Fun Ways to Organize

My Summer Recap

I love lists! Lists allow me to organize my thoughts and things that need to get done.

Every summer I create a list of things I want to do. Some things are fun and are spent with family and friends. Other things might be things I hope to accomplish or things that need to get done. At the end of this summer, I am happy to say I got almost everything I wanted to accomplish done! That’s doesn’t always happen. Here’s a peak into my summer and everything I got done.


  • Read Five Books (read 7 instead!!) βœ…
  • Blog Twice a Week (if you are reading this now then I must have done it)Β βœ…
  • Finish The Office (gotta get my Netflix in-it was my second time watching it and I couldn’t get enough)Β βœ…
  • Finish House of Cards(it took me to long to finish but it was worth it and I can’t wait for next season) βœ…
  • See one friend from college (I didn’t see any friends from college but I will be seeing them soon enough once classes start)❌
  • See High school friends (yes I did and loved every second we spent together-friends for life) βœ…
  • Spend a Full day at the pool (it may not have happened until the last week of summer but I got it in) βœ…
  • Go out got ice cream at night (I ate way to much ice cream this summer but it was worth it) βœ…
  • Go to White Turkey and Sara’s (one of my last meals at home this summer was spent here) βœ…
  • Go on more walks (my favorite way to relax) βœ…
  • Go to the beach more than once ( I made it twice- does that still count?) βœ…
  • Take it slow-try not to rush all the time (after a whirlwind of a school year I tried to take it slow and that happened maybe 5% of the time. BUT it happened) βœ…
  • See extended family (seeing my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents truly made my summer. Family over everything) βœ…
  • Take advantage of the free things (go to the zoo, beach) (nothing better than taking advantage of activities in your own backyard) βœ…
  • Host people for dinner at my house (I love having company over and I was happy I could help entertain this summer) βœ…
  • Try something new ( I’m starting a new job this fall so that’s new!!) βœ…
  • Physical Therapy (not something particularly fun but it was necessary and it was so helpful) βœ…
  • Surgery (again, not so fun but I am so glad to have it behind me) βœ…
  • Hit the Gym (I didn’t go as much as I would have liked but I felt so much better when I went) βœ…
  • Do decorations for school (part of my new job and they turned out pretty good) βœ…
  • Internship (I learned a lot and it helped my career-success!!) βœ…
  • Work my summer job (in addition to my internship I’ve been working here for the past 5 years and I love it) βœ…
  • Family Vacation (spending time with family and getting away-nothing better in life) βœ…

I got a lot accomplished this summer. Some work, some play. And (almost) everything got crossed off. Another summer in the books. Now it’s time to hit the books. Time for school and fall fashion!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

8 replies on “My Summer Recap”

Wow! You must be proud of all you accomplished during the summer of 2017. As the saying goes: SHE BELIEVED SHE COULD SO SHE DID!!

Yes. I was so happy with everything thing that i got done especially some much needed down time

Wow! Congratulations on the completion of a list for the summer of 2017. I try to follow a list also so you are developing a great habit. As the saying goes SHE THOUGHT SHE COULD SO SHE DID!!

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