
Currently #11

Happy early Thanksgiving. I hope you are spending the holiday with you loved ones or at home and you are staying safe and healthy during these times! Even in the dark and uncertain times, it’s important to look around for all the good and blessings in our lives today. Let’s get to some updates about what’s currently going on. 

What I’m up to: I am in the full Christmas spirit, I don’t know if it’s the fact that it’s already snowing or the fact that we need some cheer this year, but I am ready for all things holidays. Although, I will be working tomorrow on the holidays, I am still very lucky that I will be able to be home with my family before and after work. Truly a special treat!

What I’m wearing: Give me all the layers and warm clothes. Some days I opt for dresses and tights, other days it’s boots and pants. I know the winter will be here to stay and I’m getting prepared for colder days ahead.  

What I’m reading: I am currently reading, One Day in December. It’s perfect for the holidays and it is the perfect romantic comedy in a book. I also am listening to an audio book about healthy habits to change your life. It’s great to listen to on walk or when I’m driving. But, be on the lookout for a review coming soon about One Day in December. 

What I’m Watching: I’ve been on the bandwagon binging The Crown. I am loving seeing the differences between real life and the series. I also just got a new book about Royal fashion and I can’t wait to dive into it. I am still watching Schitt’s Creek and loving it, it’s great for those days when you don’t have a whole lot of time to watch something but still need some downtime. 

What I’m Loving: I am in the Christmas and holiday spirit. Bring on the hot coco, candy canes, Christmas music and movie and all the traditions, even though this year will be different I’m really looking forward to it and all the holiday fun!

What Inspires Me:  I’m going to sound very cliché but I am very in the holiday spirit that even heading into stores or seeing commercials makes me excited for the holidays! I love getting ideas about gifts and decorating! 

What I accomplished: I’ve been really working on being present and more intentional. I was great at it in college especially towards the end but I want to make sure I am doing that when I am home and with family or friends or even work because I know these moments will be gone and it’s important to be present in them now. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month This past month was busy, but I tried my best to keep up with family and friends, even just a text to let them know you are thinking of them is so important! I also have been on top of getting end of the year things done such as appointments or check-ins! Super important this time of year!

Goals for the New Month: My goal for the next month is to enjoy as much of the holiday season as I can. From holiday movies to all the Christmas music, seeing Christmas lights, making cookies, and getting in all the fun traditions that my family has done for years!

That’s just a little look into life today, lots of holiday cheer and good tidings! I hope you and your families have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.