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How to Study for Finals and Prepare for the Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year….or worst if you are a college student like myself. Finals week is upon us. Time to grab those note cards, pull out the highlighters, and make those study guides. Whether you are studying for finals, or if you aren’t a college student, making your Christmas lists, here are some tips to stay organized this time of year.

Studying for Finals:

-Prepare in advance. – Look to see when your finals are scheduled and plan out of when you want to study for them.

Here’s my day planner. I write down every assignment, meeting, and final down so I don’t forget anything.

– Prepare on your own. – Read through both your notes and textbooks and make your own study guide so you aren’t going back and forth between book and notebook.

-Seek help. – Although we don’t always like to admit it, we sometimes need help. Go to a tutor if you need help in a subject. See your professor with questions you may have while studying. Organize study groups to make sure you are covering all the information.

-Take Care of Yourself. – Finals and the end of the semester are stressful. But don’t forget to take care of yourself. You won’t do well on a test if you are half a sleep or if you are sick from not eating healthy. It may be tempting but try not to skip meals and allow yourself for enough sleep or take a nap if you need to.

Preparing for Christmas:

I am always on my laptop, these post it icons make it easy for me to remember what things I have going on from finals, homework assignments, and extra things I need to get done. Like my Christmas gifts. I like to have it all in one place

-Make a List (and Check it twice). – Make a list for everyone you want to buy gifts for. Think relatives, coworkers, friends, any gift exchanges. You don’t want to leave anyone out on your list.

-Plan out your Gifts. – Do some research and plan what gifts you want to purchase and for whom. This saves time walking around a store waiting for the perfect gift to find you.

-Buy then Wrap. – Get all your purchasing done then wrap your goodies. Put on a Christmas movie and wrap while you relax. It’s easier to wrap everything at one point rather then wrapping things separating at different times.

-Enjoy the Christmas Season. – The holidays can be stressful but It’s important to remember what really matters; family, friends, Jesus. Take time for the family traditions and make memories.

I hope these tips help with preparing for your finals or your Christmas shopping. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, be sure to spend it well with friends and family.

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.

6 replies on “How to Study for Finals and Prepare for the Holiday Season”

Haha! Yes! Right now getting through finals is the only thing on my mind. I’ll be excited to start planning for Christmas soon!

Thank you for reminding me to keep things balanced and organized and the true meaning of the season

We all need that reminder to slow down and put everything in perspective

I try every holiday season to be prepared so my mind is not all over the place. Making list do help and trying to remember Everything Will Not Be Perfect. So breath, be thankful and remember the reason for the season! Enjoy the lights, music,food etc. and make memories. Merry Christmas

Yes, as much as we plan, sometimes we just have to go with the flow, be present in the moment, and move past what didn’t get done.

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