Fabulous living

Things That Make Me Feel Like Me

Hi everyone! A VERY happy March to you! The countdown to spring is on, as we are only weeks away from the start of the new season, even if it doesnā€™t quite feel like it quite yet. We had a stretch of temperatures in the 40’s which was an instant mood booster, but then snow returned. There is hope and promise in the air. Is it bad that Iā€™m eager for the rain that Spring brings just because that means a break in snow? I hope not!Ā I have been soaking up time with friends over the past few weeks which has been so fun and much needed for the soul too.

Pastries and coffee with friends is always a good mood booster in the middle of the week.

The new season means a fresh start and todayā€™s post goes nicely with that as Iā€™m sharing the things I do every day that make me feel like me.Ā I am currently on the road for a work trip and even though it is exciting to be traveling, it can also come with stress. Whenever, I am gone, whether it’s for work or pleasure, there’s a few things I try to incorporate every day in my life that makes me feel like me.

If I go without one of these for a day, will the world keep turning? Absolutely! But these are little rituals I like to incorporate every day to make me feel like the best version of myself.

  • Quiet Time– I like to begin every day with some quiet time and that includes journaling, prayer time, working on a word search to keep my brain sharp, reading a few pages of a book, and Wordle to keep my streak alive. I like to take my time and ease into my day with this quiet time, sometimes, I take ten minutes for my quiet time, other days, I take forty-five minutes. It all depends on how much time I have. I love starting my day with some me-time.
No matter where I am, I always try to get my quiet time in
  • Movement- Whether itā€™s a lift at the gym, some yoga after work, a good run, or even just a walk. Getting some sort of movement is critical for me. Bonus points if I can get outdoors for one of these activities. I love being able to move my body and I donā€™t take it for granted. I feel energized after I get some sort of activity whether it be easy or hard. Itā€™s a mood booster and stress reliever for me. 
Fresh air and some sort of movement brings me so much JOY!
  • Balanced Diet and Lots of Water– If I could only drink water for the rest of my life, I would be okay with that. I go through lots of tumblers every day with water. I drink it at the gym, I drink it hot with lemon in the morning and at night and all through the day at work. I love how refreshed and full water makes me feel. I also try really hard to eat a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables and proteins, plus something sweet too. Iā€™ve never been much of a breakfast person, so lunch and dinner are my meals of the day. I love to see a colorful plate filled with fruits and veggies. I feel better physically and mentally after eating a filling meal, but donā€™t get me wrong, I do love to enjoy my sweet snacks throughout the day. 
We love a colorful plate!
  • Deep Breathing and Meditation– Life can get hectic which is why taking a few moments for mediation at the start and end of my day helps me stay focused and balanced. I have been using the app Insight Timer at the end of the day to help me unwind which has been a huge help too!
Insight Timer keeps me focused to mediate every day
  • Socializing– Iā€™m your typical Introverted/Extrovert. As much as I love my quiet time in the morning and at night. I also love to spend time with my people. I call and text with my boyfriend every day and get to see my family every day, which is such a blessing. I love gathering around the table at the end of the day to talk about our days. Family is so important to me and I cherish my time with them. Plus, I would be remiss if I didnā€™t mention my incredible friends. Although I may not see or talk to them every day, catching up with friends nourishes my soul. I have recently been reconnecting with old friends and itā€™s so nice to catch up on what everyone is up to in life. 
Happiest with my people!

These five things make me feel like me in the best possible way. I can obviously go without these for a day or two, but I feel like the best version of myself if I incorporate these into my daily life.

Ā As we look towards a new season, what are some non-negotiables for you? I would love to hear from you. Although, I’m on the road, I will be back for another Friday Favorites in just two days! See you then!

Thanks as always for stopping by and Happy March!

Fabulous living

Five Things I Can’t Live Without

Hello All! Happy Wednesday and Happy February! We are making our way through the first week of the February and I donā€™t know about you, but I love the sense of freshness that comes with a new month, plus I really enjoy the second month of the year with more winter fun, the Super Bowl, Galentineā€™s Day and Valentineā€™s Day, so many fun events that make the cold days a little bit brighter!

Winter walks and sunshine for the win!

As I go through my life, there are things I find myself reaching for every single day, sometimes, multiple times a day. They may not seem like a lot to others, but to me, I canā€™t live without them. Hereā€™s a list of five things I use every day that I canā€™t live without (minus the obvious-phone, car, food, clothes etc.).

Apple Watch- I always have my Apple Watch on and it never leaves my wrist except when I am showering or sitting for long periods of time and I know it needs a charge. Since I upgraded to the series 10 last month, I have noticed my battery life is much longer. I use my watch for the time, to track my workouts, steps, sleep, text messages, emails, and even calls. Itā€™s so helpful to set reminders or check a notification when my phone isnā€™t around. I know smart watches arenā€™t for everyone, but this is a tool that I use all the time and am constantly looking to try new features.

Wireless Earbuds– I was never a big headphone or earbud gal, but I got these JBL wireless earbuds as a gift a few years ago and use them almost every day. I wear them when I go running to listen to podcasts, I use them for travel to watch or listen to things on my phone, and I even use them for work. Their charge lasts for several uses and Iā€™ve been pleased with the quality. I almost always have them with me wherever I go.

Planner– If there is one thing I refer to multiple times a day, itā€™s my Simplified Planner. I plan my weeks out using the planner and I use it every single day, even multiple times. I open it up when I am getting ready for the day. I will use it at work for putting in important dates and work functions. I use it at night for to-do lists and looking towards the next day. The new planner for the weekly is a bit larger, but I love the extra space it provides. I couldnā€™t survive without my planner and when I donā€™t use it, I find myself feeling scattered.

Water Bottle–  No matter the day, time or place, I always have a bottle with me. I take a Yeti to work with me, I have water bottles for the gym, I always have one by my bedside and whenever I leave the house, I make sure to have a bottle or cup of water with me. I never like the feeling of being dehydrated and I always want to make sure I have something to drink, plus whenever I feel down or sick or not my best, water always helps!

Chapstick and Hand Lotion– Two things that I have multiple of in many different spots. I keep a chapstick and lotion by my bedside, in my car, in my purse, and in my desk at work. I love to keep my hands soft and not dry (especially in the winter) and I hate the feeling of dry or cracker lips. I wear a lot of makeup at work, so having smooth lips is a must for me. Two small items that may not seem like much, but I would have a hard time surviving without them. 

Now obviously, I always have my phone, wallet, and keys with me wherever I go, but these are some extra items that I use every single day and help make my days smoother. What are some of your favorite things you canā€™t live without?! I would love to know! Itā€™s always so fun to see what other people are using and loving!

I hope you all are having a great week and Iā€™ll see you back here on Friday for another edition of Friday Favorites!

Fabulous living

At Least I Tried

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week as we make our way to the weekend. We are in the negative temperatures this week, so needless to say it’s been a lot of indoor time filled with reading, baking, and movie watching.

Thankfully my pups have been keeping me company

I have a little bit of a different post for you today, as I wanted to share a recent life lesson; giving something a try and deciding to not pursue it anymore.

Iā€™ll be speaking more in terms of hobbies and interests, but this can be applied to life, jobs, friends, and opportunities as well. 

Every year, like many others, I like to set goals or resolutions for myself. These are things I want to try, work on, even eliminate in my life. You can read about this year’s resolutions here.

Since I graduated college five years ago, I have been working on finding what hobbies bring me joy and spending time on those. Finding hobbies comes with trial and error along the way. For example, I have always loved to read and I would consider reading one of my hobbies. I have set reading goals in years past, but as long as I read something every day, Iā€™m content and reading is something that is so easy for me to incorporate in my day and makes me feel like myself.

One of my happy spots

In 2023, I set a goal to run a 5K. As someone who never enjoyed running, I was intimidated by the challenge, but I knew I wanted to achieve it. It turned out, I really grew to love running and found myself running more than a 5K. Since I set out to start running, I have run another 5K and two 10K’s and Iā€™m currently training for a half marathon. I didnā€™t know I would love running so much if I never tried it.

My longest run to date

I have always enjoyed cooking and baking. Since I was a young girl, I loved helping my mom in the kitchen. After graduating college, I wanted to sharpen my skills in the kitchen by cooking more, trying new recipes and baking sweet treats. This is another hobby that has brought me (and my family) immense joy!

I love a good baking day
And entertaining with a big spread

But, not all hobbies work out. There have been different hobbies that I have tried and decided not to pursue and thatā€™s okay.

For example, two years ago, I decided to grow a garden and I had pretty good success with it my first year. You can read all about it here. Last summer, I wanted to do it again but with more plants and it turned out to be not a prosperous as year one. You can see my recap here. I still got some fruits and veggies to harvest, but not to the extent that I got my first year. Iā€™m still debating whether or not I want to try again for year three. Stay tuned!

A smaller harvest this year

There have also been some hobbies that I tried and it wasnā€™t for me, like piano. When I was in middle school I took piano lessons and did not enjoy it, nor was I good at it. But, I still tried it.

As an adult, I decided I wanted to give it another go. I downloaded an app and bought a year-long course and decided to teach myself how to play for a year, and it was a long year. I made time almost every day to practice on the piano. While some days were good and I could see myself making progress, others were painful to get through. I decided I would finish the year out with the course, but not renew it. I realized a hobby, which was supposed to be fun, was causing me more stress. Plus, it didnā€™t help that my dog was not a fan of my practicing (he would howl the entire time I would practice). Itā€™s been a few weeks since I stopped playing and I honestly donā€™t miss it.

Iā€™m glad I gave it a try and Iā€™m proud I stuck it out for the whole year, but I donā€™t miss finding time in my day to practice or the howling dog. I already have new ideas for hobbies to fill my time in the new year, but for the time being, Iā€™m at peace with a pause on piano. I donā€™t feel like I failed or gave up, rather, Iā€™m glad I gave it the college try.

My end of the year stats
I’m still proud of my efforts

Thatā€™s the lesson I learned this past year. It’s great to try new things whether it be a hobby, new job, or friendship, but if it doesnā€™t work out, thatā€™s okay. What matters is that the effort was there. As someone who hates letting herself or others down, this was a harder lesson to learn, but Iā€™m grateful I learned it. 

Iā€™m eager to learn some new skills and hobbies in the new year and see if they are for me, if they are, great, if not, at least I tried.

I hope this encourages you to try new things and pursue new hobbies, interests and opportunities, but give yourself grace if it doesn’t work out. 

Fabulous living

2025 Winter Bucket List

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a great week! I donā€™t know about you, but a few weeks after the holidays pass, I am looking for something new to do. That’s one of the reasons why I love New Yearā€™s resolutions and hobbies, it gives me something to work on and look forward to. I shared my New Yearā€™s Resolutions a few weeks ago and I have already made some headway with them. 

Winter has returned

Today, Iā€™m sharing my Winter Bucket List for 2025. These posts are some of my favorite to put together. I love coming up with new ideas of things I hope to do and this list is a great fallback if I am looking for something to do with friends or family. There are some things I try to do every year and some new things on the bucket list. I am always open to suggestions for winter fun-especially in the snow, which we get a lot of. 

Without further ado, hereā€™s my 2025 Winter Bucket List:

  • Start Working on My New Yearā€™s Resolutions
  • Go Skiing or Sled Riding 
  • Ice Skating
  • Library Winter Reading Challenge
  • Read The Lazy Genius Cookbook
  • Read by the Fire with a Warm Drink
  • Finish Breaking Bad and start a new show 
  • Simplicity Challenge
  • Try a New Winter Activity
  • Donate Blood
  • Have a Movie Day 
  • Fondue Night
  • Try New Recipes
  • Winter Walks and Runs
  • Try A New Coffee Shop
  • Do Something Creative
  • Celebrate Valentineā€™s Day 

This is just a start of what I want to accomplish over the next few months. I know it will be chilly and I wonā€™t be able to spend as much time as I want outdoors, but I plan on making the most of the winter season.

I also want to use these next few months to slow down, reset, and refocus as we enter a new year. Tell me, whether you have snow or not, whatā€™s on your Winter Bucket List and what do you hope to accomplish over the next few months? I would love to hear from you! 

Have a great rest of your week and I will see you back here on Friday for another roundup of Friday Favorites!

Fabulous living

2025 New Year’s Resolutions

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year! 

I hope you have had an enjoyable holiday season. For many people, itā€™s back to work and reality, but others have a few more days to relax and unwind. I hope these past few days or weeks brought you rest, family and friend time, a good recharge, joy, love and memories. I know my heart is full after this holiday season.

I like to use the time between Christmas and New Year to reflect on the past year and look forward to whatā€™s to come. 

I did my annual planner prep this week!

I accomplished a lot in 2024, you can read all about it here.

Before I get to my New Yearā€™s Goals and Resolutions for 2025, I wanted to give you an update on my resolutions from last year. You can read about them here.

My motto of the year was to ā€œBe Open and Aware of Changeā€ while it was a challenge, I certainly embraced the change that was thrown my way. I grew a lot this year, I became more independent and confident in myself and my decisions. 

This year, while I leaned into my routines, I worked on being more flexible when it comes to schedules. Flexibility is something I have always struggled with and Iā€™m constantly working on and itā€™s something I want to continue to improve on in the new year.

My 2024 Resolutions for 2024 was to donate blood, do an 8K or 10K, Relearn Piano, Learn how to Braid Hair and Cook One Meal a Week. 

I accomplished all of these goals minus learning to braid hair, that was mostly because I have short hair and itā€™s not conducive to braiding right now. Once I grow it out, I plan to learn how to braid it. 

I donated blood for the first time this summer and I have continued to donate every time I am eligible. 

Donating Blood

I ran two 10Kā€™s this year and broke my personal record during my second one.

First of Two 10 K

I attempted to teach myself piano and practiced almost every day, but I donā€™t know if I will continue with this hobby in the new year.

Learning Piano

I have continued to make one meal a week and tried lots of new recipes and even mastered some too!

Cooking a new meal each week

I was pleased with how much I accomplished this past year whether it was trying new hobbies or continuing with old ones.

My mindset going into 2025 is to approach my days and schedules in a calmer manner. I found myself overbooking last year and want to leave more room for flexibility every day and focusing on doing one thing at a time and not always multitasking. Flexibility is something I want to be better at in the new year. Itā€™s something I say every year and each year I am getting better and better at it.

I want to continue with some of my habits that I started from last year including daily meditation, donating blood, making one meal a week , and paying attention to my budgets. 

When it comes to new goals or resolutions for 2025, I want to:

-Run a half marathon (something I have been working towards over the past few years)

-Read 70 Books (I read 68 this past year, so I think this is doable.)

-Learn How to Bake Bread (I know this was very popular during the pandemic, but now I am jumping on the bandwagon and want to learn as well.)

-Learn how to iron (I know how to iron, but I want to get better at it this year.)

-Get more involved in my community (whether this is through joining a fitness class or club, I want to meet new people in my hometown.) 

In addition to these new goals for the new year, I want to work on spending more time outdoors, especially when it comes to being with my dogs. I want to continue to spend time with friends, go on a family trip and visit a new state. 

I have a few other personal goals that I want to work towards in the new year. I love the feeling of a fresh start and new beginnings that each year brings and I canā€™t wait to see what 2025 has in store for me. Happy New Year! Welcome 2025!

Fabulous living

A Look Back on 2024

Hello Everyone and a very Merry Christmas! I donā€™t anticipate many of you to be reading on Christmas Day, but if you are then welcome!

Here’s a look at how my last few weeks and days looked:

 I hope your day is filled with peace, love, joy, family, friends and wonderful memories. If today is challenging for you, know that I am thinking of you. 

If you are reading this over the Christmas week, thank you for being here. I appreciate your support and you taking the time to read my posts.

Today, I am looking back on 2024, what a year it was. This year was filled with leaning into routines, new adventures, attempting new hobbies, going through some growing pains and travel.

A lot of things changed, but a lot of things stayed status quo. Iā€™m eager to see what 2025 will bring for me. Thereā€™s something special about going into a new year with a fresh slate, some uncertainty, but knowing it will all work out. Before we jump too far ahead to 2025 (more on that next week), I want to reflect on 2024 and look back at these past 365 days and share some of my favorite things too! Letā€™s get to it.

A Look Back on 2024

The year began with me keeping up with my running consistently. You will be able to see my progress as the year progresses. 

One of my first runs of the year.

I also spent a lot of time in the kitchen trying new recipes.

I tried to get as much fresh air as possible when the weather cooperated.

Walks in the wintertime

I tried a new hobby with piano and kept up with it all year.

A recent accomplishment

In February, I enjoyed the Super Bowl with a big spread.

I also celebrated Valentineā€™s Day with homemade cookies and chocolate.

I ended the month with a trip to Cleveland to watch the Cavaliers.

The spring brought St. Patrickā€™s Day, seeing the total solar eclipse and the start of warmer weather.

The warmer weather also led to longer runs and walks, Easter and baseball games!

More running!

I turned 26 in May!

The summer was spent with all the time outdoors, between swimming, reading, walking, and running.

I went on adventures near and far. 

Another look at my running progress

I donated blood for the first time this summer and have continued to do so through the year.

I also enjoyed blueberry and cherry picking and got some tasty treats out of those.

I celebrated the Fourth of July by running a 10K and enjoying time with family and friends.

I kept up with the garden but didnā€™t get as many vegetables as I had hoped.

I traveled to Cleveland in the summer as well as Montreal for a day, but the big trip was with my family to Italy.

You can read about Montreal here.

You can read about Italy in two parts, part one here and part two here.

The end of summer led me to running more places around my hometown. 

I took some weekend trips to Boston and got to explore the area there more.

I enjoyed the changing of the leaves and all things fall, from baking, to festivals, and decorations.

November brought another trip to Boston, Thanksgiving and so much snow!

I also hit a new PR with my 10K Turkey Trot!

December was all about Christmas prep and cheer and now here we are looking back at it all.

Lots of holiday gatherings

This was quite a year filled with lots of time spent with family, my boyfriend, friends, and with myself. I learned a lot about myself this year and have seen personal growth as well. Iā€™m eager to see what the new year will bring and I hope you will come along on the journey with me.

A beautiful year worth remembering

Now onto the favorites of 2024! 

Oprah may have had her favorite things each year, but these are mine. I tried to narrow it down to one item per category, but that didnā€™t always happen. Hereā€™s a look at my favorite things with their reviews too!

Favorite Books: I couldnā€™t narrow it down to one, so here are my top three with reviews. I read 68 books this year. You can see a full list of them on my Instagram stories or by looking at each monthā€™s Currently.

Lessons in ChemistryLessons in Chemistry is all about a chemist who hosts a cooking show in the 1960ā€™s. I loved the combination of science and cooking and how they were intertwined throughout the book. The romance between Calvin and Elizabeth made my heart soar, but my favorite part was the importance of women working in a male dominated field in the 1960ā€™s. It was made into a series on Apple TV that I watched as well and really enjoyed the comparison of the two.

The PlanThe Plan by Kendra Adachi. This is Adachiā€™s third book and itā€™s all about planning, organization, and compassionate time management. She lays out ideas and principles for how to plan and organize your life, but the best part is that you can tailor it to your own wants and needs. I found myself taking notes while reading it and have applied so many principles to my own life. If you have read or listened to Adachiā€™s podcast or books, you can almost hear her voice across the pages. 5 Stars from me!

The 5 AM Club– I’m not kidding when I say this book changed my life. The 5 AM Club is all about ways to make the most of your mornings to elevate your life. It’s told in a unique way, but has so many incredible lessons and skills to apply to your life. I read it through the library, but I found it so informative that I’m considering buying it. Definitely a book to make notes and highlight as you go along.

My year in review according to Good Reads

Favorite TV Show- While I watched a lot of recurring shows like the Masked Singer or Greyā€™s Anatomy, these two mini series really stuck with me.

Lessons in Chemistry– This was a mini-series on Apple TV based on the book and I really enjoyed watching it after I read the novel. It was very close to the book too which I appreciated.

The Girls on the Bus-The Girls on the Bus on HBO Max. Itā€™s all about four different female journalists as they hit the campaign trail for election season. I love all the different personalities and perspectives the characters bring. I have found myself identifying with different characters at different times. I was sad to learn it got cancelled after one season, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it in its entirety.

Favorite Movie– Although, this just came out, how could it not be a favorite of mine.

Wicked was so good this year. I think they did a great job with the casting. I loved the costumes and the cinematography as well as the setting. I definitely think it lived up to its expectations. It was a longer movie, but the music, singing, dancing, and plot moved it along.

Favorite Fashion Items– I had to choose two for this category (an article of clothing and shoe that I wore time and time again.) I loved these purchases this year and got a lot of use out of them.

Red Rain Coat-I have been on the hunt for a raincoat ever since I got caught in a rain storm in September. I was looking for a durable, waterproof coat that would keep me dry and wasnā€™t too boxy. I hoped to find something that was sporty but still could be worn out and about.  I also wanted it to be red. I found all those qualities with this raincoat from Landā€™s End.

Summer Wedges-I got these wedges form Marshallā€™s. Wedges provide more support for me and I can pair them with multiple outfits. You can wear these with a pair of white jeans or capris and fun blouse, a short sundress, or a longer, flowy dress depending on the occasion.

Favorite Podcast– I listen to podcasts weekly, some of my favorite are The Lazy Genius Podcast and Books, Beach, and Beyond Podcast but

The Simple Sophisticate by Shannon Ables is my new favoirte podcast. She started the podcast after her blog back in 2014 and still continues with episodes to this day. The theme of the podcast is all about living a simpler, calmer, and French way of life. Ables has such a soothing voice and attitude that you will find yourself relaxing and feeling peaceful no matter what she is talking about. Episodes vary from 30-60 mins.

Favorite App– I tried to Mediate more this year and practice mindfulness and this app has made it so much easier. I have found it to be very beneficial, especially when I am overwhelmed and stressed out. I typically take time at the start and end of my day for breathing, but have found myself doing exercises through the day too. I have been using the app, Insight Timer daily and itā€™s been doing a great job at holding me accountable and providing resources for guided meditations and breathing exercises. I am just using the free trial, but have been really loving it.

Favorite Hobby-I never thought I would love running as much as I do, but here I am. It has become such a stress reliever for me and I genuinely enjoy the journey. I started this year only being able to run five miles at one time and through the year have worked my way to… I have found so much joy through running and canā€™t wait to continue it in the new year with some new goals in mind.

Here’s some of my favorite runs from this year!

My longest run to date

Favorite Trip and Day Trip– I have two favorite trips this year, a day trip to Montrel and my familyā€™s incredible trip to Italy. You can read both of the reviews above!

Favorite Recipe– I spent so much time in the kitchen this year and accomplished my goal of making one new meal a week. Thatā€™s trying at least 52 meals, if not more. 

Sunday spread done right

My top meals were:

 Wedding Soup

 Turkey Pot Pie

Homemade Gumbo

Thatā€™s a look at my favorite things from this past year. It was so hard to narrow it down, but it was very reflective to see how much I accomplished. Hereā€™s a look at my resolutions and how I did. 

Here’s my Resolution post from January. My motto for the year was to be open and aware of change and I think I did a good job of that. I went through some life changes and grew from them while also staying true to myself along the way. I will share more about how well I did with accomplishing my goals next week in my 2025 Resolutions post, but for now, I’m really proud of myself for how I have grown and changed this year. I’m still a work in progress, but I’m happy who I see when I look in the mirror.

I see this girl and she’s pretty happy.

Thank you so much for being along on this journey through 2024 with me, whether you have been here since day one or you are reading this for the first time, I appreciate you and you taking the time to be with me. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas week and New Yearā€™s Eve too. Iā€™ll be back here on Friday for some Friday favorites! See you then!

Merry Christmas!

Fabulous living

Christmas Bucket List 2024

Hello Everyone! Happy Wednesday!

Ā I hope you are having a wonderful week and are enjoying the Christmas season. We got a ton of snow, needless to say, it’s been a winter wonderland.

Ā I donā€™t know about you, but since Christmas is only a few weeks away, Iā€™m doing my best to enjoy everything this season has to offer, while doing all the daily things. We decorated for Christmas last week and it put me in the best mood.

Thereā€™s so much to celebrate and accomplish and only so much time. My favorite way to make sure Iā€™m enjoying the season to the fullest is by making a Christmas Bucket List. 

Hereā€™s what I hope to accomplish this Christmas Season:

  • Decorate for Christmas (room and home decorations, scents, and mugs)
  • Listen to Christmas Music
  • Watch Christmas Movies (Cheesy ones and the Classics)
  • Read Christmas Themed Books
  • See a Christmas Show/Performance
  • Christmas Shopping and Wrapping
  • Send out Christmas Cards
  • Go Skiing
  • Go Ice Skating
  • Exchange Gifts with Friends
  • Bake Christmas Cookies
  • Try a New Christmas Recipe 
  • See Christmas Lights
  • Enjoy a New Christmas Activity
  • Light a fire and Enjoy Hot Chocolate
  • Get a Tree and Decorate it
  • Give Back to Others
  • Build a Gingerbread House
  • Celebrate Christmas and New Yearā€™s

There you have it! My Christmas Bucket List, I know I will be spending lots of time with family and friends too! I love creating a goal list to hold me accountable and to give me ideas of things to do on days off or weekends. Tell me: what do you plan to do ahead of Christmas? I am always looking for new ideas of things to celebrate the Christmas season. 

Have a wonderful Christmas season and Iā€™ll see you back here on Friday!

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For

Hello everyone!

Happy Wednesday!

It is the week before Thanksgiving and boy, is this month moving fast, even with Thanksgiving being a week late, it has still been a busy month.Ā I just got back from a weekend away which was so nice to getaway. Plus, some holiday decor was already up which made me very happy and get into the Christmas spirit!

Airports all decked out for the holidays!

Today’s post is more reflective as I’m sharing what I’m thankful for. I do these posts every year and they are such a good time to share my gratitude for everything I have and the people and experiences I have in my life.

First and foremost, I’m thankful for my incredible family, supportive friends and compassionate boyfriend. I don’t have the words to describe how lucky I am to have such a strong and loving support system. 

My family is always there for me during big milestones or everyday moments. I am so lucky to have such a close-knit family that eats dinner together every day, calls and checks in with each other regularly, and loves to laugh and support one another. By working in my hometown, I am able to spend even more time with my family and it’s something I don’t take for granted.

My boyfriend is one my best friends and favorite people in the world. I don’t share too much about my relationship on my blog to keep things private, but he is one of the best things that has happened to me. He is so supportive, selfless, understanding, hardworking, funny, and pushes me to be my best in all that I do. He encourages me in work and is so supportive of my hobbies and interests. He celebrates the big milestones in life, but also acknowledges the importance of mundane moments. He loves my dogs as if they were his own and goes out of his way to make sure I feel valued and heard. I thank God every day that he came into my life five years ago on Thanksgiving Day (another reason to be thankful).

Montreal- one of the many places my boyfriend and I traveled to this year!

I’m also so grateful for my understanding and kind friends. I have stayed close with different friends from different stages and areas of life. Whether we catch up weekly in-person or over Facetime each month, I’m so lucky to have people in my corner who cheer me on, understand my fluid schedule with work and who put in the effort for our friendship.

Getting outdoors and taking walks with friends is so good for my soul

I’m so grateful for my good health and the health of my family and friends. This past year has brought losing loved ones and some illnesses and every day, I’m so grateful that I am healthy and so are my loved ones. I’m also thankful for medicine, good doctors and research and technology to help fight these diseases. 

When times get challenging, I’m thankful for my faith in God. I know that I can always depend on his unwavering love and that he will guide me through life’s most challenging and most joyful moments. I’m grateful for my parents for making sure a relationship in God was a priority in my life growing up.

In times of doubt, trusting in God is so important

This year has been a year of change for me and I’m grateful for the new people who have come into my life to show support and provide guidance. 

I’m thankful for a job that I love waking up and going to every day. I love that I have co-workers that have become friends to me. I’m also grateful for a job that challenges me, but also teaches me things around the world. Every day brings something new to my life and I’m so lucky that I get to call it my job. I also hit the jackpot by being able to work in my hometown and work in a community that means so much to me. 

My job has taken me to pretty cool places and experiences.

I am so grateful for all the adventures and hobbies that bring me so much joy every day. I have tried new things this year and continued to enjoy activities that give me a creative and freeing outlet. Things like running, reading, baking and cooking bring me so much joy and balance in my life. I have traveled a lot this year to new and familiar places and I’m so lucky for the opportunity to see so much of the world and create lasting memories with family and friends.

This past year has been filled with adventures, new beginnings, reconnecting, challenges and staying true to myself and I’m so grateful for it all.

I have much to be thankful for this year. 

With Thanksgiving just over a week away, tell me, what are you thankful for this year?

Fabulous living

Romanticizing Your Life

Hi everyone! 

We are halfway through the first week of November and I don’t know about you, but it has been a busy one. I hope today’s post allows you to slow down and catch your breath before it’s back to the hustle and bustle of life. 

I’ve been trying to slow down more in life and appreciate the simple and little things every day. I’ve also tried to incorporate the concept or idea of romanticizing my life. 

Now what does this mean to me? I interpret as appreciating the simple and mundane everyday moments and making them feel special. Romanticizing your life can be lighting a candle when you get ready in the morning, or using linen napkins at dinner instead of paper napkins, it’s pouring your coffee in an actual mug and savoring it, rather than drinking it fast on the go.

To me, romanticizing your life is basking and savoring in the season you are in and being present in the moment. Life can be overwhelming or stressful or even boring at times, but by being present in the moment and celebrating the little things can make a big difference in your mood and life. 

Here’s been a few ways that I have romanticized my life: 

  • I have been waking up earlier and enjoying a slower morning to read and journal and savor my morning routine and not rush through it. I’ve been lighting a candle and curling up in a blanket to enjoying my mornings rather than rushing through them.
  • After I get in a workout, I have been making myself a warm tea or water with lemon and enjoying that while I get ready for the day. The mornings have been getting chillier and I have been enjoying a warm drink to start the day.
  • I always pack my lunch for work and have been using festive napkins or snacks for the season. Rather than a plain white napkin, I have been using fall or Halloween napkins to make things a bit more exciting. 

I’ve been working on setting my phone down when I am watching shows or going out on walks. I used to be on my phone a lot absently scrolling and I’m working on being intentional of when I am on my phone. 

I’ve been more intentional with what I listen to, I would rather listen to my favorite podcast or favorite songs on a playlist than listening to the radio.

Lastly, I have been checking in more with friends and family just because, whether it is sending a thinking of you card in the mail, or a photo of a memory, or even a holiday care package, I have been actively searching for ways to build connection with loved ones. It not only brings me joy, but I hope it puts a smile on their faces too.

These are just a few ways I have romanticized my life, little, free ways that I have slowed down and appreciated the little moments in my life every day. There are so many ways to find the beauty and simplicity in life.

Taking walks in nature has been another way I have reconnected with myself.

What are some ways you have romanticized your life?

I would love to hear from you! Happy Wednesday!

Fabulous living

The Lazy Genius Life

Hello everyone! 

Happy Wednesday! How has your week been going? Feeling good and productive or just barely getting by? We are halfway to the weekend and nearing the end of October. Iā€™m excited to continue to check off things from my fall bucket list over the next few weeks and weekends.


Another sign of fall, so many beautiful mums this time of year!

One of the things I am passionate about is personal development and growth. I truly believe no matter where you are in life or how old you are, you can be constantly changing, growing, and adapting. 

If you have been following my blog for a while you may recall I went through a big period of growth in college. I gained a lot of independence and really found myself in a new environment. 

I went through a similar transition when I started my first job. I went from a college student to a working professional, moved back home, met new people, and began my career.

Whether you are experiencing big or small changes, I believe we can learn and grow from them. 

One resource that I have really grown to love and learn from is the Lazy Genius Way. You may have heard of the podcast by Kendra Adachi. It has been around for years, but I found it within the last year and I have learned so much from her and this way of life. She also has published three books, (one just came out this month and Iā€™m obsessed with it). Her tagline or mission is ā€œBe a Genius about things that matter and Lazy about things that donā€™tā€. I love the energy and kindness she brings to each podcast episode, book, newsletter and Instagram post.

She releases podcasts episodes every week and covers a variety of topics from starting small, time management, living in your season, and naming what matters. She also created thirteen principles to follow and steps to lazy genius your life. 

I look forward to her podcasts every week, they run between 25-50 minutes and are perfect for advice, life hacks, productivity, organization, time management and everything in between. Listening to her podcasts are one of my favorite moments throughout the week. I have even gone back and listened to older episodes or re-listened to my favorite ones. If you want to dip your toes in The Lazy Genius life, this is a great way to begin.

Letā€™s say you want to take it a step further, Adachi has three books that are informative, thought provoking and easy to read. I have found myself reading them in her voice. Her first book is called ā€œThe Lazy Genius Wayā€ and in the book she breaks down the thirteen lazy genius principles, what they are and how to incorporate them into your life. This is a great building block to her podcast.

Her second book is ā€œThe Lazy Genius Kitchenā€, itā€™s not a cookbook, rather itā€™s a way to use your kitchen, food, ingredients, and space to the best of your ability and a way that works for you. Thatā€™s another thing Adachi stresses in her books and podcasts, not everyoneā€™s lives look the exact same, what works for someone else may not work for you and thatā€™s okay. The Lazy Genius Kitchen is a great tool for navigating your space. 

Her third and most recent book is called ā€œThe Planā€, itā€™s all about time management, organization and most importantly, giving yourself compassion. What I love about this book is that she doesnā€™t give a list to follow or things to do to manage your time better, rather she gives you tools and examples that you can tailor to your life. I think this is such an important thing to remember. 

Some of the biggest lessons I have taken away from Adachi through her books and podcasts include starting small, naming what matters, compassionate time management, learning to pivot rather than plan and the importance of rest. I come away after an episode, book, or newsletter, learning something new and having tools that can help me in so many different avenues of life. 

I truly believe that you can always be learning and adapting in life and you never know how one person or book can change your life. I know I have changed my mindset and how I approach situations by using the tools I have learned from Adachi and The Lazy Genius Way. This is by no means a sponsored post, this is me simply sharing my love and appreciation for this new way of thinking. You can learn more about Kendra Adachi and the Lazy Genius Collective here. I hope this inspires you to check out Kendra or be open to a new book, podcast or concept, who knows, it may change your life! 

Happy Wednesday friends!!!