
Currently #25

Hey gang!

Happy Wednesday!

How was your first month of 2022? For me, this month seemed to drag. I got a lot done at the beginning of the month as I got back into my routines and rhythms after the holidays. But then came the snow and the cold and high Covid cases, so I really hunkered down. I’m looking forward to the warmer days and lower case numbers but until then, I’m making the most of warm days inside, cozy clothes and trying to get fresh air and go on walks when I can. 

Here’s a look into the first month of 2022!

What I’m up to: I have been doing lots of cleaning, decluttering, and organizing. This month has been all about organizing my life mentally and physically. I’ve been using my planner more for short and long term thoughts and projects. I have also been cleaning out closets, cars, drawers, and more getting things refreshed for the new year. I even have been making trips to donate things which makes me feel great. Besides cleaning, I’ve been all about getting back into routines from last year and adding some new habits in my daily life.

I’ve also been doing a lot of baking to cope with the cold days.

What I’m wearing:  It has been cold here. Temperatures in the single digits with lots of wind. For work, it has been lots of pants and warm sweaters or blouses and blazers since you never know where you may end up. Plus, you can never have too many layers. For my off-days, I have been enjoying leggings, boots, big sweaters, and heavy coats for running around or just hanging around the house.

What I’m reading:  New year, new books! I started Januray off by reading an inside look at Grey’s Anatomy. As an avid fan of the show, I loved this book and found it super interesting. Then I also read, this book about home design and styling. Another fabulous read that will give you lots of inspiration for interior and exterior design. 

What I’m Watching: I have been enjoying the return of This is Us especially since its in its final season. I also really have been loving Tidying up with Marie Kondo on Netflix. I know I am late to the party but I love it.

What I’m Loving: I love the fresh start of the new year. We have seen a lot of snow fall and there’s nothing better than enjoying a warm drink like tea or hot coco and having a smooth start to the day. I have also been enjoying lighting the fire place at the end of a long day. 

Nothing better than a cozy morning and a warm drink

What Inspires Me: I am always inspired my setting New Year’s Resolutions and Goals. I am inspired by fresh starts and new beginnings. There’s no better feeling than lighting a new candle, a clean desk and fresh planner to kick off the new year. I also am excited to get back into my new routines and establish some new ones too. 

I went on a coffee date with a friend and loved the wallpaper. So cute!

What I accomplished: I had a very successful Christmas with my immediate family and I got to see some extended family too. I got enjoy some family time and do some activities too. Although, I  had to work, I’m still very grateful that I got to see my family and still carry on holiday traditions. 

Going skiing with my family was a fun activity over Christmas
We also went to see the Van Gogh exhibit around Christmas. It was so beautiful and interesting.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month This past month was all about starting the year on the right foot and I did that. I was thrilled to get my new Simplified planner all set up. I also started my new year’s goals and resolutions which I’m very pleased with how they are going. It’s those little things every day that make a huge difference. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store an how I can learn and grow.

New year, new planner set-up.

Goals for the New Month:  Next month, I want to do my best to get outside more, especially for walks when I can. My friend Sydney gave me the idea to schedule time for “Me Dates”, essentially it’s about carving out time to do something for you, whether it’s going to a coffee shop to read a book, taking yourself to a movie or going for a solo walk, it’s all about taking time for yourself. I want to make that a priotity for myself this year. I also am looking forward to celebrating love with Valentine’s Day next month.

That’s a look into my life today. How has 2022 been treating you?

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.