Hi everyone!
Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week. These next few weeks will be busy as we get ready for Thanksgiving and then eventually, Christmas, but I am ready for it. Bring on the challenge and the fun too! It’s still fairly decent weather for November, so I have been doing my best to enjoy the outdoors as much as I can, even enjoying my drinks outside when I can.

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with Shay and Erika.

Here’s a recap of the things we have talked about so far this year:
In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.
In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day
In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts
In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.
In May, we talked about Summer Staples.
In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.
In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.
In August, we learned about our Pantry Staples
In September, we shared Easy Weeknight Meals
In October, it was all about how we Prep for the Holidays.
I can’t believe we only have a few more to go this year. Today’s topic is Gift Ideas for Men, now guys are hard to buy for, no matter the age, so hopefully, this gives you some ideas or suggestions. I asked my boyfriend for some help on this and I came up with my own ideas too. I created five categories or groups to get ideas from.

First, when it comes to men, always think practically. It may not be as fun, but most guys prefer a practical gift that they will use time and time again over something that is nice, but not as functional. Let’s dive right in!
- Experience– Rather than getting a guy something they may not use or like, think about getting them an experience. This can be anything from tickets to seeing their favorite sporting team, going to a concert, maybe doing an activity, like beer tasting or trying a new hobby, and taking lessons or a course in it. You can still wrap up the tickets and make it something fun to open with the information inside.
- Game Day Gear– Whether they are into sports or music or another hobby, you can never go wrong with getting them some gear. This can be more traditional items like jerseys or t-shirts, or you can go the more unique route and find something vintage online. Etsy always has such unique gifts and I love supporting local businesses too!
- A Nice Watch– Guys might not be into jewelry as much as girls, but, you can never go wrong with a nice watch. You can take the more route with a traditional watch that they can dress up or down, or if they are more sporty, you can go the fitness watch route. I personally love my Apple Watch and use it every day. This is definitely a practical and useful gift for the guy.
- Favorites Gift- For the guy who has everything, get him all his favorites. This can be his favorite foods, drinks, snacks, and gift cards to his favorite restaurants. You can even use this gift as a way to restock on his go to items, maybe he has a favorite type of pen that he only uses or a brand of shirts that he always wears, buy all his must have items and wrap them all up together or separate.
- Upgrade Essentials– Purchase some higher quality versions of his favorite items. This can be anything from buying some nicer dress shirts or socks if he works in an office, to getting him a new pair of running shoes. Guys don’t always want to spend money on themselves, so this is a great way to get them things they need and splurge a bit.
I know these aren’t specific gifts for guys, but hopefully these suggestions lead to more ideas for the special guy in your life. Tell me: what are some things you plan on buying for the men in your lives? I’m always open to ideas! Happy Christmas Shopping!