Fabulous living

Summer Bucket List 2022

Hi everyone!

Happy June! I can’t believe we are already into the sixth month of the year and making our way through 2022.

As we embark on a new month and in a few weeks, a new season, I figured it was time for a summer bucket list. 

I love goals and I love to do lists, in order to maximize my time in the summer and have fun, I enjoy creating bucket lists. This bucket list is a mix of free and inexpensive things around my hometown and region of things I want to do this summer. Some can be done multiple times, others are a one and done kind of deal.  If you are on the hunt for fun things to do this summer, feel free to steal an idea or two from the list.

I love to support local spots and community events, so I’m hoping to do that more this summer. I also like to use the summer season as a way to slow down a bit, less appointments and to-dos and more time to rest and go with the flow (one of my goals for my 24th year!)

Sumer Bucket List for 2022

This summer I hope to accomplish as many of these things as possible and do more activities that goes beyond this list.

Here’s a look at my summer bucket list:

  • Heritage Festivals/ Fairs
  • Day trips
  • Zoos
  • Beach Day
  • Pool Day
  • Celebrate Fourth of July
  • Time with family
  • White Turkey
  • Sara’s 
  • See college friends
  • Go Someplace New
  • Meal by the Water
  • Food tour
  • Picnicing
  • Winery/Wine Tasting
  • Happy Hour/ Ice Cream Hour
  • State/National Parks
  • John Russell Brewing
  • Mini Golf
  • Kayaking
  • Amusement Park
  • Outdoor Concert

That’s a look at some things I hope to accomplish this summer. What are some things you are looking forward to this summer? 

Let me know in the comments below!

I hope you have a great rest of your week!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

4 replies on “Summer Bucket List 2022”

Love your list! Especially the Ice Cream Hour. I may need to have one of those myself. We’re looking forward to concerts in the park and need to get a date on the books to go hit a bucket of balls at the driving range.

That sounds great! I love the idea of concerts in park! Sounds super fun!

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