
Currently #12

Hi everyone! Happy December! It’s one of my favorite times of the year! I love the holiday season! December is a busy month to get all things Christmas in, so I decided to get a jump on things and do a Currently earlier in the month so I can fit in as much as I can. Can you believe we have been doing a year full of Currentlys?! This has been such a fun monthly update from what I’m reading and watching and what’s going on. So, let’s get to this months currently. 

What I’m up to: Helllllooooo Christmas time! We have our decorations up, Christmas card ordered, and I have some of my shopping done. Christmas music has been playing during my drives in the car. Plus, we got a big snowfall last week which really got me in the Christmas spirit even more. 

What I’m wearing: My wardrobe has been all about layering up while being professional. I always and wearing more warmer and richer colors, all the reds, greens, blues, purples, etc.   

Bringing in warmer colors in my wardrobe

What I’m reading: I just finished One Day in December, it was so fun to get in the Christmas spirit. It’s a cute romantic comedy about two people Laurie and Lack who keep meeting up over the course of 10 years. From meeting up accidently, to meeting through friends, being from being friends and then separating, dating other people, new jobs and moving. I finished it in 2 sittings. It was so fun and light-hearted and it took place in the United Kingdom gave me some Bridget Jones vibes too! I am working my way through a new book that I can’t wait to share with you.

Such a fun read

What I’m Watching: I have been watching lots of holiday movies! From the classics to new movies on Netflix, I watched both the Holidate and Midnight at the Magnolia, both were super cute and light-hearted. I also love watching the classics, like Frosty and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I also finished watching season 4 of The Crown and it did not disappoint. It was the perfect mix of history and drama. I loved how realistic it was. Have you seen it? What was your take?

A fun holiday movies
Another cute Christmas movie

What I’m Loving: I’m doing the most of my time to get in the Christmas spirit when I’m not at work. I like to make the most of my time with family and friends and making memories whether they are little or big. Last week we went to a drive-thru light display  and although it was short, it was a great way in the holiday spirit. 

What Inspires Me: I really want to do my part this year when it comes to Christmas shopping and supporting small businesses too. Etsy has been my go-to this holiday season. I have been inspired by these small business and their creativity. I also love supporting local shops here and including them in my friend’s Christmas gifts too. 

This definitely gets me in the holiday spirit

What I accomplished: I have been helping my family do a lot of cleaning and organizing. It feels great to get rid of things and donate to others too especially this season. I also feel very accomplished with what I have gotten done so far in terms of gifts for others. Other than that, work has kept me pretty busy.  

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I know it wasn’t a full month but I’m looking to keep getting in the Christmas spirit and making memories and spending time with family and friends. I also managed to still celebrate Thanksgiving despite working too. 

Goals for the New Month: New year, new goals! I’m looking forward to recapping my goals from this past year in the upcoming weeks. I love to see how far I have come from year to year and I will be unveiling my 2021 goals in the new year. 

That’s just a look into life these past few weeks. What’s new in your lives?

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.