
Currently #6

Hello, hello!!

Happy Wednesday! I was off of work for a few days which was a great change of pace, and I really disconnected, it was great to relax, see family, and recharge. The only downside is that I ran behind on some blog work, so my life update post won’t be coming until next week, it will be worth the wait. In the meantime, I figured it was time for a “Currently” post and give you a look into life today. 

What I’m up to: Summer is in full swing, I have been trying to get outside every day for a bit whether it’s for a walk, reading, or relaxing. I’ve been trying to soak up summer between work. I’ve been loving keeping the family summer traditions alive while working. 

What I’m wearing: Give me all the dresses!!! Now that more places are opening up, I’ve been doing some more shopping. Marshalls and T.J. Maxx were great places to start looking. If you need some inspiration about work clothes, you can check out my blog post from last week, here! 

What I’m reading: I’ve been adding some new books to my reading list, I’m finishing up a book on interior design and I just started a fiction book called, The Paris Seamstress, a full book review is coming soon but it’s all about a Paris seamstress trying to make a name for herself during World War II, she must go through trials and tribulations to take care of herself while also following her dream. I’m halfway through it and loving it. 

What I’m Watching: I’m making my way through 30 Rock and it has been such a fun and light show to watch to have in the background or watch with little time. I also got hooked on Selling Sunset on Netflix, not only are the house gorgeous, but who doesn’t love a little reality tv, there’s drama, there’s laughs, and there’s gorgeous homes. It’s been something fun to break up the days.

What I’m Loving: I’m loving the summer weather and sunshine. One of my summer goals was to get outside 3-4 days a week and I have been doing really well with it so far. Being outside has boosted my mood and breaks up the work or home days. 

What Inspires Me: I have really been on a role of being  present, I’ve been inspired by the little things in life, like burning a candle while I work, having more windows open, taking time to read every day. These little moments bring me so much joy.

What I accomplished: I’ve been really happy with how I have been keeping up with friends, whether it’s through weekly facetime calls, going out to eat, or going on walks, making those relationships a pritority have been so helpful and really adds to the balance or work, family and friends.  

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I have done a really good job at finding a great balance for this season of life, being productive, while also relaxing, spending time with family and outside. I often feel that we are pulled in so many directions or have different expectations placed on us whether its work, family, fitness, being healthy, taking time for ourselves, I love being organized so having a to do list every day helps me accomplish my goals while also have that balance.  

Goals for the New Month: I can’t wait for more things to reopen, I’m getting a long overdue haircut next week…I have never been so excited to get an appointment, also, gyms are getting reopened. I have tried to stay active at home, but there is nothing like being back in the gym. I can’t wait to get back. 

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.