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Currently #47

Hey Hey! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are days away from December. This month was a slower month for me in terms of activities and events, but it still flew by. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact Thanksgiving was early this year. Regardless, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are ready for the Christmas season, I know I am. I have my holiday candles burning, my Christmas throw blankets are out, and I am using all the festive mugs, life is good!

All decked out for Christmas

As this month winds down, I want to share what I have been up to recently as we flip the calendar from November to December.

What I’m Up To-This month has been filled with fall walks, organizing, and lots of baking and cooking. We had some snow this month, but it has been mostly chilly, yet sunny. I have been trying my best to still get outdoors to enjoy the dry conditions for as long as I can. There’s nothing better than some fresh air and sunshine with the leaves changing in the background.

A beautiful fall morning!

I also have been doing a lot of baking and cooking as I have been trying both new and old recipes. 

Lots of time spent in the kitchen!

Finally, I spent almost every Thursday this month doing major cleaning and organizing. My mom and I tackled all the spaces, from cabinets to closets and storage areas. It was never out intent to do a big declutter, but once we started, we couldn’t stop. It felt great to donate a lot of things we weren’t using ahead of the holidays.

A look at some of our donations

I ended the month by celebrating Thanksgiving!

A delicious, Thanksgiving spread!

What I’m Wearing– I don’t have too many fun outfits to show off from this past month since my days off were spent in grubby clothes cleaning. However, after cleaning and reorganizing my closet, I was able to create some new winter outfits with items I have. I have been wearing this red jacket from Old Navy a lot. 

You can’t go wrong with red jacket!

I know I will be wearing a lot of the next few weeks.  I also did an Old Navy haul this past month. Here’s some of the pieces I got and I have been loving.

This is also what I wore for Thanksgiving last week.

What I’m Reading– Some months I have great reading months and other months they are not so great. I read a few books this past month and while they were good, they were great nor my favorites.

I started the month by reading The Girls of Summer by Katie Bishop. The story goes back and forth between the past and present about young college-aged girls in Greece who get wrapped up in some adult situations. They don’t realize the severity of their situations until they are adults and consequences happen. As grown women they work to try and make amends and come to terms with their young adult mistakes.  The book was very serious and dealt with a lot of heavy topics, I found parts of it interesting, but most of the book, I just felt bad for the characters.

Dirty Laundry by Disha Bose is all about a group of women in Ireland who are all trying to one up each other, but all have their own secrets and hidden agendas. When one of the women in the small-town winds up dead, everyone has a different motive for wanting her dead. The book follows each woman and their lives as mothers and wives and it turns out not everything is as it seems. I though the book was good but got confused as it flashed back and forth from past and present and jumped between characters. In my opinion, the book wrapped up way too fast, I was waiting for a who done it moment and it came and went so fast and then the book was over. 

 Love and Luck by Jenna Evans Welch is a companion book to Love and Gelato, you didn’t have to read Love and Gelato to read this book, but there are a few references to the first book. The story takes place in Ireland as a brother and sister in high school decide to take a road trip to a music festival instead of following a plan to take a trip to Italy. I really liked how the setting of Ireland was depicted and I liked seeing the relationship between the brother and sister evolve. I really enjoyed this book compared to the first two I read.

Every Summer After by Carley Fortune- This was the second book I read by Fortune, but the first book she wrote. It takes place in a small town in Canada. This book also goes back and forth between the past and present as a young woman goes back to the lake that she grew up spending her summers. She is reunited with a former friend/flame of her past and through the book, the reader sees how these two characters went from best friends to strangers. I really enjoyed this book, from the character development to the setting and storyline. It definitely had more of a summer feel to it but can be read during any time of year. I’m glad I ended this month reading wise on a high note. Next month will be all about the Christmas books.

What I’m Watching– This month marked the return of a lot of series. I kicked off November with Selling Sunset. I’m not a big reality tv fan, but I can’t help myself with it comes to Selling Sunset. I started this show for the houses, but stayed for the drama. It’s been interesting to see the dynamics between the women in the office change through the seasons. I really love how they have a reunion at the end of the season too.

My favorite thing that I watched this past month was The Crown. I had so many questions going into this season and found the first four episodes of Season 6 to be moving, somber, but also really beautiful. It was almost eerie to see what Diana’s life was like in her final weeks and how the world reacted to her death.

I also started to watch some of my favorite Christmas movies now that we are in the Christmas season.

Like Rudolph!

What Inspires Me– I have been inspired by all my time in the kitchen. I also have been scouring Pinterest and cooking blogs for new recipes to try.

Here’s some of the things I have been making in the kitchen

 Banana protein balls

Halloween candy cookies

Peanut butter cookies

Chocolate chip cookies, Double chocolate chip cookies, mint cookies

Chicken and Veggie stir fry

Lots of breakfast foods

What I Accomplished– I feel so accomplished after all the cleaning and organizing and donating my mom and I did this past month. 

A look into some of the spaces we organized

I also ran another 5K on Thanksgiving which was fun, despite it being chilly. It was my first Turkey Trot and I loved it.

Turkey trotting!

I also got to thoroughly enjoy the holidays with my family which is so nice.

Nothing says Thanksgiving than by watching the parade.
Our Thanksgiving Dinner at home

Goals from Last Month– I really got to enjoy quiet days at home before hustle and bustle of the holidays. It was the perfect time to recharge and get things down before life gets crazy around the holidays, but I’m really looking forward to my Christmas bucket list and doing all the holiday traditions. Plus, I started my Christmas list for others and I’m excited to start my shopping too.

Fresh fall flowers to brighten up a clean space

Goals for this Month- My goal for the last month of 2023 is simple, enjoy the holidays, enjoy the family traditions and be present in the moment. More times than not, I find myself trying to do all the things and not being present and enjoying the holiday moments. This year, I want to do a better job of planning things out, so I get them down but also really enjoying the moments and savoring them, whether it be holiday baking, making a gingerbread house, watching Christmas movies or wrapping gifts. My goal is to be intentional and present with my time and energy.

Someone is enjoying the holiday spirit

That’s a look into life lately. The calm before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.

Tell me: as we prepare to welcome December, what are you looking forward to next month? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy end of November!


Look of the Day #121


 Another week is behind us. I can’t believe we are halfway through September. This month needs to slow down. I am trying to enjoy every day and be present in everything I am doing in this season of life. One thing I am looking forward to in the next few weeks is for the weather to be a bit more consistent. Last week it was in the high 80’s and this week it’s much more manageable with the 70’s. I know this is something so many of us struggle with, but picking out outfits that work for the chilly mornings and hot afternoons can be hard to put together. I try my best to pick outfits that are versatile and work in different weather conditions. 

Today’s look of the day is an example of one of those outfits.

Quick mirror selfie before class

It was cool in the morning and hot in the afternoon. I had fall on my mind so I wanted an outfit that would give off the fall vibes but also be comfortable. 

I first opted for this velvet gold short sleeve top from Old Navy to start off the outfit. I love this top for the color as well as the different ways to wear it. I have worn it previously in the winter with black skinny jeans

Wearing this top in the winter

and  in the summer with dress pants,

Or in the summer

but I really like how it works with navy blue jeans and brown boots. It made my get more into the autumn season with gold hues. I also like how it is short sleeve, therefore it works for the warm days in September.

Full look at the outfit

I opted for a pair of navy-blue denim boot jeans from Old Navy as well. These jeans worked great in the chilly morning, plus they are slimming, and I love the style of them. I can’t it to wear them more in upcoming fall and winter months. 

Lastly, I wore my favorite fall peep toe boots with this outfit. Once again, it has the fall feel with the brown leather, but at the same time it has an open toe which works great for warm weather. 

I also opted for more neutral and natural looking make up. Due to the gold top, I wore more gold hues with my bronzer, highlighter, and then for a lip color I went for a bare nude color.

Make up details

I love rewearing tops and bottoms in different outfits and finding what outfits I can create without breaking the bank. What fall trends are you looking forward to with the upcoming season?


Look of the Day #55


Hello! Hello! Hello all! Happy Thursday.  What a busy week it has been. Over the past week, my family and I have been very busy with graduation festivities. Both my brothers graduated this past week, one from high school and the other from eighth grade. Needless, to say graduation has been on our brains. I’m looking forward to this next week for things to start slowing down and to start enjoying summer between work (or at least try to) haha!

Between all the activities this past week, I wanted to share one of the outfits I wore to one of my graduations I attended. I got this dress several years ago, but I LOVE the fit and I always try to wear it to more formal events that I have.

Pop of pink for the start of summer!

This bright pink dress is from Francesca’s Boutique- one of my favorite stores. Not only do I love the color but I always love the material, pattern and cut!! The cut allows several different body types to wear this dress and have it complement them.

Since, I wore it to my brother’s graduation, I opted for a pair of nude heels for a more formal look, however, I have worn wedges with this dress in the past as well as black and navy blue heels with it because it is a bold color.

Due to the event, I decided to dress up the outfit with a pearl ring, necklace and earrings. I wanted my look to be more formal. However, for a more casual look, a bold, chunky necklace would work as would a pair of earrings.

Up close for the jewelry

This dress is perfect for any formal event such as a wedding, dinner, or awards ceremony. Since, it is just one bold color, your can dress it up or down as much as you want with jewelry. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone when it comes to your wardrobe.  Have a wonderful weekend!


Look of the Day #12


If there is one thing that is a must in your closet, it is a white dress. A cute number that can be worn effortlessly in the summer months. Whether you have one dress or a dress for every event, it’s always important to wear something you love. I have a few white dresses in my closet:  one dressy, one casual, and one in between. But this one is my all-time favorite.

I got this dress at…you guessed it…Old Navy
It’s a lightweight, cotton, and an islet style. All great aspects for a perfect summer dress!

It’s perfect to wear with wedges, sandals, a pop of color with a bright heel, sneakers, and flipflops even. You can also add a bold piece of jewelry or earrings or even a jean jacket or sweater to add a pop of color if you so choose.

I have worn this dress to work, out to dinner, on vacation, and just running errands. It’s easy to put on quick!!

Today I wore this dress to work with a pair of nude sandals. One last thing  I’m loving about this look is my freshcut. I always get hairtrims throughout the year but before I head back to campus I decided  to go with a more drastic look. Of course hair grows but I love a change going into a new season. Don’t be afraid to try something new and step it of your comfort zone. Who know you may like it!


Fourth of July Favorites

Happy Fourth of July everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying time with your family and loved ones celebrating America’s birthday. Before I hit the pool and picnics, I wanted to share a few of my favorite things to have on the 4th.

  1.  Whether you are taking a dip in the pool, heading up to the lake or just tanning in the sun, a bathing suit is a must. I found this Red, White and Blue bikini at Target for under $20! It was a steal. I can’t wait to wear it! No outfit is complete without your nails so be sure to sport some red, white, and blue nail polish!

    Got to love sporting some Red, White, and Blue
  2. Decorations are a must for any holiday. I love buying little American flags to decorate the gardens with. They are patriotic, affordable, and are easy to decorate with.
  3. Lastly, nothing screams 4th of July like tasty food. There is nothing better than grilling and having everyone bring a dish to share. I have a few of the desserts saved on Pinterest and I’m gonna give them shot. I’ll let you know how they turn out!

    Gonna give this one a shot!

    Some yummy desserts!

Now, enough reading my blog and get out and celebrate our nation’s birthday. Be sure to thank a veteran while you are out. I’ll be back on Thursday to share my fourth of July look along with how everything turned out! Happy 4th of July!


The Importance of Slowing Down

Enjoying some quiet time in the morning before my crazy and long day gets underway.

Hello! Hello!

Happy Tuesday! I just got back from a restful weekend following a crazy week which reminded me that I need to slow down more. Today is all about the importance of stepping back and slowing down. Life is crazy, it’s full of wonderful, exciting, crazy, stressful moments.

The transition from living at home to living at college is tough but it’s also tough to move back home. Now, I love school and college but I also love being home. One thing that I noticed coming back home was the chaos and busy schedules. I loved being at school and setting my own schedule from classes to meals and hanging out with friends. When I got home, I was thrown into other people’s schedules which was hard. It made me realize that although my life may be busy I need to carve time out to slow down. Whether you come from a family of six or a family of two, there is bound to be times when you are always on the go.

Life can be stressful and crazy so we need to take care of ourselves before we lose control of everything. For me, I take time when I come home from work before going to another activity for myself. Instead of coming in and starting on wash or picking up, I will go outside and read for fifteen or twenty minutes. The wash will always be there and will need to be done. But, it’s important that I take a few minutes for myself.

There are so many ways we can slow down and take time for ourselves. For example, go for a walk after dinner, find things to add to your boards on Pinterest, read between activities, watch your latest show on Netflix while folding wash (yes, multitasking—my favorite word), even just sitting and doing nothing (even staring at wall) works too! We are constantly pressured to take care of your bodies by working out, and our families but entertaining, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. The next time you are late to a soccer game or your boss kept piling more and more things on your desk, take a breath, give yourself a break and make sure you are taken care of too.

Our lives maybe filled with schedules and agendas but, it’s important to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.



About ME!

My name is Elspeth and I’m a college student with a passion for pop culture and a love for writing. I decided to blog since I’ve met so many people who like to express themselves in the blogging world. I hope to share some tips and tricks from what I’ve learned growing up in the 21st century.

I love fashion and all the accessories that come with it, anything from jewelry, to handbags, and even down to your nail color, I love it all. I’ll be sharing my favorite trends along with my go-to outfits as well as my favorite beauty products.

I have found a new love for healthy eating and fitness this year. I LOVE to work out, which may seem crazy but once I tell you my workout regime, you will be loving it too! I have also found quick, healthy ways to satisfy that craving when you want something sweet! Plus, who can resist working out in cute, affordable clothes?!

I am a neat freak and love to organize, whether you love or hate organizing I have plenty of stories to share. I have a love for social media. You can find me on Instagram @elspethsdaybyday. Here’s a bit overview of what this blog should offer. But don’t worry, there will be lots of surprises along the way! Be sure to join me on this journey on living life day by day.

Fashion Fitness Fun Ways to Organize Uncategorized

Hello world!

Welcome to Elspeth’s Blog day by day. I’ll be sharing things I’ve learned to help you live better day by day. I’ll be sharing my favorite fashion tips, ways to stay fit, and fun ways to organize. I’ll also be sharing some of my favorite products along the way. Any product ranging from beauty, my go-to accessories, and seasonal must haves. I hope you join me on my journey navigating life one day at a time.