
Currently #2

Another month is winding down which means it’s time for another currently, update. For those, just joining, once a month, I have a post about what I’m currently up to, from what I’m loving, what I’m looking forward and what’s new. I will have the same questions from month to month but besides that I will have a few new questions and will recap some old ones too. To see last month’s post, you can click here. Now, let’s see what’s new in February. 

What I’m up to: I finally am into a good routine and schedule with work. When I’m at work, all my attention and mindset is related to work, but on my days off, it’s so nice to not have to worry about work or even school anymore. With that being said, I’m still on the look for more hobbies or things to get me occupied on my days off. 

What I’m wearing: Dare I say, spring is on its way?! Although, it’s still cold, we have had a mild winter so far, I’ve been mixing up my outfits for work. Whenever, I’m planning out my clothes for the week, I always keep in mind, wearing something that is comfortable, practical and professional. Every day is different for me, therefore, being flexible with my outfit choice is key. 

What I’m reading: I’m still reading the series, “The Walk” and I’m halfway through, be on the lookout for the full recap coming in March. It’s taken me a while but I’m making my way through it. 

What I’m Watching: I just finished season 3 of The Crown and it was so good. I can’t wait until the next season comes out. Also, the new season of Outlander is finally out. It’s been over a year since it aired and I’m so happy that it’s back and better than ever. I also started watching Evil on CBS, it’s definitely dark but it keeps you on the edge of your seat. 

What I’m Loving: I’m really loving my life right now. Yes, work can get stressful but I know it’s what I’m meant to do and I love every day. Plus, coming home to my family and dogs every day and meeting new people from work and making new friends is great too. 

What Inspires Me: I saw this quote the other day and I loved it. It really shows how incredible life is, there may be good and bad moments, but they all contribute to who we are and our stories. I loved the quote so much that I made it the background on my phone. 

What I accomplished: I’m so happy with my new routine that I have gotten in place, I finally have a good work and life balance that I have been looking for. I’m making sure I have time for friends, family, work, and myself.  

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I finally got back into a good gym routine. I’m back at the gym 5 days a week, during my work week and days off. I feel better when I am working out and I’ve made some changes with my workout routine which I have been seeing better results. 

Goals for the New Month: I’m going to be seeing some of my college friends next week and I couldn’t be happier. Then I have more plans to see friends from college later this month. I keep in touch with some of my close friends in college daily, whether it’s through facetime or texting or phone calls, but it will be so good to see some of my best friends in person. I can’t wait! 

That’s a look into my life right now. Lots of work, some family time, a few visits with friends but overall, lots of happiness. 

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.