!!)

Favorite New Movie: Elvis

Favorite Artist or Song: Taylor Swift’s Midnights

Favorite Adventure: First MLB Game in Cleveland to see the Guardians

This is a snapshot of this past year, it can be easy to forgot or not recall all the little moments that make up the past 365 days. This year has been so fulfilling and fun. I don’t know what the new year will bring, but I’m ready to embrace the change, take opportunities (even the scary ones), and make every moment count.

Thank you 2022…let’s ring in the new year!

Fabulous living

Looking Towards 24

Hey guys!

Happy Wednesday!

I hope you are having a good week. This weekend is Memorial Day weekend and if always feels like to official start of summer to me and I can’t wait! In good news, these past few weeks, I’ve been treated to lots of sunshine and 70 degrees days so it feels like I got a jumpstart to summer.

Nothing better than clear skies and spring walks

Every year since I started my blog in 2017, I always done a birthday/reflection post. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed looking back to see how far I’ve come and what my goals or aspirations were at different points in my life. It’s interesting to see what I wanted to accomplish at 19 compared to 23.

In case you missed any of them, you can find my past birthday posts here.





Now, it’s time for 24. I don’t know if you felt this way when you turned 24, but to me, 24 feels like “adult-adult”. For most people, they have graduated college, maybe even gone to grad school, started a job, maybe in a relationship, and have a game plan for the direction they want their life to take. I know this is not the case for everyone and everyone’s paths are different but from my experience and those close to me, we are all kind of in the same boat right now at 24. 

As I embark on 24, there’s a few things that have stood out to me that I’ve learned over the past year that have really made a difference and there’s a few things I want incorporate in my life this next year.

Things I’ve learned in year 23

-Sleep is so important. This may seem really silly and overrated, but this past year I’ve really done a good job at making sleep a priority in my life. In college and right after I graduated college, sleep wasn’t always at the top of my mind. I had clubs to be a part of, meetings to go to, papers to write etc. and in college and I would stay up late to get everything done and still wake up at my regular time to go to the gym first thing in the morning or get things done before I started my day. I loved everything I was involved in, but it was taking a toll on my body. I was still getting a decent amount if sleep but it wasn’t always consistent and I wanted to change that.

A look at the Sleep Tracker app

This past year, I’ve done a much better job at getting consistent sleep and winding down more at night and having a good evening routine, this especially helps when I work weird hours. As a result, I feel better, more alert, and more energized. Even just getting an extra hour or two of sleep a night makes a big difference. I’ve also been tracking my sleep which shows if I really got a good night sleep or not, and for that I use the sleep tracker app, I’ve used it for a few years now and I like how it tracks your sleep and functions as an alarm. I also rely on the Health app in my iPhone too. This past year I’ve learned how much sleep helps your mental health too. I know this isn’t news to many, but for me, this made a big difference this past year.

And the Health app on my iPhone.

-Another thing I’ve learned a lot over this past year is to make a point to make plans whether it’s with family or friends or even activities. Yes, being spontaneous is fun, but when you make a point to see people or do things, it shows that level of commitment to your friends and yourself. This past year, I’ve really made an effort with friends to set up monthly dinner dates, or walks, or even facetime calls, even if things come up and we have to adjust, knowing you have something set-up gives you something to look forward too. Plus, we all can get wrapped up with our lives between work and family and it’s always good to remind ourselves to carve time out for ourselves. 

A few months back, my mom and I made a point to see an immersive Van Gogh exhibit in Pittsburgh and I’m so glad we did.
Such a cool experience

Goals for 24

-Remember how I said how it’s good to have a plan? This year, I want to be open to more spontaneous trips or activities. I’m a girl who LOVES a routine and schedule, but this year I want to TRY to let go of the routine just a bit and be more open to changing the plan, if it means having fun or doing different things or creating memories. This is going to be a real challenge for me, but I have found when I do let go of the routine and step out of my comfort zone, it’s always worth it. 

Being spontaneous can be as simple as getting ice cream after work.

– Lastly, I want to pick up a new hobby or get involved more in my community. I don’t know what I want to do yet, but over the past few years, I’ve witnessed so many great things in the community that I want to become more involved. As far as hobbies go, mine are pretty limited, I LOVE reading and always have a book on me, and I really enjoy exercising whether it’s in the form of the gym or walking or yoga, and then my blog. I’m looking to see what other things I can learn or try this year, or at least attempt. 

Over the past five years, it’s been great to see how much I have grown and changed from year to year, that’s one of my favorite things about my blog, having a digital documentation of my life over some pretty crucial years. Here’s to a new year and new memories. I can’t wait to see what 24 has in store for me!

Here’s to 24!