Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #100

Happy Friday!

I can’t believe this is my 100th Friday Favorites. I’ve shared a lot of favorites week over week and it’s been so fun to share what things I love and what things you might be interested in too! It’s been a fun 100 posts as I link up weekly with Erika and Andrea and I can’t wait for 100 more! By my count, I’ve shared over 500 favorites things with you over the past two years, in good news, I have a lot more favorites to share! 

Let’s get to it!

Emily Henry article– I’m a huge fan of Emily Henry! I look forward to each of her books every year. I finished Funny Story and it’s been such a good summer read! More on that later, but if you are a fan of Henry or if you have never read her works, I highly recommend them. I came across this article which is a great primer about all her books with little synopsis of each. Definitely a great place to start if you are interested in Emily Henry!

New Candle Scent– It was time for a new candle scent and I’m loving this scent. I got it as a gift, so I’m not sure where it’s from but it’s lavender scented. It is such a soothing and calming scent. I love the floral holder it comes in. So feminine for my desk. I also love that it complements my lavender and linen wall flower when I use it from Bath and Body Works.

New Bracelet– I got this blue floral bangle for my birthday and have gotten so much use out of it already. I love the floral designs with the different shades of blue. I also love the gold accents. I wear a lot of blue in the summer and it’s the perfect accessory to wear at work with different dresses and jumpsuits. I got it from Rifle Paper Company if you are interested.

Fixer Upper: The Lake House– I have gotten hooked on Fixer Upper: The Lake House. I always love watching Fixer Upper and have really enjoyed some of their spin-off series like the Hotel and the Lake House. I always love seeing how they think outside of the box with their designs and decor. This has been such a fun show to watch at the end of the day and I love seeing the antics between Chip and Jo!

Solid t-Shirts– As summer sets in, I was on the hunt for some clothes/outfits that can be worn on days off or on the weekends. I love this tennis skort and the versatility of it. Plus, a cream can go with anything. Solid t-shirts have been my new favorite thing to grab to mix and match with outfits. I have them in pink, red, black, and white. As much as I love a graphic t-shirt, I do love the simplicity of a solid color too, plus they make pairing them with different outfits so much easier too. This outfit just screams summer to me. 

That’s a look into some of my favorites over the past week. Thanks so much for stopping by and for being along for 100 weeks of Friday Favorites! 

Have a great weekend!


Currently #54

Hi everyone!

I can’t believe we are at the end of June. This summer is going by so fast and it’s making me sad. There are a lot of good things on the horizon, but also some major changes. I’m just trying to take it one day at a time and enjoy where I am at. Since we are at the end of the month, it’s time for another Currently. Here’s a look into life lately.

What I’ve Been Up To:

Since I last caught you up on life at the end of May, a lot has happened. 

I have been enjoying a lot of outside time. I have been to minor league and major league games, including a quick trip to Cleveland to see the Guardians play and win!

Beautiful night for baseball
Gorgeous afternoon for a Guards win!

I also celebrated my 26th birthday with dinner at home with my family and boyfriend and cake and presents. We had Jessie James Decker’s Can of Cola Cake with raspberries and it was delicious.

A fun day!
A sweet night!

I’ve spent some time at the local zoo and enjoyed a picnic too. 

Perfect summer day!

I’ve been enjoying lots of outdoor meals!

I’ve also been sneaking in working from outside on days off.

Lots of ice cream runs on hot days!

And Morning walks and drinks!

What I’m Wearing:

I have been loving a mix of casual and work outfits including this skort and t-shirt combination for a casual look.

I also have been wearing bold and bright colors in the summer, like this new suit from J.Crew.

Some blue and white too!

What I’m Reading:

Expiration DatesExpiration Dates was such a fun read by Rebecca Serle. I have really enjoyed her other books and this one didn’t disappoint. It’s all about a girl who always gets a note and date of when each of her relationships will end. This happens for years until she gets a note with no end date. Has she finally met her match or is it a trick with fate? There were some unexpected twists and turns that I didn’t see coming that really added to the plot. The ending was my favorite, definitely a summer read. 

The Perfect MarriageThe Perfect Marriage was a mystery/ thriller that I didn’t know I needed to read, and it was one of my favorite books that I have read in months. From the outside, it looks like this couple has the perfect marriage, that is until the husband’s mistress ends up dead. The person who defends the husband? His wife, who is a top attorney. I loved the mystery of who killed the mistress and seeing how more people got caught into the web of the marriage. I stayed up late and woke up early to finish it.

The HeiressThe Heiress by Rachel Hawkins is all about a young man who returns to his family’s estate to collect his inheritance. Once he arrives, he learns there’s more to the family story than he realized and everyone has a secret and ulterior motive, including his own mother. The books goes back and forth between the present day and letters that are written talking about what happened. There are a lot of characters which can be hard to keep track. But overall, it was a good book with a really good and unexpected ending.

It Had to Be YouIt Had to Be You by Mary Higgins Clark was a page turner and thriller that had me staying up late to finish it. It’s all about twin brothers who are accused of murdering their parents. Years later, the case is reopened and new evidence is brought to light. It took a while for it to pick up, but once it did, I was hooked. Definitely recommend it!

How to End a Love Story- How to End a Love Story is by Yulin Kuang. This is a new to me author, but I really enjoyed this book. It’s all about a young woman whose book gets turned into a tv show, one of the writers is someone from her past. Will the two resolve their differences and work together or is the past too much to move forward together? I really loved the character development and the behind the scenes of the making of the show.

What I’m Watching:

Bridgerton is back, both installments of the new season dropped over the past month. Although, I’m not a huge fan of the character Penelope, she really grew on me this season and really matured too. I also loved the costumes, setting and modern music tied in.

What I’m Cooking:

This has been such a good month for cooking and it’s been filled with lots of fresh fruits, veggies, and grilling.

Chinese Chicken Salad was a hit from Jessie James Decker’s cookbook.

Chinese Chicken Salad

Caprese Chicken– I grilled chicken and add fresh mozzarella, tomato and balsamic for my birthday dinner. We also as shrimp pineapple skewers for an appetizer and a Cesear salad which was delicious. We ended the night with Jessie James Decker’s Can of Cola cake with raspberries and ice cream. Yum!

Pineapple Shrimp Rice- I got this recipe from Mix and Match Mama. I love how easy it was to make and how light and fresh it was, while still being filling.

Bowls– I’ve been enjoying bowls for lunch with things I have in my fridge. On this day, I mixed black beans, corn, rice, pork and salsa for Tex Mex bowl-yum!

Citrus Salmon with Orzo and sides- This was a light and refreshing, but most importantly, healthy dinner. All wins in my book in the summer.

Apricot Ham and Broccoli Salad– Both of these recipes are from the cookbook, Brunch with Babes. I have been saving recipes to try and this month was perfect. I love the flavor of the ham and the crunch of the salad.

What Inspires Me:

I have been reading Savannah Guthrie’s book, Mostly What God Does, every night and I have been loving ending my day with something prayerful and to cal

m my mind. This quote really stood out to me.

My sweet friend Sarah got me a necklace for my birthday, and it came with this beautiful quote. So inspiring especially in the summer months.

Some inspiration from Simplified in June!

What I Accomplished:

I have been making my way through my summer bucket list and trying to soak up as much time as I can outside. 

I’ve done that by enjoying ice cream or milkshake runs.

Reading by the pool

Planting Flowers

Planting my garden

Here we have strawberries, zuchinni, pumpkins, and squash
Here are carrots, onions, peas, tomatoes, and peppers

I also ran my furthest this month of 8 miles. I was very proud of that accomplishment.

Goals from Last Month: I really wanted to make a point to soak up summer and enjoy the mornings and nights when I could. I still have a ways to go on my summer bucket list, but I’m just hoping summer slows down. I’m not ready for it to end.

I checked Donuts and Sunrise off my Summer Bucket List

I also ventured to a new place for a morning hike.

I’ve gotten to enjoy dinner by the water.

Followed by ice cream runs!

A day trip to Deep Creek, Maryland happened this month, my first time for a day of hiking and hitting the beach and reading.

Goals from This Month: Next month will be busy between the Fourth of July and celebrations. I have a wedding to go to and I want to make plans to see friends while still enjoying summer and working too. It will be busy but oh so fun!

Both my pups enjoying the warm weather!
Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #99

Hello all! 

Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are doing something fun this summer weekend.

Before we begin the weekend, I want to share some things I have been loving this week as I link up with with Erika and Andrea.

We are in the middle of a heat wave with temperatures in the 90’s. Summer nights have set in which means ice cream runs- YUM!

The theme this week of favorites is new! You will see what I mean as we get into this week’s favorites!

New Kate Spade bag- I got this bag from Kate Spade for my birthday and it’s already been used a lot. It’s the perfect size to carry all the extra things you may not be able to fit in a purse (like a light jacket, planner, things to be mailed etc.) or if you are running errands and need a spot to throw all the extras. It’s also a great bag to use for a spare change of clothes. I often will have an extra outfit to wear after work if I have plans that requires a change. Not only is the size great, but so are the colors of the purse. This has been the perfect summer tote!

Moroccan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner– If you have been following along for a while then you know whenever I travel, I always like to use sample products to try out other brands before I make a purchase. I recently tried this Moroccan Oil shampoo and conditioner and really loved how it felt on my hair. After washing my hair, it felt silkier and smoother and that feeling didn’t go away for almost 24 hours. I also really loved the scent. I love the products I am using for my hair now, but I wouldn’t be opposed to trying this again in a travel size.

New Running Sneakers– Sticking with new items, I got these new sneakers for running and they have been a favorite. My brother picked them out for me. They have a ton of support, are comfortable, and I love the colors of the sneakers. I got the New Balance Fresh Foam 880s. They have been great running sneakers especially as I prepare for another race. I put a lot of miles on my old sneakers from last year, so I will be using those sneakers for the gym and these for running.

Mother of the Bride- If you are looking for a cute, rom com this summer, I have a recommendation! Mother of the Bride on Netflix was a hit for my mom and I! It’s all about a mother who helps prepare her daughter for her destination wedding. They arrive in Thailand only to find out the groom’s father is an ex of the mother’s. There’s a lot of messy history, but can they put their differences aside for their children? You will have to watch to find out. Super cute, summer movie for a girl’s night.

New Summer Sandals- I was on the hunt for a new pair of summer sandals that could be dressed up or down and I found them through DSW, are we surprised? These are the sandals I got. They are comfortable and supportive. I love the neutral color of black and I love how they can be dressed up with a sundress or skirt or dressed down with shorts or jeans. I know I will be getting  a lot of use out of them this summer.

That’s a peak into some things I have been loving this past week. What are some things that have brought you joy!? Share them with me in the comments below!

Happy Friday!

Fabulous living

Embracing Change

Hello all! 

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all enjoying June and the summer season. I hope your days are filled with time by the pool, stopping and smelling the roses and late nights by the fire. That all sounds dreamy, but in reality, you may have children home from school with no schedule, or you may be working full time and life looks the same as it does in December.

I love the summer season and try to sneak in pockets for relaxing or doing something fun even in the midst of work and life and my daily routine.

Beautiful days on the water

Whether it’s a walk after work, dinner outside, or reading by the pool on a day off, I have been trying my best to find ways to enjoy the summer season when I can and break up my routine. 

Speaking of routines, that’s what today’s post is all about being flexible and adapting to change.

Last week, we talked about summer schedules and routines and rhythms. As you may have noticed, I love a good routine, but I need to get better at adapting and getting used to change, especially when my schedule gets thrown off. So today we are talking about change on a broader scale.

Change, we either embrace or we fear it, in some cases we may even try to deny it. (Hello, that’s me sometimes!)

I’ve never been one who adapts easily to change. I’m as Type A as they come, I crave a schedule, routine, and I’m very regimented. I admit to getting thrown of when my routine gets thrown off or I don’t accomplish everything I want to in a day or on my to-do list. I know no one is putting the pressure on me and I create the pressure, but I don’t always do well with leaving things not completed.

Although being organized and regimented are all good qualities to have, they have held me back from being flexible and sometimes adaptable to life and being spontaneous to activities and adventures. I may get stressed about being out late or not feeling a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. For the last several years, I have kept putting “be flexible” on my new year’s resolutions or goals, and often times I try to be more flexible, but I slip back into old habits of being regimented.

This past year has brought some changes to my life, and more are on the way. They are all good things, but they are changes, nonetheless. I decided this year to embrace the change rather than fear it. It was a daunting goal and one I’m still trying to navigate. I have been listening to The Lazy Genius Podcast by Kendra Adachi and one of her pillars is starting small. I have really been working on starting small when it comes to decision making or when I get overwhelmed with change. Rather than try to solve all my problems, I focus on what I can control and make decisions about.

I have been trying to look at change as an exciting time, rather than a stressful time. I am looking at the positives of a new routine or seeing how I can grow as a person through change. Plus, so often we see the best changes in ourselves when we have to go through the uncomfortable moments in life. 

As practical way that I have been coping with change is by journaling. In addition to my daily journals, which I keep to look back on, I have been doing a lot of brain dumps. These aren’t your typical brain dumps where you write down everything you may have to do or want to accomplish, instead, I have been writing down all my stressors, fears, anxieties, and worries and getting them out of my mind. This helps a lot at night when my mind is racing. I write down every good or bad thing that’s on my mind and have found that even if I don’t solve anything, it helps to have it out of my mind and on paper. I often will throw out the paper, but it helps put things in perspective of what’s important and what things I can control.

Change is scary, stressful, overwhelming, but it can also be exciting and full of new beginnings. 

In this season of life, I’m choosing to embrace change and not fear it, I know it won’t be easy, but I am ready for the challenge and I’m excited to see how I grow along the way.

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #98

Hello Everyone and a Happy Friday to You!

I hope you are having a great summer week and are doing something fun for the weekend.  I took advantage of the calm weather and enjoyed a beautiful morning walk this past week! Plus, yesterday was in the 80’s and I did as much as I could outside, even laundry and computer work.

Before we get to all the weekend happenings, I wanted to share some things with you that I have been loving. Let’s dive right in as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Pink Suit– This may be one of my favorite work purchases in a long time. I was on the hunt for a matching suit for months. I was looking for a dark blue, or a black or even gray matching suit. However, once I saw this matching pink suit at J. Crew I knew I had to get it. I love the cut and style of the suit, but more importantly, I love the boldness of the pink. Now, I wouldn’t wear this every day, but it is a great outfit to wear when you want to make a statement. I also love that you can swap out what blouse you wear under it, you can choose from a classic white, a navy, or even a black. You can even just wear the pants and a blouse and forgo the blazer and wear the bold pants with a solid or a floral top. This has been a favorite purchase that I know I will get a lot of good use out of. 

Kate Spade Jewelry– Another fashion favorite, I got this matching Kate Spade jewelry set for my birthday and have been having so much fun finding different outfits to wear them with. I love the glitz and glam with the sparkles, but also appreciate that the necklace and earrings aren’t too overwhelming. I think you can really dress up any solid dress or top with these items. They are fun for a girl’s night out or a date night. 

New Season of Books Beach and Beyond- One of my favorite podcasts returned for a second season. Books, Beach and Beyond is by Elin Hilderbrand and Tim Ehrenberg. They talk all things, books, authors, Nantucket, and publications. I found this podcast last winter and was so happy when they announced they would be back for another season. I always find new authors and book recommendations from them and I can’t wait to listen to the weekly episodes during my weekly runs. Their guest this week was Sarah Jessica Parker, so fun! Plus, Hilderbrand gives scoop into her books and life as an author.

New summer spray and lotion– Although, they aren’t the same scent, I’m very excited to start using these scents from Bath and Body Works. They complement each other very well. I got a lot of new scents from the Bridgerton for hand sanitizers to room scents, that I can’t wait to try, but until then I needed something summery and fresh. I love anything lemon so I know this lotion will be a hit and this body spray will be perfect for hot summer days. I can’t wait to start using them.

Bridgerton Season 3 Part Two– The second part of season 3 of Bridgerton dropped yesterday. I haven’t started it yet, but I plan to this weekend. I loved the first half of season 3 and I can’t wait to see where the second half takes us. The only downside is that there are four episodes and Bridgerton won’t be back until 2026! I wish it wasn’t that long of a wait, so I’m hoping these episodes tie me over until then.

That’s a look into what I’ve been loving lately. Tell me: hat are some of your favorite things from this past week? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Summer Schedules

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday! If you are in summer mode, I hope you are embracing the summer season and everything that comes with it. If your life is still normal and not much has changed except for the weather, I hope you are able to enjoy the warm temperatures in the midst of your everyday happenings.

Taking time slow down in the summer months.

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with with Shay and Erika.This has been such a fun link up for me as I love sharing bits and pieces of my life and I love learning from others too.

Here’s a look at some of the topics we have discussed so far this year:

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

Today’s topic is all about our summer schedules.

My summer schedule doesn’t look too much different compared to my schedule throughout the year. Because I work full-time and year-round, how I structure my day doesn’t change no matter the season. I work the same days and hours and things stay pretty status quo. However, I do try to keep my schedule more open in the summer months to allow for more flexibility with events and plans. I have siblings who are home from school and like to spend time with them when I’m not working. I also like to build in time for day trips, family vacations, and time to do things before or after work. In the other three seasons, I often try to add things to do after work, but in the summer, I like to have as little on my calendar as possible to allow room for spontaneity. If I want to go to a baseball game after work on a Tuesday, I want to be able to do that without having to rearrange schedules or plans.  

In the fall and winter, I tend to schedule more doctor’s appointments or make plans to accomplish different house projects or personal projects on days off. I really like to maximize my time the best I can, but in the summertime, I put the projects on hold to really enjoy the weather and time outside and build in time for loved ones.

I always like to make my summer bucket list which I shared last week, which always gives me ideas of things to do with my boyfriend or friends or family. It also holds me accountable for what I want to make sure I accomplish every week.

Whether you have a strict summer schedule or routine due to children being out of school, or you like to let things go and add more flexibility in your schedule, I highly recommend giving yourself grace and being present. 

A few weeks ago, I got home from work on a Sunday afternoon and rather than rush to get things done like laundry or cleaning, I decided to go for a walk, sit outside and have a slow dinner that wasn’t rushed. The laundry got done after the sun went down and the cleaning was a quick dusting as opposed to a deep dive, however, I was much happier by sitting in the sun as opposed to working indoors. When I think of summer, I like to think of slow afternoons, nights by the grill, and being tired because you spent too much time in the sun. That’s what I’m hoping for this summer. I know not every day will be like that, but if I can squeeze in more calm days as opposed to rushing around and always being in a hurry, I will be happy. 

I know this wasn’t how the prompt was intended, but I took my own spin on it. Tell me: As we gear up for summer, what are your hopes and dreams and how do you want your summer to look and feel? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy June!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #97

Hello everyone! A very happy Friday to you as we make our way through June! I LOVE this time of year. School is out for summer, schedules are allegedly a little more relaxed, nights seem longer, and you want to stay outside for as long as you can. I am truly living my best life. I already went to my first MLB game of the summer last week and had so much fun. Truly a perfect summer day!

Beautiful day for some summer baseball!

Before we get to the weekend and all the fun that comes with it, I’m sharing my latest roundup of what I’m loving this Friday as I link up with  Erika and Andrea 

Here’s what’s been on my radar of things I’m interested in.

Mostly What God Does-I got this book, Mostly What God Does a few months ago, but just got around to reading it. I adore Savannah Guthrie and I was so excited to read her book, especially since it was faith-based. It’s a series of essays about faith, God, his love, and life. You can read it all at once, but I’m choosing to read an essay/passage a night. I finished my other nightly devotional, Near in the Night, and decided this was the perfect time to start a new one. I really love how Guthrie has the book laid out. It gives readers a chance to really focus on the material and then digest it. This has been such a favorite for me.

New Lip Gloss– I got this lip gloss from Ulta Beauty as part of my birthday rewards. I always love to try new beauty and makeup products especially when they are either travel size or free. It gives you a good feel of the product before you invest in a full size. I always use any samples when I am traveling to see if I like them and to use them up. Now, back to the lip gloss. This is a new brand to me, but I love the gloss and shine it gives off. It’s a soft and subtle pink, so it can be worn on top of a darker matte if you are looking for some shine or it can be worn by itself if you are looking to elevate your look a bit. I’ve been really pleased with it, and I can see myself wearing it a lot in the summer months. 

Fruit and Granola– I have been in the fruit mode all summer long. I love fruit all year around, but there’s nothing quite like fresh fruit in the summer. Besides enjoying fruit at lunch, I have been enjoying some at night as a post-dinner snack or dessert. Here’s what I have been making, slicing up and fruit I have (strawberries, raspberries, bananas etc), adding a little bit of whipped cream, some mini chocolate chips and granola. It’s been the perfect healthy snack that satisfies my sweet tooth. This would be a great afternoon snack as well. 

Outlander Trailer– One of my favorite series, Outlander is coming back soon and the new trailer for the season dropped this past week. This season is all about the Revolution. The series is winding down so I’m excited to see how things wrap up. If you are a fan of the series, you can watch the trailer here. Also, for all the fans out there, what do you think of what to expect over the next few episodes?

Lululemon Top-I recently got some new activewear including some tops from Lululemon. Lavendar seems to be the color of the year and I am here for it. I love the lightweightness of the top and how breathable it is, those are two things that I always look for in athletic gear. I have paired this top with both leggings and shorts, but I do prefer the leggings as opposed to shorts. I love how it can be mixed and matched with other patterns since it’s a neutral top. This will definitely be getting a lot of wear in the summer months as I head to the gym, go for a run, or just lounging around the house.

Well there you have it, five of my favorite things from this past week. A mixed bag of clothes, beauty products, some summer snacks and a new book. Tell me: what are some things that have caught your eye recently? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!

Fabulous living

Summer Bucket List

Hello all!

Happy June! I hope you had a great first weekend of June and are enjoying the unofficial start to the summer season. Memorial Day and June always gets me in the summer spirit and with that comes my summer bucket list.

I did fairly well with my spring bucket list, but I am excited for the next few months of summer fun activities, both local and around the region. 

Here’s a look at what I hope to accomplish over the next few months and who knows, maybe it will give you some ideas too!

-Watch the sunrise and sunset at the beach with fresh donuts

-Summer Walks at some of my favorite spots (North East, Wintergreen Gorge)

-Baseball Games

-Zoo Trips

-Ice Cream Dates (Denny’s Creamland, Whippy Dip, Lucky Duck, J’s)

-Beach Day and Sara’s

-Lakeside Bagel and Edinboro with Mini Golf

-Run a 10K

-Grilling near and far

-Pool Days

-Family Trip

-Day Trips

-Double Dates

-Walks with Friends 

-Fruit Picking

-Heritage Festivals

-Summer Picnics


-Visit a New Place

That’s a look at what I hope to accomplish this summer. What’s on your summer bucket list or summer to do? I would love to hear from you! Have a fabulous Wednesday!