
Pound Rockout Workout Class

With a new semester comes a new fitness routine. I am still going to the gym three mornings a week before class and on the weekends.  But, I like to try new things which helps break up my routine. My college campus always has new fitness classes and activities. They offer Zumba, Kickboxing, Yoga  and this year they introduced Pound Rockout Workout. It’s a fast-paced class filled with a full body cardio workout and drumming.

Get yourself a friend who will take a selfie with you after a full day of classes AND an intense workout.

I was hesitant at first to try it, but my best friend and fitness motivator Shalyn convinced me to go and boy am I glad she did.  Fun fact; we randomly match most of the time we are at the gym and it’s totally not planned. This is one of those times. It was pretty surprising we can workout that afternoon and be back in the gym at 7:00 the next morning.

It was a 30-minute work out that got me sweating.  The class was at 5:00 which I really liked. I had tried Zumba before but it was from 9-10 at night and I didn’t like working out so late. I like to start my day with a workout not end my day with one. The music was fast paced and got me rocking. Each week we stick (no pun intended)  to the same routine and songs but every few months she changes up some of the moves or songs. The class focused on a core workout, lunges, squats and got us moving. We used drum sticks to hit the air or floor. After a long day or classes and work, it was a great and healthy way to release the stress and tension I had in me.  It was definitely a workout and I felt the effects the next day (or two).

Whether you have a Pound Rockout Workout Class near you or not, it’s always good to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. Try a yoga class or spin class. You never know if you will like something until you try it. My goal this school year is to say yes to more things (another blog post for later) and this class is just one example of that. I said yes to something new and I was so glad I did. Thank you Shay for taking me to class and sweating it out with me. It won’t be my last time there.

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

8 replies on “Pound Rockout Workout Class”

Thank you. Look into seeing if they are offered are you local YMCA or gym. Definitely give it a try.

Yes! I would love to try a Pound Rockout Workout. Using a stick to hit the air and floor sounds fun along with a great workout. Always good to work out hard but enjoy and smile. Remember SHE SAID SHE COULD SO SHE DID.

Yes, I didn’t know if I would like it at first but i loved the rush is gave. I also liked how it was only a half hour long. The time went by fast and you felt refreshed after.

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