Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #13

Hello everyone and Happy Friday! It’s been a week! From Halloween on a Monday, to starting a new month on Tuesday and then a mix of weather. I was very happy to see the weekend. I like the beginning of November since there’s time to rest a bit before the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the end of the year. 

I have a fun roundup of favorites for you today as I link up with  Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites ,it’s a good mix of movies, books, activities and food!

The Weekend Away– I know it’s not a new release but it’s new to me. I recently watched The Weekend Away on Netflix, and it was the perfect mystery and scary movie for me. I’m not big into scary movies, but I do love a good mystery and plot twist. The movie follows a young mom who spends a weekend away with her best friend. After the first night, her best friend ends up dead and everyone including the main character becomes a suspect. There’s lots of intrigue and a few plot twists you won’t see coming even up to the last few minutes of the movie. Definitely a good movie to watch if you want a scare, but nothing too scary.

Book Lovers– If you are in the mood to curl up with a good book on a chilly November day, then consider reading Book Lovers. It follows the story of a book agent from New York City who takes a trip in a Hallmark-esque town in North Carolina. This type-A young women is perfectly content with her life in the city but quickly learns that life’s not so bad in a rural town, that is until she learns her rival is visiting the same town. Will they stay competitors, or will a new chapter be written? You will have to turn each page to find out. This book is written by Emily Henry, and I have loved reading her books over the past few years and this one was no different. A great book that you will finish in a breeze.

Spare-Speaking of new books, Prince Harry’s new book cover and synopsis was released last week. Spare is set to hit shelves on January 10. I already have my copy pre-ordered. I can’t wait to read about Harry’s life from his perspective. From my past posts, you have probably picked up that I enjoy following the Royal Family so I’m very eager to read his thoughts. Plus, this gives me something to look forward to in the new year after the holidays are over.

Old Navy Sales– I stopped into Old Navy last week and they had so many sales going on. From jeans to blouses, coats and graphic tee-shirts. There was something for everyone. Plus, they already have some of their Christmas gear out and I may have picked up a holiday shirt and some Christmas pajamas. There’s so many different prints and patterns, you can go crazy! Plus, this is a great time to stock up on things while they are on sale as they switch their seasonal clothes out. 

Elk Watching– This is a different kind of favorite, but I went Elk watching last week and had such a fun time and it was a really unique experience. I had to get up extra early and travel to southeastern Pennsylvania to see the elk in their natural habitat. I got the chance to see them in the field and then up close by the road. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things this week. Tell me, what are you looking forward to this weekend?

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

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