Fabulous living

Putting Friendships First

Hey gang! Happy Wednesday. Today’s post is shorter but it’s something that I think is important especially to young adults, especially ones in the post-grad life, like me. 

Today, we are talking all about friendships and working with friendships long distance. Since moving back home, and I started a new job, I’ve  met some amazing people that I am very lucky to call my co-workers and even friends. But, I am still very close with my college friends, they were a part of my life for so long and I make sure I stay in touch with them. It’s hard going from seeing them every day, sometimes multiple times a day to not seeing them for weeks or months at a time. 

So, how do you stay in touch with friends when you have different schedules, and are in different places in your life? The answer, putting in the effort, which comes in many forms including…thank you technology!!

I easily text my friends daily whether it’s through iMessage or snap chat. It’s a quick way to stay in touch but let others know you are thinking of them. I also am a big fan of sending things I see online to them, whether it’s an inside joke or something clever. I also facetime some of my close friends weekly, whether it’s an hour long conversation or a 5 minute conversation. The biggest thing I learned is that it’s all about putting the effort in time to keep the friendship alive, you don’t have to talk to someone every day for them to be a friend. Yes, life gets busy but it’s important to make the friendship a priority. Life gets harder when you aren’t living with all your friends all the time. But, if you make the effort you can make it work. I text, snap chat, or message my close friends every day, it could be something as simple as a sending a meme or an inside joke or it could be as big as giving them a life update. But, friendships are important and deserve to be made a priority. 

The moral of the story? Put effort into your friendships, if you love someone, tell them you love them, check in on your friends and let them know you are there for them.

Spread some love today!


By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.