Fabulous living

New Year. New Me. (Too cliche?)

Happy New Year!!! I hope you all had a safe New Years and rung it in in style. The new year is a time to start fresh. We all get a clean slate and can better ourselves in the upcoming year. The new year is also a time for everyone’s favorite word…. resolution. We either love them, hate them, or make them and forget about them in a week. This year, I am going to try my best to come up with realistic resolutions and try to stick to them. I plan to write them out and put them where I can see them every day to remind me of them. By seeing them, I will feel motivated to accomplish them. My three resolutions for 2018 are…

  • Snack less. I love to snack, and I have a big sweet tooth, this year I’m going to choose healthier foods instead of my sweet and salty choices. I often get something to eat when I think I’m hungry when I’m not. We all can indulge from time to time but its important to choose healthier options and snack less between meals. This is going to be a tough resolution, but I hope to see changes this year.
  • Read more. I love to read, but I also love my tv shows. I read a lot over the summer and over break, reading relaxes me and I like to step away from technology to escape for a bit (yes, I still read real books and I don’t plan on switching anytime soon.) This year, I am planning on carving time into my schedule to read, I’m thinking about incorporating it into my nighttime routine, but I would love your input and thoughts. Comment below!!
  • Be more flexible. I love my schedules, my plans, and my organization. But, I’ve learned I need to be more flexible and not always stick to a schedule. I want to have more spontaneous adventures and outings in my life this year. This will be the hardest resolution for 2018, but I can’t wait to see how different I am from the beginning to the end of this year.

I limited myself to three resolutions because I want to be realistic and not over commit myself to things I can’t follow through on. What are your resolutions? What changes do you want to see in your lives this year? I know it can be scary, but we can all support each other together on this journey. I’ll be keeping you all updated on my resolutions this year and I hope you will do the same with me. Here’s to change in 2018!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

13 replies on “New Year. New Me. (Too cliche?)”

I love that you only have three. I think the people that always “fail” (I hate that word), are the ones that drown themselves in resolutions. Happy 2018!

Thank you. I try to choose realistic goals that I can see myself accomplishing. I love your goals. I love how you want to work yourself. Very inspirational.

Nice job! They are goals that I certainly can attempt to incorporate in 2018. Keep it simple is a mantra we use frequently in our house. You did just that with your 2018 resolutions.

Thank you. I appreciate the support. I like to make simple changes to see big differences.

Happy New Year! I also set goals to snack less and try to live in the moment. My grandson has taught me about joy and peace. So I try not to stress over situations I have no control over. I also have learned that if there is a moment I do not stay with my goal I get right back to the goal and not wait until next year.

Yes. I need to focus on living in the moment more. I often get stressed about things I can’t control. I’m trying to be more present. Happy New Year!

Thank you!! I like to set goals that i know I can work on. Thanks for following along!

I need to find healthier alternatives for snacks too – I’m doing well, but I could always do better. I love reading, so it’s something I’m always trying to do. Before I go to sleep is sometimes a good time…I also try and bring a book most places in case I have to wait.

Yes, I need to start bringing a book wherever I go. And snacking will be hard but I hope to cut down in the future. Thanks for following along!

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