Fabulous living

Fall Favorites

I saw this Q&A for fall on two other blogs I follow, The Blended Blog and A Little Bit of Everything Blog. I love fall and everything that comes along with it. Thanks so much for the great fall idea questions. Here are a few of my favorite things about fall.

  1. Favorite Fall Sweet Treat?

Candy apples or apple crisp

2. Red, yellow, or green apples?


3. Favorite Fall Sport to Play?

I don’t play but I will watch countless soccer games or go to football games.

4 .Best drinks for Fall?

Hot Apple Cider

5. Favorite Fall Activity?

Going on walks with the leaves fall or going to any fall festival

6. Must have Fall Purchase?


7. Pumpkins? Pick your own or Store bought?

I would love to pick my own but I don’t always have the time, so store bought it is.

8. Real or fake pumpkins?

A few real pumpkins but more fake ones.

9. Favorite Halloween Costume?

Last year I went as Sandy from Grease. BEST. COSTUME. EVER.

10. College Football of NFL?

I watch both but you will find me rooting more for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

11. Fall or Halloween Decor?

Fall decorations. They last longer, I shared my fall decorating tips so you can see more here.

12. Raking Leaves or no Leaves to Rake?

Raking Leaves

13. Favorite Soup?

Nothing says fall like chicken noodle soup.

14. Favorite Fall Candle Scent?

Anything Apple and Cinnamon,

15. Love or Hate Pumpkin Spice?

Not a fan, I will have a small slice of pumpkin pie but that’s about it.

16. Short booties or Tall booties?

Short booties all fall long!

17. Favorite Halloween Candy?

M&M’s. I don’t feel as guilty eating them. HAHAHA

18. PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) Yes or No?

Nope, not a starbucks or coffee fan. Sorry.

19. Hayride or Cornmaze?


20. Favorite Fall TV Show?

I can’t choose just one. I’m a big lover of tv, I would rather watch it live then binge watch it. This fall I’m watching This Is Us, SEAL TEAM, and the TGIT lineup which includes Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder. My tv time is my me time.

Tuesday 9:00 NBC
Wednesday 9:00 CBS
Thursday 8:00 ABC

Well, there you have it. My favorite things about fall. What are some of your favorite things about fall?

Fabulous living

Fall Decorating

When it comes to fall decorating I try to decorate for the whole season of fall not just Halloween. Although, I’m all about the candy, the costumes, and the scary decorations, Halloween only lasts for one day when autumn last for months. I try not to go over board when decorating for each season. I like to have small reminders of the new season around my dorm/house.

Today, I am going to be sharing my decorations at home and at school that I have up for fall. Let’s start with school. I got these cute decals for my window at Target in the dollar section. I put them up in the beginning of October and take them down the day after Halloween. They are a simple reminder of Halloween without overdoing it.

Window Decorations. I used gel window clings to add some spookiness to my dorm room

I also keep my candy dish filled with Halloween candy for anyone who stops by. I also try to get a small pumpkin to have out just to add a bit more fall feeling to the room. It’s still a bit early so I haven’t gotten my pumpkin yet but when I do, I will be sharing pictures!

Halloween Candy

Now, for at home here are a few areas that are always decorated season long for fall. At home we (my mom and I) try to reuse decorations from last year but we do upgrade a few decorations each year. Centerpieces are crucial when decorating. They make the table, more than just a place to eat. Since it’s fall we used a lot of pumpkins, we have them spaced out through the house so it’s not overwhelming. Below are some of my favorite spaces at home for decorations. We tried to incorporate pumpkins in different ways and settings.

Kitchen Table Centerpiece. I love how bold and unique this centerpiece is. The table is a symbol of gathering and this centerpiece ties the whole room together.
Side Table Decorations. Another example of incorporating pumpkins in different ways. The acorn is also a fall touch without going overboard with decorations.
Coffee Table Centerpiece. I love the warm feeling the candles bring to the room. The leaves are also a good reminder of fall.

I hope this gave you so inspiration for fall decorating. Happy Tuesday!

Fabulous living

Why it’s Okay to Eat Alone

Tuesday Thoughts…

Although, I am only a sophomore in college I have grown a lot in the time I have been in school. I have learned more about what I want to do in regards of a career, I have learned more about myself as a person, and I have become more independent. Whether, you go to school across the country, a few hours away from home, in your own city, or just by commuting, college is all what you make of it.

By choosing a school that is a few hours away, I don’t have the opportunity to go home whenever I want. It forces me to stay during the long and sometimes boring weekends and find a routine that works for me. Most weekends, I can be found in the gym, doing homework, watching movies or grabbing a meal or two on my own.

During my first year of college most of my friends lived close by and went home on the weekends. Although I was alone for most of the time that didn’t stop me from living life. I didn’t stay in my room alone all weekend, I went out and did things.  I went to Sunday Mass, hit the gym, went to movie nights, and ate meals by myself. Yes, eating alone was uncomfortable at first but the more I went alone the more confident I got. I felt comfortable going to movies alone and being the only one at the gym early on Saturday mornings. When I would go to dinner by myself I enjoyed the silence, in world that is filled with noise, distractions, chaos, and technology, it’s okay to be by ourselves for a few minutes. I like deciding when I wanted to eat and how long I want to stay.

Now, for the record I don’t eat by myself every day, I have my girlfriends who I eat my lunches and dinners with daily and who I can count on for girl talk. Even though I have found people who stay on campus with me and who I can count on to grab brunch with, it’s such a good feeling to know that I can eat by myself and be okay with it.

I know this is not for everyone and it can feel awkward and uncomfortable but give it a try. You may appreciate the silence and the solitude. Some of my most relaxing times are when I am alone with my thoughts. If the feeling of sitting alone scares you, bring a book to read while you eat or call a girlfriend up to chat while you finish eating. Give it a try, you never know you may like something if you never try.