Fabulous living

A Day in the Life (2/28/18)

Hello All!

I hope your Tuesday is off to a great start. I’m on Spring break this week, so I’m taking full advantage of resting, relaxing and being home.

Last semester I shared a look into my life as a college student, with a new semester and schedule, I’m sharing an updated look at a day in the life. Last Wednesday, I documented my day and here’s a sneak peak into a “typical day”

I start my day at 6:15, bright and early.
I head to the gym around 6:50. This was the sky as I walked to the gym. It’s always so quiet and peaceful in the early morning.
This is my playlist at the gym. This best of the 80’s playlist has been on repeat for early mornings at the gym. Thank you Amazon Music.
After I got back from the gym I ate some trail mix and milk for breakfast.
After I ate, I did some journaling and did a daily Lenten reflection. I always try to set aside some time every day for prayer and reflection.
I did some work and reviewing for a few midterms I had this week before class.
I am currently binge watching Parks and Rec in my free time,so While I was getting ready< i got a quick episode in.
Outfit for this Spring-ish weather.
Heading to class at 10:00, nothing but blue skies this last day of February.
My first class was Digital Media, a video production and editing class.
At 11:30, I headed to Music Appreciation, where I had a midterm.
I grabbed a quick lunch with my friend Shay, and I forgot to snap a picture. After lunch, I headed back to my dorm to get some work done before my afternoon classes.
Taking notes and working ahead for a few classes in between classes.
I headed to Advertising Strategies at 3:00 for class, we worked on updating resumes in class.
After class ended at 4:15, I headed to the library to get some reading and notes done before dinner.
Dinner with my bestie, Shay! It was mac and cheese night which is a favorite. Fun Fact: we saw each other in the gym at 7 am, in class, at lunch, and dinner. This is why she is my unofficial roommate.
After dinner, It was homework time. Editing papers, reading, and preparing for class tomorrow.
After showering and getting ready for tomorrow. I chose to unwind by watching Seal Team at the end of the day.
Heading to bed, or so I thought…turns out 30 minutes later, the fire alarm went off since someone burnt something. After spending 30 minutes outside it was time to head back in and back to bed. So much for a typical day!

And there you have it, that’s a day in the life. No day is ever normal as you can tell by the things that can thrown at me throughout the day. I hope you enjoyed a peak into the day in the life of a college student. See you on Thursday!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

6 replies on “A Day in the Life (2/28/18)”

If you think this is bad, you don’t want to hear about my Monday’s! Haha

So cool to share your day! Continue to take care of your soul, mind and body. Thanks for sharing!

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