
Currently #4

Hey hey! Can you believe we are at the last Wednesday of the month?! April literally flew by, a good month but another one in limbo, just a mix of work and home. Nothing too exciting but a good month, none the less.

What I’m up to: Work has been the only reason I’m leaving my house, haha. The last time I physically went in a store was when I was visiting friends in Pittsburgh at the start of March. It’s been really nice to not have as many commitments and just focus on work and family time. It truly puts things in perspective of what’s important. 

What I’m wearing: I’ve been doing my best to wear bright colors or spring colors or patterns but it has still been hard when it’s still snowing or in the 30’s. It’s definitely been a challenge but I am ready for the warmer months ahead. 

What I’m reading: April was a good month for reading. I finished one book and now I’m onto a new book about interior design, something light and fun and it definitely takes your mind off of things and allows you for an escape. I do love a good book so I’m looking forward to getting into a new book series once things start to reopen. 

What I’m Watching: SO many shows. Haha! I jumped on the Tiger King train, it was definitely an experience. I also started watching 30 Rock for something fun and Evil on CBS from something more serious, plus trying to catch up on movies on Netflix. Reading and movies have bene keeping me busy on my downtime.

What I’m Loving: I’m loving the extra family time at home and the ability to relax and get my priorities  straight. Through this whole pandemic, this has showed me that you don’t need to be super busy all the time to be happy and successful. For me this has made me realize what’s important. 

What Inspires Me: When I finished the series, The Walk last month, this quotes really stood out to me. It made me realize the journey we all have in life and how even when things are thrown our way, like our current situation in the world, we still have a journey to complete and there’s still more to go. 

What I accomplished: This past month I have really tried to get into a healthier lifestyle. From eating better to going for walks outside a few times a week or doing at home workouts, I’m really trying to put myself first when it comes to my lifestyle. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: It’s been nice to really not have too full of a calendar. I’ve even had a few days off of work where I relaxed, watched tv, read, even took a nap. It’s the little things that we don’t typically get to do when we are on the go all the time. 

Goals for the New Month: Hopefully, life we start getting back to a new normal. It will be interesting to see what that looks like. I am also looking forward to more time outside, grilling, walks, being in the sun and starting to enjoy more summer aspects. I’m doing my best to focus on the good during the uncertain times. 

Another currently in the books, just an update about what I’m doing and how this quarantine has really put things in perspective for me and I think others feel the same. I think this pause on life has lead many to re-evaluate things in their lives which could open more opportunities for them. I hope this month brings your more clarity, something to smile about and something to look forward to. Have a great week!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.