
Currently #27

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we are days away from April? Where did March go, it’s finally starting to feel like spring and I’m here for it! March was a packed month full of work, fun, getting some sunshine, and getting ready for spring!

What I’m up to: This past month has been filled with spring cleaning, getting outside for walks, lots of reading, and then time with family and catching up with friends. It’s been a good mix of relaxing and getting things done, those are my favorite kind of days and months. I spent the day in Pittsburgh a few weeks back and enjoyed a tasty lunch and an afternoon at the Art museum. It felt so good to take a road trip and be surrounded by art and change up my normal routine.

Snapshots of the Art museum.
Our tasty lunch of pizza and salad!
More art!


What I’m wearing:  We got a few days in the 50s and it was so nice to be outside in just a long-sleeve shirt and jeans. I’ve also been trading my winter jacket for my trench coat, there’s nothing better than sporting lighter jackets. I have also being wearing sneakers more as opposed to boots-another win!

What I’m reading:  I finished Pride and Prejudice which was such a nice treat down memory lane. Now, I just need to find the time to rewatch the mini series.

I also read Katie Couric’s book, Going There. I loved every page. I learned so much about Couric’s background and it was fascinating to read how she got to where she is today. It was insightful and eye opening.

I’m currently reading Business Minded by one of my favorite bloggers, Carly Riordan. I’m loving learning about different small businesses and how they got their starts.

What I’m Watching: Through the past month I’ve made my way through the new season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It was such a good show to watch. I loved everything from the storylines to the fun guest characters and most importantly-the fashion! I love the styles and bright colors! I’ve also been binge watching Downton Abbey, and I’m not ashamed to say that I’m hooked. It’s been the perfect way to unwind and escape the craziness of the day to day life. 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving the changing seasons and the anticipation of spring.I got coffee and went on a two mile walk with a friend last week which was much needed and great to get outside. I also decorated areas of my home for spring and Easter. I also got a chance to head to our local zoo which was fun to get outside and enjoy the animals.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by fresh starts and the spring season and new beginnings. I  got some fresh flowers for my room and added some Easter eggs for some decorations and it quickly brightened up the room. I’m excited for a season of new beginnings and warmer weather.

Fresh flowers and the sun peaking through

What I accomplished: After all my cleaning and organizing, I feel such a sense of accomplishment and ready for spring and summer with a clean slate. I sorted and donated lots of things from clothes to shoes and items I no longer need. It felt so good to clean things out and donate two huge bags of things to those in need. I’ve also been cleaning lots of different closets and drawers and it’s so good to see more spaces empty and not filled with clutter.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I started cooking again! This was a huge accomplishment for me. I made a chicken picatta dish a few weeks ago and I also made a fresh tomato basil sauce with pasta. It’s been fun to research different recipes and try them out.

One of my latest recipes, thanks to Joanna Gaines, Magnolia cook book.

Goals for the New Month:  I’m looking forward to celebrating Easter and starting to get the outdoors ready for spring and summer. I’m also looking forward to taking more day trips and getting outdoors more.

That’s a look into life this past month. A month of decluttering, time with family and time getting ready for the new season. How have you spent your past month?

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.