Fabulous living

Ditch the List and Live

Hi everyone, happy Wednesday!

Today’s post is not what I had planned, but a thing called life happened. I had to readjust and then I realized this post was perfect for today.

I LOVE LISTS. I have to do lists, every day I make one for at home, at work, grocery shopping, days off etc Yes, I have everything in my mind but I still love to physically cross things off my list. I had a list of things I planned to get done on my days off and some happened and others didn’t. I could have gotten upset it or overwhelmed and stressed about not getting it done but instead I decided to live. 

Too often we find ourselves wanting to check all the boxes or get everything done that we forget to really experience and be present on what’s going on, I know I am guilty of this too. 

So, I didn’t get everything done on my days off that I wanted to, but what I did get was time spent doing something fun, time spent entertaining, time spent relaxing, time spent reconnecting. In the grand scheme of things, that’s more important to me than cleaning my car or organizing my room or planning for the week ahead. Yes, those things will get done and it will work out, but this was a lesson that showed me that it’s okay if I don’t always get everything on my list done in a day, I still will have plenty of time to eventually get it done, but for now, sometimes it’s better to ditch the list and live. 

I had something else in mind for my post for today, but life happened and I realized something we need to write from the heart and write about life instead of what the list says to do.

Anyways, that’s a look into my mind now, just some thoughts on life and living instead of living by a list. 

I hope you all have a great week!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.