Fabulous living

Managing Stress

Hello everyone! I hope your week is off to a great start as your summers get underway. Although the summer months are filled with fun, adventures, and lots of time outside but it also means a change of routine which can cause lots of stress. Whether you have a high stress job or pockets of stress in your life, there’s always things to do to manage or lower your stress. 

Here are some of my top tips for managing stress. 

  • When life gets to be a lot, write it down.

I always feel better when I write my to do list or what’s on my mind down, I always feel a lot better, plus when I see it all written down, it makes everything a lot more manageable. I also journal every day and that helps me reflect on the good every day and puts things in perspective too. I always start my day off with journaling and my daily prayers. When I start my day off with my routine

  • Get outside

Whenever a situation gets overwhelming or stressful, I find it helpful to take a walk or get outside and just get some fresh air. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes, it makes a big difference. The sunshine makes it even better to get outside and just process things.

Going on walks is a favorite of mine
  • Talk it Out

I always feel better after I talk about my stressors or pain points with someone, whether it’s my mom or best friend. It always makes me feel better just to talk out what’s going on instead of bottling it up inside. 

  • Create a relaxing atmosphere 

Especially at the end of a stressful day, I like to create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere. Whether it’s burning some candles or using some essential oils, I like to cultivate a space that I can truly unwind and relax.

I saw this on Instagram and I couldn’t agree more. We all need time to just rest.
  • Breathing exercises 

I started to use the Mindfulness feature on my fitbit, it allows me to practice deep breathing whenever I need time to just pause and reset.

My mindfulness app

These are a few tricks that have worked for me. What things do you do to relax or manage your stress?

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.