Hello All!
Happy Wednesday! We are in full on cozy season here, but I am still trying to get outdoors as much as I can even if it’s just for a walk with my dogs.

Speaking of the outdoors, I am just wrapping my second summer of growing a garden and year two went very differently than year one.

Here’s my post from the start of the season when I had high hopes for this summer.

This year I had a mix of seeds and plants for vegetables. I had plans to harvest pumpkins, squash, strawberries, onions, peas, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers (yes, I know, I had a lot of expectations).

I kept my plants in a mix of soil and pots in different areas. I checked on them every day and watered them consistently and made sure they had lots of sun.

Unfortunately, this year’s harvest was not as plentiful as my first year. I found that the plants that I purchased did better than the seeds.

Some of my seeds did not even produce vegetables, which was a bit disappointing.

I did get some vegetables like a tomato, a cucumber, and some strawberries and they were delicious and so flavorful!

Once again, it was a fun experience, but a bit frustrating when I didn’t get the results I was hoping for.

My plan is to try and grow more vegetables next year and I goal is to buy plants instead of seeds.

If you are an avid gardener, what advice would you give and did you have a successful harvest?

I would love to hear about your experience so I can better prepare for next year.
Happy Gardening!