Fabulous living

Making Time for Friends in the Summer

Summer can be a very busy time, between work, getting enough sleep, and getting used to a new routine, it can be hard to see those close to you.

I am very fortunate that I live at home in the summer. I love spending time and doing things with my family. We always try to eat dinner together every night, and we spend our weekends and weeknights doing things together. I love spending time with my family.

However, I often find myself not spending a lot of time with my friends. I live about two hours from most of my friends from college, so I don’t often see them, luckily, I am still close to a few friends from high school who I try to see frequently. Most of the times our work schedules don’t line up, we have other commitments going on or we live far apart. I have been very good about trying to see friends in the summer, which I am proud of. Here are a few things I’ve learned about making time to see your friends in the summer.

  • Don’t just say it, Do It!

When school is winding down, you may catch yourself saying, “we have to see each other this summer!”, but does it happen? We often get caught up in our busy lives that we forget about others. If you truly want to see someone, make it happen. Due to my friends from college living so far away, I know I’m not going to see all of them, but maybe I can try seeing one or two.  A few weeks ago, I was in need of some girl time with one of my close friends from college, Olivia. We both found a day we were free and met up to get lunch and go shopping. Rather than me driving two hours to her or vice versa. We met halfway for both of us. It worked out perfectly. We got to visit, grab lunch, scored some sales, but most importantly, just catch up. I’m so glad we did something rather than just saying we were and not follow through.

Much needed retail therapy
  • A few hours is better than nothing

I have a few close friends from high school who I try to see often in the summer and on breaks. However, we all work different times and schedules, so it can be hard for all of us to get together for a long time. We find it works best for us to just grab dinner, ice cream or brunch for a few hours rather than try to find a full day to spend together. We try to also get together for big events. For example, my family and I throw a fourth July party and my close friends are always invited. It’s a great time to see each other and celebrate.

Fourth of July spent with my favorites
  • Be Spontaneous

Yes, it’s great to plan ahead when you are seeing someone from out of town, but also be spontaneous with your outings. My close friend and I both work downtown in the summer. We both had the same lunch break and met up for lunch downtown. It was unexpected and yet, so fun. My other friend was free for dinner so him and I just went to grab something quick. Even if you can’t get your whole group of friends together, it is good just to catch up with one rather than none.

Grabbing lunch with my girl downtown
Grabbing dinner with my high school bud

I think most college students can relate to not seeing their friends or family as much as they want in the summer. What do you struggle with? Spending more time at home with family or out with friends? Let’s Discuss!!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

4 replies on “Making Time for Friends in the Summer”

You are so right! Sometimes easier said then done. Make it happen! Spend time with the ones who know and accept who you are.

Yes, I have it hard to make the time, but even if it is for a short visit!

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