Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #17

Hey guys! Happy Friday! Today’s Friday Favorites is holiday themed! I have been full-on Christmas spirit over here and I can’t wait to share some of my favorite things! As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for today’s Friday Favorites. Here we go!

Holiday Decor– Per tradition, we always decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, it’s a lot of work, but the end result is worth it. I love bringing out seasonal throw blankets, pillows and lights and using festive mugs and cups. I picked up my free red cup from Starbucks a few weeks ago, I waited until after Thanksgiving to start using it. There’s nothing better than watching tv, visiting with family and friends or reading, than with all the holiday decorations up. 

Peppermint Brownie Brittle– I always love to see what seasonal products stores roll out. It can be tempting to buy everything, whether it’s food or decor, but I try to only purchase my favorites. When I saw this Peppermint Brownie Brittle, I knew I had to try it. It’s the perfect mix of chocolate and mint and it satisfies your sweet tooth with a few pieces. This would make a great hostess gift or a fun stocking stuffer too. This would even make a great addition to add to your dessert or snack menu.

New Winter Scent– I was due for a new lotion and made sure I got a winter scent for the month of December. Winter Candy Apple is my favorite holiday scent from Bath and Body Works. It reminds me of Christmas in a bottle. I love the sweet and peppermint mixture and it’s just another subtle nod to the holidays.

Christmas Books– I told myself I would only be reading Christmas books in the month of December and I’m doing well so far. I picked up a few from my local library and can’t wait to read more. I’m currently working on A Shopalcohlic Christmas and have A Nantucket Christmas on deck. If you are a big reader, let me know what your favorite Christmas reads are.

Pinterest Christmas Finds– I have been scouring Pinterest for different holiday inspiration and ideas for the month of December. I have date ideas, recipes, even different places all decked out for Christmas saved. Pinterest is such a fun place to get ideas and try new things out. It’s definitely a fun way to pass the time too.

That’s just a look into some of my favorite holiday things this week. Let me know in the comments below on how your Christmas prep is coming. Happy December!

12 replies on “Friday Favorites #17”

Hi, Elspeth! I’m Jennifer and found you on the Friday Favorites link party this morning. Your little picture there on the grid caught my eye, so I thought I’d stop by. I loved reading your post about all the holiday decorations! Isn’t this the best time of year? Everything things looks so warm and cozy! Your book selection caught my eye and I thought I’d chime in- I always post five days a week and if you check out my post today and scroll to the bottom, you’ll see a link where I shared all about the books I’ve been reading so far this season. I started reading Christmas books in November, so I’ve read a bunch so far. I hope you have a great day!

Hi! Thanks for stopping by and reading! I will definitely check out your suggestions! I’m always on the look for new reads! Have a great day!

We always decorate the day after Thanksgiving too. I am loving all the lights and decorations everywhere I look. I just read Nantucket Christmas this past week; it was super cute.

Ah, SO many festive snaps. This is 100% getting me into the December mood, and how lovely to stumble upon your blog. Just relaunched mine, and excited to follow along with yours! xo

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