Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a great week! I don’t know about you, but a few weeks after the holidays pass, I am looking for something new to do. That’s one of the reasons why I love New Year’s resolutions and hobbies, it gives me something to work on and look forward to. I shared my New Year’s Resolutions a few weeks ago and I have already made some headway with them.

Today, I’m sharing my Winter Bucket List for 2025. These posts are some of my favorite to put together. I love coming up with new ideas of things I hope to do and this list is a great fallback if I am looking for something to do with friends or family. There are some things I try to do every year and some new things on the bucket list. I am always open to suggestions for winter fun-especially in the snow, which we get a lot of.

Without further ado, here’s my 2025 Winter Bucket List:
- Start Working on My New Year’s Resolutions
- Go Skiing or Sled Riding
- Ice Skating
- Library Winter Reading Challenge
- Read The Lazy Genius Cookbook
- Read by the Fire with a Warm Drink
- Finish Breaking Bad and start a new show
- Simplicity Challenge
- Try a New Winter Activity
- Donate Blood
- Have a Movie Day
- Fondue Night
- Try New Recipes
- Winter Walks and Runs
- Try A New Coffee Shop
- Do Something Creative
- Celebrate Valentine’s Day
This is just a start of what I want to accomplish over the next few months. I know it will be chilly and I won’t be able to spend as much time as I want outdoors, but I plan on making the most of the winter season.
I also want to use these next few months to slow down, reset, and refocus as we enter a new year. Tell me, whether you have snow or not, what’s on your Winter Bucket List and what do you hope to accomplish over the next few months? I would love to hear from you!
Have a great rest of your week and I will see you back here on Friday for another roundup of Friday Favorites!