
Currently #1

Hey everyone!

Happy Wednesday. With the new year underway, I decided to start a new series on my blog called “Currently” it will be featured once a month about different things that are currently going on in my life. They will be based around things I’m loving, what I’m doing, and other areas of my life that I feel open to sharing. Let’s begin with the first edition of “Currently”

What I’m up to: I’ve been working a lot recently, being the most recent hire, I have been working different hours and shifts that need the help and I am LOVING it. I am getting so much experience and I am learning something new every day which is very exciting. Also, the people I work with couldn’t be nicer or more helpful. It truly is a dream come true, doing what I love in a place that I love even more. 

What I’m wearing: I have been wearing all the warm clothes that are professional, working in news every day is different so being prepared and practical with what you wear is so important. Here’s a look into one of my more recent looks. I got this dress from Old Navy and I love the cut and style of it, I also wore it on Thanksgiving and it was perfect for the holidays. 

A look into my wardrobe

What I’m reading: My mom got me hooked on the series “The Walk” by Richard Paul Evans, it’s all about a man’s walk across the country, the things he learns and the people he meets along the way. I truly believe that we meet everyone for a reason and they will always have an impact on us and that’s exactly what this book is about. There are five books in the series and I am currently on book two and am loving it. A book review on the whole series will be coming soon. 

My latest read

What I’m Watching: All of my favorite tv shows have come back from hiatus which makes me very happy but I have also been binge-watching The Crown on Netflix and I can’t get enough of it. With all the news that is coming from the Royal Family today, I am even more interested in the history of the Royal family. 

What I’m Loving: Honestly, life is so good right now. I have a job that I LOVE. I get to come home to my family every day in my home which is incredible and I have some pretty amazing people in my life right now, from new friends to old friends. My support system is pretty awesome right now. 

What Inspires Me: I saw this tweet the other day and it spoke volumes. Always be yourself and don’t change for someone. Also, another quote that I recently found that stuck with me was, “Life is what happens to us while we’re planning for something else.” I found that to be so profound and true. We never know what could happen in life so we should enjoy and treasure where we are at now in life. 

A new favorite quote

What I accomplished: I have been getting into a good routine of getting into a new routine and schedule since I started working. For the most part, I have a good balance of work, family time and relaxing. 

Goals for the New Month: Getting back into a better eating and exercise routine. I have been doing better in January but I want to start February on the right foot and jump right into my fitness goals. I also want to keep maintaining friendships with people from college in addition to new friends that I have made at work. Balance is going to be key in the next month.

And that’s a wrap on the first edition of currently, I may add a new question here or there depending on the month but that’s a look into my life right now and what’s currently going on. Have a great week!

By elspeththeblogger

My name is Elspeth. I'm young professional living life one day at a time. I have a passion for fashion, a love for living a clean and healthy life and I can organize anything.