Fabulous living

Fall Bucket List 2019

Happy Fall Y’all!!

What is something on your fall bucket list?!

Full disclosure, I have seen that phrase everywhere and wanted to try it for myself. I love fall and everything that goes with it. I love all the seasons for a variety of reasons, but there is something special about fall. Whether it’s the crisp, crunchy leaves under your feet while walking to class, hot apple cider in a mug to start off your day, or heading to a pumpkin patch. 

Since October is well underway, I am sharing my fall bucket list of things I have done or things I plan to do. 

  • Enjoy a warm mug of apple cider
  • Take a walk in the leaves 
  • Make an apple recipe
  • Indulge in candy corn
  • Head to a Fall Festival 
I kicked off fall break with a fall fest
  • Decorate Pumpkins
  • Enjoy homemade apple crisp
My mom’s homemade apple crisp…so delicious
  • Do window shopping for new fall décor
Some beautiful fall decor while out and about
  • Enjoy a new book by the fire with a fall candle going
  • Decorate for fall/ Halloween
  • Pass out Halloween candy
  • Watch a Halloween movie
  • Celebrate Halloween and get dressed up 

A lot of these are simple activities that I can do with family or friends. I am wrapping up my time at home for fall break. I got some much needed family time, some yummy home cooked meals, and a lot of things accomplished on my to do list. I also got some time to enjoy the beautiful weather at home. I still have a few weeks left to enjoy October and I’m hoping to check the rest of these fall activities off my bucket list. 

What are some things that you have on your fall bucket list?!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

2 replies on “Fall Bucket List 2019”

This fall has been delightful with the cool mornings but warm afternoons. Items on my bucket list that I have done is craving pumpkins with my grandson and we dried the seeds to plant in the spring, enjoy a walk among leaves, decorate for fall and make apple crisp for my family. Only item left is going to the pumpkin farm with my grandsons.

Sounds like such a fun time. Carving pumpkins and heading to the pumpkin farm are always so fun, even with little ones.

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