Let's Look

Let’s Look: Our Pantry Staples

Hello everyone!

I hope you are having a great week so far as we say hello to August as we are embracing the second full week of the eighth month of the year! I just got back from being on vacation with my family, but still wanted to share what’s going up with my world as I link up with Shay and Erika.

I will have a full recap of my trip in a few weeks, but until then, I enjoyed some much needed time exploring and unplugging.

As we make our way through the year, it’s time for another Let’s Look.

Here’s some of the topics we have covered so far this year.

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.

This has been such a fun way to share tidbits of my life and learn from others too. 

This month’s topic is showing off our pantry and some of our staples. 

Here’s a look at my pantry set up. The top shelf is snacks and chips, the second shelf is canned goods (soups, rice, sauces etc.), the third shelf is breads, cereal, and crackers and the bottom shelf is pasta and oils and condiments.

We like to keep our pantry pretty stocked with essentials not just for snacks, but meals too. 

We always have some sort of cracker, cereal, bread, popcorn, and pasta. These are easy for meals and snacks. We change up the brands, but you can always find these in the pantry.

Our cereal set-up.

We keep the essentials for cooking and baking well stocked, like oils and back up condiments.

As far as meal staples go, cans of tuna, soup, and rice are always stocked. We will do soup and sandwich for an easy weeknight meal. Plus, we always make sure to have ingredients for spaghetti. My mom makes delicious homemade sauce, so she always has the ingredients needed to whip up this family favorite meal. 

Some of our canned goods and condiments.

Now, that we have the savory and meals covered, we have to have something sweet. Brownie or cake mixes always live in the pantry for a quick and easy dessert for entertaining or a late-night treat. I talked about the importance of having these on hand in my entertainment post a few weeks back.

As far as my favorite snacks go. I always like to keep something sweet and salty for snacks for work. These are typically a mix of pretzels, nuts, goldfish etc. I also love something sweet like cookies, trail mix, or granola bars. These are great for grab and go. 

Other items vary in our pantry from season to season, but these tried and true staples can always be found on the shelves.

I am always looking for new snacks for grab and go, and if they are healthy too-that’s a bonus! Tell me, what are your favorite pantry staples? Let me know in the comments below. 

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

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