Fabulous living

21 Birthday Celebrations

Happy Tuesday!

I’m back to the grind after one of my best weekends, I’ve had in a long time! I headed to the Pittsburgh area to celebrate my 21stbirthday with many of my college friends.

I had the absolute time, it was such a good time that I didn’t take any pictures. Haha!

Heading to Pittsburgh to celebrate!

I headed out on early Saturday morning and got brunch with my friend Bailey before the festivities began. It was a cute breakfast cafe where we got the best breakfast tacos! YUM!

My friends and I spent the day hanging out by the pool, playing games, eating, and drinking and catching up. We all met and became friends through work, it’s amazing how one job can bring so many people together. It was so good just to relax and spend time together!

In the evening, we got dinner and went out for the night. It was so good to be with my friends and have a good time. The next morning, we got brunch and relaxed for the day before I headed back home. 

Lots of memories were created during the weekend, it was so good to see all my friends and be together since we don’t see each other all the time.  The weekend also showed me how important it is to stay in touch with friends and make an effort to see one another. 

Me and my girls!!

My amazing friend Bailey hosted and helped plan the whole weekend which was the best gift I could ask for. We have been talking and planning this weekend for over a month and I’m so glad she made it happen. I’m so blessed to have her in my life and call her one of my best friends. There will definitely more memories made between us this summer and in years to come. 

Huge shout out to this girl for planning a fantastic and memorable weekend!

Sorry for the shorter post, but sometimes it’s best to just be present in the moment and turn the phone off for a while, especially since my friends and I don’t get to see each other that often.

Moral of the story, pick up the phone and make plans with your friends whether they are near or far, you won’t regret it.

Have a beautiful week ahead!

Fabulous living

21 Wishes…

Another year, another birthday, another milestone…tomorrow I am turning 21! I am very excited not only to celebrate another year on Earth but also to join the big kids club. Haha! I’m the youngest out of most of my friends, so I am looking forward to going out with them to celebrate. If we are being honest, I think they are more excited than me. LOL!

I’ll be heading to Pittsburgh in a few weeks to celebrate with my friends, but for tomorrow, I am celebrating with my family. Last year, I shared 20 things I learned in my 20 years of life, you can read it here. Today, I’m sharing 21 wishes I have for this next year of life.

Cheers to 21!

1. Surround myself with people who lift me up and motivate me to be the best version of myself.

2. Make every moment a memory.

3. Live in the moment and don’t get distracted.

4. Stop dwelling on what happened in the past, and focus on the future.

5. Graduate College.

6. Get a job in my field.

Always looking to the future

7. Be happy where I am at in life and not where I think I should be. 

8. Travel somewhere new with friends.

9. Listen to more podcasts and learn from every opportunity I get.

10. Be spontaneous and try something I’ve never done. It’s okay to step out of your comfort zone.

11. Go to more concerts.

Finding the joy in the little things in life

12. Spend money on experiences, not material things. Those will create the real memories.

13. Truly enjoy and take advantage of my last semester as a college student. 

14. Be more vulnerable when it comes to opening up to friends and family about things that are bothering me. If you listen to your friends, they will listen to you.

15. Forget the schedule/routine and just see what the day brings.

16. Be more intentional with my time spent with family and friends. Put down the phones!

17. Pick up a new hobby.

I know I’m where I’m meant to be

18. Have more conversations with people instead of just sending a text. Quality over quantity.

19. Turn my passions and dreams into realities.

20. Show more appreciation to the ones I love. If you love ’em, tell them you love ’em!

21. Be open to whatever the future holds for me. 

A smile is the best accessory

Some are more realistic than others, some will get achieved while others will be things I’m constantly working on. At the end of the day, I want to make these days count. We often get caught in the day to day life that we forget to stop and appreciate the life we are living. Cheers to 21 and to living my best life!

Que sera sera