Fun Ways to Organize

How to Organize: Your Backpack

With back to school in full swing, it’s time to take advantage of organizing the things we use every day. Let’s start with the backpacks.

Head back to school in style!

Whether you are a mom with a fifth grader who likes to collect everything under the sun, a freshman in high school trying to navigate the halls, or a sophomore in college who’s just trying to get by, this post is for you.

Our backpacks become a place to throw whatever we want in it. Pencils? In the backpack. Tissues? In the backpack. Dry cereal that you forgot to eat for breakfast? In the backpack. Before we know it, we can’t find anything in the mess we take everywhere with us.

I always like to clean out my backpack and give it a good washing before every school year. I have bought my backpacks in the past from L.L. Bean or Lands’ End and they last a long time. They come in fun designs, are durable, and machine washable!

After it’s finished being cleaned, I put the essentials in, the things that never come out. This can vary for everyone, but for me I always like to have these things accessible always. I always carry…

  • Tic tacs or gum (Fresh breathe always!)
  • Spare change (Always good to have emergency money)
  • Tissues (Fall and colds are right around the corner)
  • A snack (trail mix or something dry to eat in case I’m running around and don’t have time for lunch.)
  • Pencil Case (yes, I still have one even in college-where else am I going to store my pencils, pens, and highlighters)
  • My Planner (A must have for everyone. You can never be too organized)
  • An umbrella (you never want to be caught across campus in a thunderstorm without one)
  • An extra empty folder (I use this if I am collecting papers throughout the day to ensure they don’t get crushed or wrinkled)

I alternate my books and binders depending on the day and the classes I have. If they are not in my back pack they are sitting on my desk. I try to keep things in the same spot, so I can always find them.

I appreciate  a clean backpack so I know where everything is. I don’t like clutter so I keep things in separate pockets to keep them organized.

Now, it’s your turn! What essentials do you keep in your backpack? Or moms, what things can’t your little ones live without? Let me know in the comments below!!


Fun Ways to Organize

Back to School Essentials

The last week of August means its time for back to school, whether it be the smell of new supplies, the feel of new clothes, or the excitement of learning new things…I love it all. I always loved going back to school and this year is no different. I officially started classes yesterday and today, I’m sharing my back to school essentials.

Pinterest quotes just gets me!
  • A planner
    • Whether it’s a big calendar blotter, a small planner you can pop in your backpack or even an app on your phone. A planner is critical for keeping you studies and social life in order. I can’t live without one! Plus the designs are so cute and creative, it might as well be a fashion statement.
  • Fresh supplies
    • You can’t start the new school year or semester off without some new supplies. It’s okay to splurge, get the fun notebook, buy the colorful pens. It will keep you organized and it will make you smile, when you are slaving over homework late at night.
  • A new outfit (or two)
    • Confidence is key for taking on new adventures. One way to boost your confidence is with getting a new outfit or two. Show off you style. Be comfortable with who you are.
  • Goals
    • A new school year means its time to set new goals. What things do you want to accomplish? What do you want to get out of this year. How much effort do you want to put in? It’s all about what you make of it. You have the chance to make this school year great!
  • A positive attitude
    • Each school year brings its own worries and excitements. The best way to embrace it all is with a positive attitude. Tackle any struggles or fears you have with a smile. It will go a long way.

Keep those essentials in mind as you take on a new semester or school year. What things are essential for your school year or your first day of school? I have one last summer look for any Labor Day picnics, then it’s time for fall fashion. See you on Thursday!

Fun Ways to Organize

My Summer Recap

I love lists! Lists allow me to organize my thoughts and things that need to get done.

Every summer I create a list of things I want to do. Some things are fun and are spent with family and friends. Other things might be things I hope to accomplish or things that need to get done. At the end of this summer, I am happy to say I got almost everything I wanted to accomplish done! That’s doesn’t always happen. Here’s a peak into my summer and everything I got done.


  • Read Five Books (read 7 instead!!) ✅
  • Blog Twice a Week (if you are reading this now then I must have done it) ✅
  • Finish The Office (gotta get my Netflix in-it was my second time watching it and I couldn’t get enough) ✅
  • Finish House of Cards(it took me to long to finish but it was worth it and I can’t wait for next season) ✅
  • See one friend from college (I didn’t see any friends from college but I will be seeing them soon enough once classes start)❌
  • See High school friends (yes I did and loved every second we spent together-friends for life) ✅
  • Spend a Full day at the pool (it may not have happened until the last week of summer but I got it in) ✅
  • Go out got ice cream at night (I ate way to much ice cream this summer but it was worth it) ✅
  • Go to White Turkey and Sara’s (one of my last meals at home this summer was spent here) ✅
  • Go on more walks (my favorite way to relax) ✅
  • Go to the beach more than once ( I made it twice- does that still count?) ✅
  • Take it slow-try not to rush all the time (after a whirlwind of a school year I tried to take it slow and that happened maybe 5% of the time. BUT it happened) ✅
  • See extended family (seeing my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents truly made my summer. Family over everything) ✅
  • Take advantage of the free things (go to the zoo, beach) (nothing better than taking advantage of activities in your own backyard) ✅
  • Host people for dinner at my house (I love having company over and I was happy I could help entertain this summer) ✅
  • Try something new ( I’m starting a new job this fall so that’s new!!) ✅
  • Physical Therapy (not something particularly fun but it was necessary and it was so helpful) ✅
  • Surgery (again, not so fun but I am so glad to have it behind me) ✅
  • Hit the Gym (I didn’t go as much as I would have liked but I felt so much better when I went) ✅
  • Do decorations for school (part of my new job and they turned out pretty good) ✅
  • Internship (I learned a lot and it helped my career-success!!) ✅
  • Work my summer job (in addition to my internship I’ve been working here for the past 5 years and I love it) ✅
  • Family Vacation (spending time with family and getting away-nothing better in life) ✅

I got a lot accomplished this summer. Some work, some play. And (almost) everything got crossed off. Another summer in the books. Now it’s time to hit the books. Time for school and fall fashion!

Fun Ways to Organize

How to Organize: Your Pantry

This summer I tackled a project that was on my to-do list for a while. My pantry. After numerous pinning and watching organizational videos I took it upon myself to clean out and reorganize my pantry. Although it may seem, like a daunting project, it’s not as bad as you think. Let’s get started.


Step 1: Clean it out.
I went through my pantry and completely cleaned it out and gave it a good wash down. This gave me the opportunity to throw out old or expired food and see what I had. Cleaning out the pantry gave me the chance to consolidate any food that I had as well. It also gave me an idea of what space I had to work with. It’s a great feeling to see any empty space just waiting to be utilized.

Step 2: Get shopping
Now, after you clean everything out there are two ways you can go about organizing . You can either put everything back in your pantry in an orderly manner or you can go shopping for some organizational tools. These tools allow you to keep things tidy, neat and you can get a better idea of what food you have in your pantry. There are so many options when it comes to organizational tools. I like to start my search by doing recon work. I hit a lot of stores to see what they carry, the amount they have, and the prices. I hit the basics like Home Goods, Target, Marshalls, Bed Bath and Beyond, T.J. Maxx, At Home, and Walmart to name a few. I ended up getting a majority of my tools from Home Goods, Bed Bath and Beyond and At Home. I decided to go with the Good Gripes OXO series but there was an abundance of different brands and options at all the store I went to. As I was shopping I kept in mind what containers I wanted to use to store my food it. This helped when it came to purchasing the right amount of containers.

Step 3: Get Organized
After I purchased all my containers I washed them all, I put all the food into the containers I had purchased. For some it was easy, for others it took trial and error to figure out what containers worked best for each food. After all the food was properly stored came the fun part. I got to organize the containers and baskets in my pantry. Once again this took time to see what set-up worked best for my pantry. I got chalkboard labels for my baskets to show what’s inside. I kept a few things in their packaging but for the most part everything is in clear containers.


I have had this setup for a few days now and I am really loving it. It keeps things neat and organized and it allows me to see my food and how much I have left of everything. This has been the biggest saver. I found myself in the past buying food because I didn’t remember seeing it in the pantry or I couldn’t find it. With the new containers I have a better understanding of what I have and what I need.

Although this was a big project, I am happy I got it done and I’m even more happier with the results.

Fun Ways to Organize

How to Organize: Your Purse

It’s the accessory that makes or breaks your outfit. Yes, ladies, I am talking about your purse. Whether you are a wristlet lady, backpack lover, or large tote type of gal. We all use purses. They may look cute and fashionable on the outside, but the inside is a different story. Today is all about organizing your purses or handbags.

This post will be geared more towards handbags, totes, and purses. Sorry wristlet lovers, but I don’t have a lot of advice for you. I personally like totes or bigger handbags. I like to fit more things in one big bag rather than have several smaller bags. I like to change my bags a lot. Reasons? Various occasions, changing seasons, different purposes. My solution to keep me organized is by using lots of little bags to put in one bag, that way you can change bags with little hassle, stay clean, and organized all at the same time. Let’s get started!

Dump It.
I like to start out by dumping everything out. Empty out your entire purse and clean it out. Throw away any old receipts, gum wrappers, and clutter that takes up your purse. This way you are left with a clean slate to get started

. Before. A peek into my purse!

Sort it.
I like to see what I have and then put it into piles that work best for me. Sort everything in your purse into groups. For example; all loose change in your wallet along with money and credit cards. I put all my travel cosmetics in one area (lip balm, brush, mirror, hair ties, lotion, sanitizer etc.

Separating and organizing into piles. All my cosmetics/beauty stuff on the go.
All organized in one medium cosmetic bag from Victoria’s Secret PINK collection.
A mix of gum, tic tacs, headphones and keys.
All organized in a small bag from Thirty One.

Bag it.
I like to put all my piles into bags so they are easy to find and accessible. I mix and match small and large cosmetic bags but it all depends on how you like you things organized. I have found great travel cosmetic bags at Target for under $5.00 and they are so easy to clean

Sunglasses are always a must in any season. I keep mine safe in their own case.
All my cosmetic bags along with my wallet, some snacks, and my current favorite read.
The finished product.

After. The inside all organized.

Lastly, keep it clean and organized. Use whatever method works best for you and try to keep up with it. An organized purse= an organized mind. Leave your favorite tips for organizing in the comments.

Fun Ways to Organize

How to Organize: Your Tupperware Cabinet


Happy Tuesday!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! We finally got some warm weather, so I spent a lot of time outside in the sun. I also got back into the gym and I felt great to be back on a treadmill.

Whenever, I come home from school whether it be for a break or for summer, my parents always have little projects they want me to complete. These are little ways to help out around the house when I’m home. I am a neat freak and an organizer, so most of the project deal with cleaning. My family and I do a lot of cooking at home especially during the summer which means there is always leftovers. Our Tupperware cabinet gets a lot of use and gets cluttered easily. Today, I’m going to be tackling the cabinet and showing you how I like to organize all the Tupperware.

So , for starters, don’t get overwhelmed. It only takes a few minutes to clean it out and reorganize. I’m going to break it down in steps on how I clean my cabinets out.


Step 1: Take everything out. Give yourself a clean space to work with. Even take a wet rag and wipe down the cabinet in case there are crumbs, dirt, or dust.

Clean everything out, allowing you to start fresh!

Step 2: Go through and see if there is anything you don’t need or can get rid of. Make sure you use all your containers and if you don’t or if they are old, damaged or don’t serve a purpose, get rid of them. There is no point in keeping things you don’t use.


Step 3: Now, its time to organize. Our cabinet doubles as a cups, plates, and bowls, a cabinet for kids since it is low to the ground. I like to organize my cabinets based on size and use. I group boxes and bins based on how big or small they are and then I put the things I use the most in the front and use the least in the back.

This side is our container side.
This side is our Children’s side, for little plates, bowls, and cups.

Step 4: Make sure everything is accessible and in a good spot and you are done! It took me 30 minutes with cleaning and organizing and getting rid of things. One way to avoid this is by putting things back where they belong. Yes, it may take a few extra minutes here and there but I will be worth it in the long run.



Now it’s your turn! How do you organize your Tupperware? Do you use labels? Have the lids on or off? I’m always looking for new ways to organize and Pinterest only goes so far!! Comment below any tips and tricks you have for cleaning out your Tupperware!

See you on Thursday!

Fashion Fun Ways to Organize

How to Organize: Your Make-Up

Make up is important to every girl and women. No matter if you are a tom-boy or girly girl, you use some type of make-up. I always make sure my make-up is organized and cleaned. Germs are found everywhere and are easily transmitted from your cosmetic bag or drawer, to your brushes and eventually your face. One way to prevent the spread of germs is to wash your brushes with warm water and soap. It only takes a few minutes and it is better in the long run.

One of the best things about organizing your makeup is that you can work with what you have. You can organize it in several small make up bags if you are always on the go, in a drawer in your bathroom, or you can buy cosmetic organizers. I am a college student so for most the year I’m in two places. I have used the cosmetic organizers for a few years now and I’m a huge fan! They are small and compact so I can use them in my dorm room and they don’t take up a lot of space. I also use them at home in my bedroom to keep my make-up organized. I got mine from Marshalls for around $20.00. I have been using the same one for a few years and I have no complaints.  It cleans easy and it is clear so it is seen through. Marshalls also has similar ones,  there are other styles that are bigger and smaller. They are always bringing in new types and styles, so there is something for everyone.  I like to see my make-up and brushes laid out and in front of me where they are easily accessible.

Here’s the front view of my make-up organizer.

Here’s the view from above.

Here’s a quick look in my make-up organizers. I have all my brushes organized in the back by size and width. In front of my brushes, I have my mascara, and eyebrow tools.  Along the one side I have all my nail polish, I like to have it visible, in case I need to do a color change for an outfit. Along the opposite side, I have my blush and a few eye shadow palates. I also have my lipsticks and concealers as well. In the center I have my foundation, sponges, and perfume that I wear every day. I have a pretty basic make-up routine that I will share later, but for now here is how I keep all my cosmetics organized and cleaned. Till next time… xoxo


Fashion Fitness Fun Ways to Organize Uncategorized

Hello world!

Welcome to Elspeth’s Blog day by day. I’ll be sharing things I’ve learned to help you live better day by day. I’ll be sharing my favorite fashion tips, ways to stay fit, and fun ways to organize. I’ll also be sharing some of my favorite products along the way. Any product ranging from beauty, my go-to accessories, and seasonal must haves. I hope you join me on my journey navigating life one day at a time.