Let's Look

Let’s Look: Top Comforts

Hello All and Happy Wednesday!

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for our final Let’s Look of the year as I link up with ErikaĀ andĀ Shay.Ā 

This has been my first year participating in Let’s Look and it’s been so fun. Not only do I love sharing glimpses into my life, but I enjoy reading about other people’s lives too. Here’s a look at all the topics we covered for the past year.

Last month, in November we talked about stocking stuffers, October we discussedĀ our biggest fears, in September, we talked aboutĀ evening routines, August, we talked aboutĀ our worst habits, in July, we talked aboutĀ new favorite summer finds, in June,Ā we talked aboutĀ best travel tips, in May, we talked about ourĀ morning routines, in April, we talked aboutĀ pet peeves,Ā in March, we talked aboutĀ Amazon purchases,Ā in February it was aboutĀ our medicine cabinets.

Today’s topic is perfect for this time of year, we are talking about favorite comforts. I love every season for different reasons, but there is something special about the Christmas and winter season that makes you want to cuddle up and get cozy.

Whether you are getting cozy for Christmas or looking to stay warm in the winter, here’s my top comforts.

Flannel Sheets in the Winter– A few years ago, I picked up a pair of flannel sheets to use in the wintertime and they are a comfort that has brought me so much joy. I only use them around the holidays, so when I take them out, it makes them even more special. They provide extra warmth; they make my bed feel a bit fancier and they make my bed look a bit more festive too. We spend hours every day sleeping in our beds, so it’s important that we make that space comfortable and cozy.Ā 

Fuzzy Blankets– If I’m curled up on the couch with a good book or movie, chances are I have a warm blanket to go with it. I love a good throw blanket, not only are they practical, but they also make a great decor item. I have them draped over chairs, beds and couches. I use them all twelve months, but I get the most out of them in the winter months.

Throw blankets can add a lot to a space.

Seasonal Candle– Another way to make a space comfortable is by lighting a candle. Although, I light candles year-round (typically florals in the spring and summer and harvest/festive in the fall and winter) candles make a space extra cozy when it’s chilly outside. A candle sets the mood in a space and can make it more inviting, festive, or cozy. It also cancels out smells and odors which is a gameĀ changer if you have pets or just finish cooking a meal that has an aroma that lingers. I love to light a candle in my room when getting ready or relaxing, in the family room when people are visiting or watching a show or in the kitchen after cooking. You can purchase a candle without breaking the bank and it adds a lot to the ambiance of a space.

Festive Drink- If I’m looking to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere, a warm drink will most likelyĀ be included. I enjoy hot chocolate in the winter, hot cider in the fall and then in the summer I enjoy a flavorful tea. Hot cocoa is my favorite holiday drink, I add some peppermint or candy canes for some extra flavor and to make it a bit more festive.

All festive drinks this time of year.

Good Book or Movie in the Background– After you have your drink poured, blanket handy and candle lit, it’s time to enjoy all these comforts. I like to enjoy them by reading a good book or watching a movie or tv show. I tend to get comfortable and cozy at the end of the day after the chores are done and work is on pause until the next day. Whether it’s for an hour or fifteen minutes taking time for yourself is so important and getting cozy and comfortable can only make it better.

That’s a look into my top comforts, nothing to exciting or special, a lot of things you probably have around your home, but they are little ways to elevate your space and help you relax and unwind a little especially this time of year when it can get extra busy.

Tell me: what are your top comforts? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great Wednesday and I’ll see you back here on Friday!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

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