
Travel Diaries: Maryland, D.C., Philadelphia

Happy Tuesday!

By now, you have probably figured out that I am always on the go. Whether it’s for me, siblings, or family, I’m never in one place for long. Last week was no exception. So, what was my week like?

Monday: Pittsburgh

Tuesday:  Cleveland

Wednesday: Maryland

Thursday: Washington D.C.

Friday: Philadelphia

I was in Pittsburgh and Cleveland for work and meetings but D.C. and Philly was more for family time.

A bird’s eye view of Pittsburgh.
Spending some time in The Land

Day 1

Wednesday started out with some last minute packing and getting ready to hit the road. I am always organized, so you better believe my suitcase was organized too. Here’s a sneak peek into my suitcase.

No matter how long your trip is, staying organized is a must.
Clearly, for this trip is was into black and white. I try to stick with a color scheme for each trip.
Ready to hit the road!

I spent most of Wednesday in the car traveling. With a 6 hour drive I kept myself busy with reading and lots of Netflix. I’m almost done with my current series so if you have any suggestions of what to watch next. Let me know in the comments below! By the time we made it to Landover, MD, I was ready for some dinner and to relax. My dad and brothers headed to a professional soccer game while my mom and I relaxed. After the game,  we decided on a quick meal before calling it a night. I love some quesadillas to start off a mini vacay!!!

Fuel after driving all day!

Day 2

After quick breakfast we were off to D.C. for the day.  Although, my family and I have been to our nation’s capital a few times before it’s always nice to see some of our favorite landmarks. We started off at America’s Catholic Church. It was beautiful on the inside and outside. It was a perfect day for sightseeing. Not too hot and not too cool. We drove a lot through Washington and passed several historical buildings and stopped to get out and do some walking.

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Breathtaking.
Driving through D.C. and a few of my favorite buildings, J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building
Every time I go to Arlington National Cemetery, I am moved. So many brave people gave their life for our country.
The Lincoln memorial.
Classic Washington monument/mall picture. one of my favorite spots in D.C.
Me in D.C.

Although, we have been to D.C. before we never went to the Jefferson Memorial. This trip we went and it was beautiful. When my family and I travel, even if we go to the same place, we try to do one new thing. It keeps things fun and interesting.

The Jefferson Memorial. Love how I managed to get the Washington monument in the background.

We wrapped up sightseeing for D.C. and headed to Philly for the next leg of our trip. After we made it to the hotel, we freshened up and headed to dinner. P.F. Changs made me very happy. I love some Asian cuisine. After dinner we called it a night.

Dinner at P.F. Chang. Love me some Chinese food!

Day 3

After waking up, it was time for our last day. We have been to Philadelphia more times than i can count so we decided to do something different. Something different ended up being Valley Forge. A lot of our family trips have some sort of history aspect to it. I think it’s great to learn about where we come from so we can appreciate where we are today.

Our last stop, Valley Forge!
Stunning views at Valley Forge

After watching a film, and doing a driving/walking tour and lunch we decided to call it a trip. We headed back home grabbing dinner on the way. No matter how long or short the trip is, its always important to make memories because you never know if you will experience those feelings again. That’s a brief look into my crazy week. HAHA! All in all I had a wonderful time. Where have you guys been traveling this summer? Any suggestions for me? See you on Thursday!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

6 replies on “Travel Diaries: Maryland, D.C., Philadelphia”

Great post with great photos!! Loved the pic of you in D.C. 🙂 Nothing better than traveling with family!! Xoxo

Thank you! It was fun to do something different and see some great sites!

I am going to try the color scheme next trip maybe I won’t pack so much. D.C. one of my favorite places! Went to the ocean for a week. No stress at the beach. Last week we went to one of your favorite places HERSHEY HOTEL. Very peaceful & beautiful.

Yes! I always find it easier to pack with a color scheme! Its also fun to mix and match outfits with similar colors! Yes, Hershey is one of those places where you can truly relax and do activities! Best of both worlds!!!

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